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Posts posted by Triptaminas

  1. 5 hours ago, W3zeer said:

    Don't cry about being adressed in a more rude manner if you talk like that to others, you wont hear me complaining, but the fact that the op got that kind of abuse was indeed the only fact I started commenting in the first place. Why shouldn't I answer your "get good" comment in exactly the same demeaning way? Same claims of superiority, same biases, except I checked your ingame profile and you didn't  ;).


    Most new content is either damage capped or has a mechanic that forces you to stop, like non-scaling defense objectives or efficiency in onslaught. If you think I'm just making that up, maybe you should start looking up comments the devs themselfs made, they are not aiming for hourlong missions, but small bites of play. Also pls don't compare the short duration you can stay in onslaught to the time you can spend in survivals. And with that the levels of the enemy will differ quite a lot, so I don't really see how onslaught added that much difficulty.


    No exactly sure what you tried to say with this, but I guess as of now, change has already happend. And that's why we give feedback ;). And that really was the only reason I wrote here and did that in the tone I did, because I absolutly hate when ppl are giving feedback and others come along trying to shut it down with garbage like "shut up and get good". I get it, you like your toys, they make you feel powerful, but don't think your opinion is worth even remotly more than anyone else's.

    U are an example why nobody should listen to nerfers, almost every sentence is bias not to mention a lie poping from time to time(example is my wf count and dont argue with semantic tricks about not having a non primed or primed variation not to mention that ~90% volt+volt p gametime should show my approach to a game) 

    i look at comments, i read forums and i play the game 😄 i know about “bite size content” idea from a time when wf was a literally just mini game bundle and its hard to believe this mini game aproach will be the game direction for a long time ,or we should prepare to lose primed mods, rivens and most of rare mods because they are making us OP for “bite size” content 

    Eso is hardest game mode so far cant see why u cant realize that tbh 

    Tbh i think its good that trinity nuke was nuked It was a bug at it finest and i had no delusion that it would remain in a game i posted just because i see an increase in {Nerf X} threads and vocal nerfers with “feedbacks” that have no value whatsoever and just giving biased and inaccurate pow and possibly pressuring devs , i highly doubt that they dont read forum and, if they read then stuff they see matters and molds future designs or fixes, and forum is filled with vocal sjw type nerfers whose doesnt even remontly reflect majority of players and a small opposition 

    Before creating a thread with complains remember that maybe somebody 6 times formed multiple weps for a mod u want to nerf , or play with only one frame u want to nerf so u are stealing time ,feeling of progress and fun from other people 😉 and yeah git gud was an anwer to a whining about small dmg stat in end screen , if u invest time forming and know about mod synergy u can concurate with extreme meta builds or at least have just few percent difference in almost all cases 

    and about opinion value: well my opinion isnt even remotely as valuable in a topics about technicalities or mechanics of the game compared to true game veteran opinion but it still have weight because im not an mr1 fresh from intro screen or mr25 that play a game for 4months with 90% times in akkad leveling but its still valuable tho i dont get why u point about it ,

    u tried to paint me as inexperienced player multiple times and used this false claim to dismantle my sentences in two separate posts even, so if u want to run endurance or smtg msg me and i would gladly measure d@&k 😄 

    p.s sorry for my english skills, and a wall of text im a S#&$poster 😄 not to mention i see no way to format properly in mobile 

  2. 20 hours ago, W3zeer said:

    I'm using all weapons and frames, no need for your help (especially seeing that you don't even own half the frames available ;)). As I said, I have no problem taking the top spot in elite onslaught or endurance survivals when I feel like it, but it's usually the most boring playstyle possible. Comparing maiming strike to Ignis and aoe primaries shows me though that you've never been up against enemies beyond sortie levels. Does melee damage scaling mean anythig to you? No worries, tell me the weps and frames you're using and I'll give you a few hints on how you can become better 😉

    More on the point though, warframe is currently in the process of changing its direction. Those ultra-high level enemies are not supposed to be faced anymore, and that will lead to many more adjustments to our damage, since we're just to hilariously overpowered for the content the devs want us to play. And you seem to think the devs can somehow be bullied into changing things by complaining about it. You realize they have the numbers we produce and if a too large ammount of kills is produced by only a few selected ways, these ways are going to change. You can cry about it or adapt.



    Top kek 😄 whole your post was just ridiculous ad hominem, false claims,biases 😄 Why u even wrote that s€&@post is beyond my comprehension. 

