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Posts posted by Merlinhawk

  1. The amusing part occurs when Grineer hold all the nodes, and it's no longer possible to get harvester to spawn outside of invasion missions. Assuming he doesn't pop up on assassinate. Although, I guess Venus will still have the corpus nodes.

    Having some higher level corpus would be nice though. 


    Maybe they then make an event where you are forced to help them. But it would be fun to see the system fail.

  2. Im not sure if running invasions against Corpus triggers it.  Since the Dilemma (104 Missions against Corpus), i only once ran for Corpus against Grineer (5 runs for payment), otherwise always against them. Im only running for corpus if its Corpus against Infected (as you sadly cant run for Infected).


    So. unless running a mission against Infected for Corpus somehow resets or diminishes the chance, i would say, just running MIssions against Corpus does nothing... i have not seen the Harvester yet.

  3. I don't quite like ult dps type warframes.

    Volt, Ember, Saryn, Oberon etc... for example, all of them had 4th skill ult dps. Their ultimate does not nuke nor scale like abilities such as radial disarm, stomp, m-prime etc. 

    So vs high end mobs, their ultimates are usually become absolutely useless for them. And they got no back up abilities for that (Oberon still have renewal maybe) 


    Mag/ Frost/ Ash's ultimates are kinda work the same, dps does not scale, but mag still got shield polarize (only for shield faction), frost got snowglobe, and Ash got smoke screen. 


    Maybe DE should fix the weak frames first before toss out another one. Or at least, don't let the new frame become a part of "Frames Need to be Buff" list. 


    I second that. the less DPS abilities a frame has, the more viable it stays when scaling makes those abilities useless, that goes especially for ultimates, some lower abilities, say Banshees Sonic Boom at least have untility, like pushing. 

  4. Also, I run Valkyr.  Don't judge... she can tie up and obliterate the 30+ freaking guys all bunched up at a single entry point for a good few percent per hysteria pop.  Like marching into a swarm of cockroaches, or more appropriately those damned orange ladybug things that seem limitless in number.


    Maxed Hysteria is pure love... only beating the crap out of Phorid in 1 Hysteria is nicer.


    But yeah.. if theres nothing in the start room, or in the start rooms exit, restart the mission, look everywherewhere there is standing water.. pretty much only the start room, the toxin room, and the one where the broken walkways are.

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