    Either way i will try to respond to your demagoguery at least to part that could be responded to 

    why u think that endurance tier mobs dont suppose to be in a game anymore? Eidalons, focus 2.0 , new mod tiers, arcanes and eso (if u go deeper than vanilla 8 ) increases general difficulty of the game which contradicts to your statement that high level would be eradicated because why else they implant new features in a way they do now 😄 

    Yes meta will change ,bravo ;D im happy u realized that meta changes now i suppose u need to relook at meta definition “ A term used in mmo meaning the Most Effective Tactic Available. It's basically what works in a game regardless of what you wish would work.”

  3. 5 minutes ago, W3zeer said:

    Quite the contrary, I want to prevent that a single player can enforce his "playstyle" on the rest of the group with little to no effort. I have absolutly no problem with a skilled player getting higher stats than a less skilled one, but the tactics that have been fixed in the past usually were those that involved the least skill imaginable. So your "get good" bs doesn't mean anything, it would be entirely possible to train monkey to use maiming strike and "beat" you on the end of mission screen, I am fully capable of abusing the same meta crap as anyone else, it's just that the game gets really boring if nothing else is played anymore. But I don't think you can grasp that, your entire posts consist of the same weak memes. So in that spirit, keep pissing at ppl, it will only make it more fun to remember you once the inevitable change happens 😉

    How maiming strike build melee are different from ignis ,or any other popular aoe primary?  🤔

    at this rate we will nerf everything that needs forma,grind investment to became horde sweapers why u guys are so determinenated to kill everything that stands out and require time,luck and knowledge to acquire ? 🤔

    Would u care to share your most used weps and frames? 🙂 maybe we here could fix your build so you can make higher results in end screen than 2% dmg 

  4. All poe challenges is easy, falling dargyn is  easy with limbo stasis or mesa ,condors spawn and fly in 10s above the seashore “citadel” and is easy if u just move your cursor towards the sky,if hs one is hard for you I literally have no words 😄,animal killing with spear is easy but time consuming (grid pro tip- use archwing),dropship is 1hit blowable with opticor yealding 3-4 kills per ship,bow one is a bit annoying because of arrow flight time but i have no clue how its possible to do this for 1,5h ,u must be talented those flying trashbins are the most annoying thing while i fish not to mention they spawn between camps in same spots every time

    Also i have no clue why u whining in the first place ,if u dont like the challenge just write wtt [v riven] to another [v riven] in trade chat , or better git gut 😄 every challenge is cheesy u just have to use your arsenal and experience(or youtube) to crack it


    P.s animals pulse/spark with silver light from a distance in poe because they are treated as resources 😉

  5. On 2018-05-15 at 12:28 AM, Borg1611 said:

    Part of the problem is different missions require different amounts of bandwidth. I only have a 1.5 Mbps connection and only 0.8 Mbps upstream bandwidth. If my bandwidth isn't being used up by other processes or devices, I can host a game with a low enough ping if it's a normal mission without a lot going on.

    Now compare that to an onslaught mission. If I look at a bandwidth monitor during an elite onslaught with tons of enemies, the game is using like 30-50KB/s per person. I can not host a 4 player onslaught game because it requires more total bandwidth than I have available (you need enough upstream bandwidth as host as the 3 clients combined need as downstream bandwidth). Their lackluster matchmaking system does not consider that kind of factor at all. The ping is low enough if you test it before you join, but I don't have sufficient bandwidth to host an onslaught, so while my bandwidth is being pushed to its limit, everyone will be getting a ridiculously high ping because I can't send all the packets I need to send to all 3 other players at once. It's going to have to take turns and make the game unplayable for them as it will massively inflate their latency mid-game.

    We've asked for years for the ability to opt out of hosting when you know that you can't reliably host, but they continue to ignore that ongoing feedback and would rather leave us in a place like we are now where these types of scenarios frequently come up. Not everyone even knows what the word bandwidth means let alone know how much they have and how much different game types may require or know how to check to try to figure out what's happening when they can host game mode X perfectly fine and then go into onslaught and everyone has 900 ping and leaves. 

    When I try to do a public onslaught I have to see if it tries to make me host. If it doesn't instantly join a game and switches to waiting for players, I know it's going to try to make me host, so I have to cancel and try again. If someone joins before I cancel, I'd have to leave and rejoin to fix it.

    The matchmaker is so bad that it also doesn't properly clear variables or something correctly under certain circumstances and you have to back out of the navigation screen, swap to private and back to public and go back in (sometimes also needing to swap between private and public on the nav screen). You know you're in this buggy state when it no longer tries to even find another game and just instantly makes you try to host anything you start until you clear that state and try again, then it starts searching for other sessions first again. 

    TLDR: missions like onslaught require a lot more bandwidth than other mission types and are unhostable by people with limited bandwidth that may be perfectly capable of hosting other missions and the matchmaker doesn't do anything to deal with that situation currently. The matchmaker is outdated and buggy. 

    Kek 😄

    I have 900mbps optical fiber connection and im always never a host 😄 

  6. Just now, EinheriarJudith said:

    then im sure we can come to a better solution if it becomes a problem. but as it stands the opt out is functional until that exact moment it reapplies to you defeating the whole purpose of opting out. others have suggested a chat command or like i suggested in addition to opting out with a grace period, a check box under said player using volt to completely opt out of it. there are plenty of ways everyone can have their cake and eat it too but dismissing it as a non issue because you cant seem to understand why anyone would not like it is absurd.

    When volt became so popular that the frustration from slower players became so big that it lead to ranting on forum? does every mission now have a volt ? 🤔 

    How this issue that annoys such small portion of player could create such noise in forum is beyond my comprehension tbh 🤔 I dont know why DE dont add function u plead ,maybe they see it as non existing problem from people who always finds something to complain about ? or maybe their code is messed and it will sink time and could make more problems? either way gl with your "quest" to alter a game to your image mr.fixer 😅 

    p.s i advice you to avoid public match to filter the newbie players ,i cant imagine the stuff amount that u dont like in warframe after 4k h ,playing in public will only increase the amount of your burden 

  7. 6 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    DE already added an opt out. it needs QoL to prevent reapplication through spam. coming here to ridicule? no you cant. because ridiculing people is not making constructive feedback and isnt criticism

    Ridicule: the subjection of someone or something to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior. 

    heh , after all u are the "semantic" arguer 😄 

    I repeat the question then ... What if your melee play includes a lot of backflips ? u would be opting out and locked from buff because of your gameplay 🤔 


  8. 34 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    implement mechanics? lmao. opt out is there and putting a duration to block reapplication isn't asking much to be added to a pre existing mechanic. whats more is it doesnt effect you in anyway.

    10-20s recasts? you must be lucky. id kill for a volt to be that sensible. since speed has no animation nor does it have any kind of skill cooldown to block spam recast.

    U see mate if u play melee u would know that u do backflips often and what if u opt out this way by accident ? 🤔

    Im mr 18 with 73percents of whole game time played with volt 😄 so usually im the one doing casts and i cant spam it because energy is literally my hp not to mention i need channeling and not to mention other abilities for active gameplay, if u meet a volt that just spams his second ability - hes a newbie who doesnt know how to play so just ask him to stop bashing 2 on the keyboard or wait for energy leaches to appear and kill him or leave if hes trolling 😄  

    i see this whole speed problem as non existent , it just never ending war of people who tend to run slower vs newbie volts. I think more experienced people in community should let go this "fixing" quest until all those fixings fu*& the game up completely. 


    u should edit while u writing and not after posting 

    ```nova slow does not change how players move. banshee is already being talked about, ember is already being talked about, equinox is already being talked about, nekros has been talked about especially since you cant shoot through shadows and shadows draining oberon dry. your concerns are also valid but you don't get to tell me how i voice my concerns especially when there is a mechanic that could use QoL.```

    ORLY? 😲 people here are complaining about stuff? would never guessed 😄

    I could ridicule the "fixers" tho , or now i cant do that in public forums especially when it concerns my main frame? :thinking: u expect DE to just add opt out without messing with other things concerning volt? top kek , u "fixers" and "nerfers" are messing with other people gameplay way more than other people with yours . 

  9. 2 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    dont like it, dont want it, dont need it, and the opt out is impossible while volt is spamming. where is it in all that which is hard to understand? i and some others want an opt out that prevents reapplication so those who like it can keep doing what they are doing without disrupting the movement of those who chose to opt out. if it wasnt a problem DE wouldnt even have put an opt out in the first place.

    I dont like tons of stuff to but i dont expect DE investing time to mold their project to my taste.Basically u want DE to implement mechanic because u "Dont like it"

    And to be clear its not spamming but 10-20s period recasts if not abused its long time , if u play as it should u should have done 2 backflips in that time frame 🙂 

    Lads u should realize that nobody in DE front would mold game to your image, i dont like mirrage clones they mess with my field vision ,i dont like newbie limbos for obvious reasons, slow novas,banshee embers and all frames who tie mobs to spawn and slowly kills them in place, and the thing that really grind my gears and triggers me is nekros with their 4skill that shi* makes me waste time on atacking stuff i already killed..But guess what? nobody cares what i like 😄 u play multiplayer so learn to play and stop whining for modifications of game because some aspects doesnt match your taste 

  10. 1 minute ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    its to squash your belief of " you guys chat more than play" you wouldnt even know this but i have proof i play prolly far too much. its irrelevant though since we are talking about speed. and no speed has no effect on parkour. there is a pretty strong disconnect with parkour and speed junkies who have max strength to where it breaks the running animation ive experienced first had. like i said you cant opt out of spam and its even more so in mission you have to stay in close proximity like defense or mobile defense.

     Once again i suppose u need to fix the wiki for warframe if thats the case. and yeah your gametime is completely irrelevant for this discussion.

    i recast speed in 12s frequency with 180% power and like i said i got complains just once, i have 278% power build with full sprinting mods and never encountered animation braking 😄 

    i cant understand why u want to opt out ? does frame move to fast for you and u cant react fast enough? .Tbh i have no idea what is the main argument for all this banter about speed ability


  11. 20 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    before parkour 2.0 there was no bullet jump which is obvious. the only 2 ways people had of moving across the map at any good speed was sprinting and coptering and thats it. with parkour 2.0 bullet jump and its parkour mods were added invalidating alot of the movement type powers. i can move just fine with parkour mods to the point speeds movement speed buff is irrelevant since. seems like you dont know that speed does not effect anything parkour related. and i have 4k+ logged hours. do you need a screenshot of my khora and venari? i play plenty.

    Are u logged on while writing this ? :DDDD should leave wf 24/7 so i can use it as argument against 4k h who complains about speed ability.

    i could swear i get higher momentum while parkour on speed 🤔





  12. kek , u wish 😄 basically u want to see other players mods and smlr? u can do that in youtube , majority of builds for specific wf is copy paste of successful one and thats a problem in many aspects , and the worst thing - letting other players lurk on builds in game while targeting squad members would be torn in OP players ribs , imagine the sh**storm

  13. 1 minute ago, rune_me said:

    It wasn't just my personal experience though. It's just the nature of the game. Of any looter game, actually.

    I'm not saying that you can't use skills in this game. Of course you can. I'm just saying that it is not needed and that the game will not really reward you for it. As opposed to a skill based game, like Dark Souls. In skill based games, skills comes first, gear comes second. You can overcome any encounter with skills alone. In a gear based game like Warframe, gear and good builds come first, skills second. No amount of skills will ever make up for a bad build, whereas a good build will make up for a lack of skills. To get good at Warframe you don't need to learn how to aim or how to utilize the movement system to its full potential (again, you can do that, and should, but it isn't needed), you instead need to learn what different mods do, how they interact with each other, what element is good against which faction, etc.

    The fact that you can just stand in a corner with a 6 forma gun and "shoot straight" and outperform someone running around, dodging and rolling, but who only happens to bring an unranked unpotatoed gun, is exactly what I mean. The fact that a good Loki or Ivara build can make you rush through spy missions just as competently as a genuinely "good" player who don't have to rely on invisibility, is what I mean. The fact that a well build Rhino or Inaros or Wukong can go through sorties without taking a scratch even if you don't try to avoid it, is what I mean. Being good at this game means knowing what build and weapons and mods to bring to a given situation.  

    I agree , if u dont know fundamentals of modding u will encounter "true death" fast tho i think we talking about diff depth of game layers here , if u go against level 100+ with a squad(lets assume we looking at a squad with same modding "skills") u would see clear diff between skilled and unskilled player.

    Second part is specialized missions for which some warframes was build so i doubt we could take it as as argument 🙂 

    P.S writing this i realized that i am wrong , there is no need for skill what so ever for easy vanilla gameplay (1x abc rotation,starchart,events) 

  14. 9 hours ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    tailwind and speed cannot be compared together as one is a dash that is for herself and the other is movement speed team buff. the opt out is poor since you cant opt out of spam. the sheer audacity of people who think that everyone must like speed is mind blowing. definitely want DE to either add check box to opt out of speed under player using volt, or to add a duration to the opt out to not be affected by it right after opting out.

    when i play volt i almost never use speed. why? it useless to me. and because its made invalid by parkour 2.0 I'm perfectly fine with shockwalker. the melee and reload speed boost is not alluring enough to me to warrent how disgusted i feel about the movement speed increase. the kicker is no one ever asks me for it. i have not (after parkour 2.0), asked volt to give me speed. i don't need and don't want it and the opt out for it is garbage.

    How parkour 2.0 made it invalid ?


    Tbh reading slow phase players rants and cries changed my gameplay, now i run away from squad range to use my speed , no matter i seen just 1 player in my whole time at warframe who asked me not to use second ability. U guys are the vocal minority or just people who chat more than play  

  15. 1 minute ago, rune_me said:

    Not at all. It's neither ridiculous nor absurd. I am living proof of that. I am not a skilled player. I am not good at aiming or the movement system. But I do have every warframe, I've formaed them, I've formaed all my favorite weapons, and I have the majority of all mods in the game. And as a result I can breeze through everything this game can throw at me, even though I have no skills. Hell, I will do much better in a mission than someone who is far more skillful than me at shooters but only have half the mods I have. 

    ```Anecdotal fallacy- you used a personal experience or an isolated example instead of a sound argument or compelling evidence```

    Im mr 18 with 70 percents fragile volt game time, 0 usable rivens in my gear using only melee wep with 1forma avg and i can also breeze through everything in this game and more offten i revive OP players  , tho instead of sitting in a corner or spamming abilities i use "skills" and not farming simulator.Well tbh maybe if u compare "shooting" skills then your arguments and pow is not as faulted as i thought because what u have to do is basically just stand in corner with 6forma gun and shoot straight 


  16. 31 minutes ago, rune_me said:

    I have played this game long enough to understand the importance of various things in this game, including movement. But this game is a looter. Like Diablo or Path of Exile, etc. In these games, including Warframe, skill is not and will never be important. Movement, aiming, reflexes, etc, will never be what saves the day in a mission and the lack of those will never be what causes you to fail. It just isn't important.

    What matters in a looter is stats and gear. Have the right loot and the right build, and you'll do fine. 

    If you don't believe me, then have the most skilled and talented warframe player you can find, give him only unranked and unmodded gear, and see how well he does at lvl 100+ content. He won't do well at all, because he will probably not even be able to cause damage to enemies, because his skills are not what determines succes in this game, his mods are. That's in contrast to a game like Dark Souls that is skill-based. The best Dark Soul player can complete the entire game without changing starter gear, just by correctly timing dodging, blocking and attacking.

    Top kek, this is the funniest thing i read today tbh 🙂 

    first bolded part is straight personal incredulity and second is just plain ridiculous absurd that u used as total extreme to argument your faulty pow 

  17. 15 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

    you have to make note of my previous post, to which he was referring to, where i said that mods are the forward progression, however the frames and weapons themselves are horizontal, unlike in most other online games where they are forward

    Oh sorry :/ im on phone my bad for missing that:/

    But still I don't know if u can call frame progression horizontal because of balance issues,enemy scaling and customization lack on frames to make them equally strong as others and when u put vertical progression based mods on disbalanced generic frames all horizontal progression u might seen becomes softly said "pornography" like I said in first post in looks like game is designed by 10 people who don't interact with each other and have completely different ideas for this game 

    i wont want to see or make wf the way i might want .I just want to push DE somehow to making it's mind already on the game archetype and future they imagine  :/ 

  18. 1 hour ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    ^ This.

    One of Warframe's main strengths is its horizontal progression, if you want a game with strong vertical progression there are plenty of other games like that out there.

    Don't try and turn Warframe into a clone of all other games, variety is good.

    You do realise that 'meta' is not actually an acronym, right?

    Although it is ironic that the one you suggested would fit.

    It's strength is horizontal progression archetype? Yeah maiming strikes or thinks like primed pressure are "truly" pure horizontal progression game equipment examples :D u know what horizontal progression is right? 

  19. 11 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    I think each Warframe having unique developmental trees that you can choose what to do with would actually be great for the game. Keep mods, then let you adjust how you level up. Instead of always having, say, 400% health and 100% power max bonuses on your rank 30 warframe, maybe you could adjust it to, "I want more shields instead of health."

    This would also open the floodgates for more diverse builds, allowing you to give up something like power max for power efficiency, instead.

    The thing is, it isn't as simple and easy to use as the way things are right now and I also believe this sort of system was attempted in the far past of the game and ditched in favor of the current system. Due to the simplicity of the way things are it'll be hard to convince people to go to a slightly more complex system.

    Yeah it isn't but system right now is basically core pvp system and if they want implement for example your named features they can usually made them as features for high levels with maybe a quest line with awakening warframe engineers, makers or whatever who unlock hidden features:D

    8 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

    just fyi, those games where you take months at a time to level one character tend to only have players around in the "end game" areas. they also tend to get very boring once you have to grind 8 hours a day if you want to level up in any kind of reasonable time frame (like, in a week, sometimes even just to level up in under a month if its really bad). and then theres the absolutely horrible game design where yo spend months in "end game" getting the gear you need to actually do anything, and then they either cram more stuff into the same level range that requires the strongest gear from the previous release or they raise the level cap and you still have to farm new gear for month on end to actually do the new stuff, but by the time you get the gear you have to go on and repeat the same process AGAIN for the next set. and if you get the new gear before the next release, you're stuck with nothing left to do at all.

    besides, a game has to be designed that way if it wants to use that kind of system, if it isn't you're basically redoing the core systems of the game, in which case its usually easier to just make a new game...

    And what is designed now in your opinion? I don't say it should be that hard and of course wf main thing is your play style isn't tied to one archetype so it would be stupid with months off leveling but now it's too easy and improving for favorite frame is very limited 

  20. Maybe i am indeed super bad at english and don't grasp this language at all cuz i understand that mastery is wrong name for now called "mastery rank" or I don't understand definition Of mastery  :/ or we should interpret it as aakad mastery! And mastery of gun count because some got max rank and 0 kills so we can't technically call it weapons mastery not to mention game mastery which is extreme absurd 

  21. 33 minutes ago, Haxwell said:

    You are asking for something that does not belong in wf. Also try not to make statements that suggest your opinion and the entire community's is the same.

    And what's belong? 

    I dont try to speak as whole community maybe lack of my English vocabulary made u interpret my words like that..I simply expressing my opinion u can agree u can disagree it's forum for discussion

    29 minutes ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

    Ehh, I tried earlier and everyone who replied to my topic said F-off basically. Plebs like the idiots running around with cheese-frames and weapons will always whine and moan about DE changing anything about their precious meta (Most Efficient Tactic Available). Sorry, but people are hard to get to change when they are lazy, myself included. 

    It's veterans usually they become" memba berries" or game,idea dies because this industry always changing and improving. games who stay same and "memba" good old days usually become forgotten and avoided by new blood 

    24 minutes ago, yoloswagswag said:

    i didnt mean leveling the frame was grindy i meant some aspects to of the game are grindy enough like kuva farming or farming for prime weapons even the acolytes the g3 the raids, so why add to it? warframe is basically like a  mmorpg where you skip the dumb yada yada grinding for levels and go straight to end game farming for gears. if you really wanted to play those 'rewarding' grindy stuff that u really like u should play them instead and not make warframe into the same copy of the other games you like. I hear black dessert is really good u should play that its really grindy and rewarding. 

    Don't use logical fallacies please if you're native language is English it's shameful too use that with foreigners and if not I understand you:)

    it's not mmorpg because lack of rpg is to big that was my point :) leveling or character improvement is fundamental in rpg ..there very soon after u start playing u can't improve just collect weak items and it's doesn't matter u played specific frame a lot or just started it's like game is still in alpha, don't have higher level features but have future narrative and content show template named v0.3 

    u try to play guild wars 2 in pvp mode u skip all leveling and just grind for gear,cosmetics and pets :) but basically all pvp modes in most games do that 

  22. It's strong mod i farmed two of maiming strikes and some may strongly disagree but it's was way too easy to acquire :D in other games u have a lot lower rates to get such powerful upgrades there is a real struggle when u do 2hours raid with few procents of dropping chance for desired equipment and if it's drops u have to ask rng decide who from party gets it(is some old school game maybe there just looters who stalk,collect and log off or run and type "ninjas strike again" ) and it's usually untradable or for rarity traded just with friends or extremely high price in auction tipe off gatherings so guys we should be happy that it's not so hardcore to acquire:D 

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