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Posts posted by Chaodiurn

  1. To this day I don't own Limbo as his quest line makes frequent use of archwing missions, so I dislike him for that.

    Other than that, I personally haven't run across too much Limbo hate. Probably because I never run into one either. On the rare occasions I play with friends that own Limbo the whole Grindframe feeling goes out of the window. Frames usually seem to fit into two possible roles, sometimes crossing the line a bit: nuking the map, coming from orbit and bringing the utility to allow your weapon and/or teammates do that instead. With Limbo, there's suddenly a strategic momentum to slaughter, a very unique and very different feeling to what usually is happening. He can prevent damage with ease -- coming in and coming out. I can imagine players that are used to shred away in familiar environments would prefer to not have that changed in the excessive way Limbo does.

    I, for one, look forward to get control of him, somewhen, in a far, far away future where I defeat archwing.

  2. I must ask myself: Couldn't it be a consideration to introduce test raid keys then? We already are able to train for the MR missions, where we do the same as in the actual test but without reward.

    It is to a certain degree understandable that people who invest their time and resources into raids want it to succeed and create profit. If we introduce an easier to access and less rewarding version there might would be a way for people who are new to raids to actually practice them, even with randoms, without having the certainty of being the team's greatest weakspot in mind.

  3. Personally I really liked star map 1.0. Star map 2.0 feels just like a more console friendly version. Would be nice to have something more PC-specific back.

    And with that I mean something that values a clean and fast to navigate design over the possibility of easy use with a controller. The current design lacks clearness, causes confusion to new players more often than not, makes map management a slow, tedious task (such may include looking for missions limited to certain planets/resources, extractor management and group building) and completely lacks any overview of anything besides what alerts and special missions are currently up whatsoever.

    So, in my opinion, with star map 3.0 further work on this matter is more than welcome.

  4. If we get free stuff to compensate for DDoS (as a repeated event, some items, etc) I'd imagine people eventually start to DDoS with exactly that in mind, abusing such behaviour from DE.

    Also, server stability/afety/whatsoever seemed a ton better a year ago.

  5. Ich finde, dass dies eine doch recht eingeschränkte Sichtweise ist.


    Das Element bestimmte Missionen zu haben auf denen man schnell Ausrüstung auf Level 30 bringen kann gibt es in diesem Spiel schon lange. Jetzt ist es Draco, früher waren es Kiste und Xini. Es ist ein Aspekt von Warframe der einem gefallen kann oder eben auch nicht.

    Nun ist es eben genau dies. Ein Aspekt. Klar, einiges an Ausrüstung bedarf eines höheren Tennolevels und erfordert das aufleveln von Ausrüstung. Auch ist das aufleveln von Ausrüstung zwecks Forma notwendig um stärkere Gegner bezwingen zu können.

    Jedoch benötigt man, etwa zur Erweiterung des Arsenals, ebenso Ressourcen welche man in anderen Missionen erspielen muss, benötigt Freischaltungen durch Quests und mit den Saisons gibt es auch einen "endgame-content" welcher hohe Zeiten und Wellen in einschlägigen Missionen um einen Aspekt erweitert.

    Recht stumpfe Farmmechaniken sind ein Kernelement von Warframe und diese abzuändern würde zu stark in das Spieldesign eingreifen. Vielmehr finde ich den genaueren Blick auf die Balance interesannt, welche Aspekte mit welcher Belohnung für wieviel Zeitaufwand belohnt werden. Wieviel Zeit soll überhaupt in das "auf 30 spielen" investiert werden, was wird mit diesen ausgeschöpfen Ausrüstungsobjekten angefangen und welche alternativen Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten gibt es (ein Beispiel sei Fashionframe).

    Kann man eventuell mit einer Überarbeitung der Conclave gar erreichen, dass es eventuell erstrebenswert sein könnte nicht ein maximales Wettrüsten gegen bzw. mit der Meta abzuhalten?

    Wer in dem Spiel nur den Sinn des levelns sieht wird unabhängig von der Mechanik wie dieses passiert früher oder später die langzeitmotivation verlieren. Denn dies ist nicht ein problem dies 'wie' sondern des 'was'.

  6. Meine unangefochtene Spitze stellt momentan Vauban dar. Die Bastille, der Vortex, die Freunde in der Gegend rumhüpfen lassen. Herrlicher Frame.

    Das allerdings auch nur, wenn ich gerade nicht Nekros spiele. Jeder Gegner wird zur Kiste die geöffnet werden will! Außerdem synergiert er herrlichst mit Dread.

    Statistisch gesehen ist allerdings immernoch Trinity mein meistgespieler. Damals noch mit eingebauter Team-Unsterblichkeit, heute noch immer ein solider Beitrag für jedes Team. Allerdings auch nur da, denn im Solospiel sagt sie mir mitlerweile eher weniger zu, beziehungsweise nicht genug um sich gegen andere Optionen zu behaupten.

    Auch an Loki habe ich sehr viel spaß. Die Unsichtbarkeit ist einfach famos, und das entwaffnen wandelt so manch Situation in eine einfache. Auch sehr nett in einer Void-Verteidigung mit einem Limbo.


    Am wenigsten gespielt sind bei mir dagegen Rhino, welcher mir vom Stil her einfach zu stumpf ist. Ich spiele gar mit dem Gedanken diesen Frame zu verkaufen.

    Auch Nova spiele ich derzeit nur selten.

    Warum ich Banshee nicht öfter spiele kann wohl nur eine Zeitfrage sein, denn eigentlich gefällt mir diese sehr gut, gerade da ich Bögen und ähnliche Waffen sehr gerne spiele.

  7. Alright, what you guys wrote above fixed it for me. Warframe's running like a charm again. Maybe the recent update helped too, but without the fix it still didn't run.

    Here's what I did:

    I changed my Wine version for Warframe inside of PlayOnLinux to a newer staging version that what I had running. I now use 1.9.3 staging for 32 bit Warframe and 1.8 staging for 64 Bit Warframe.

    Inside PlayOnLinux I went to the configuration window of my Warframe. There I installed the following components:

    mfc42; mscxml3; vcrun2012

    Then I checked my Wine configuration, there's a button to get into that in POL, to have following libraries installed:

    mfc42; mfc42u; msxml3

    Of course, if you are smart, you reverse these steps to see if you even need to press those install buttons.

    Then I went to the staging tab and enabled CSMT, as I now get only very laggy FPS numbers without that.

    I let Wine emulate Windows XP without a virtual desktop. I also set the option to capture my mouse courser in fullscreen.

    Overall I tested Warframe with those things installed on Wine 1.7.3 32 bit, Wine 1.9.3 staging 32 bit, and Wine 1.8 staging 64 bit. All versions run on my machine and I am able to run Warframe in the 64-bit version (at least my launcher tells me that it is) without any bigger problems. However, the 64 bit launcher is unstable and tends to crash. Once ingame, Warframe runs stable. Still running Dx9, obviously.

    In Warframe I have dynamic lighting and adaptive exposure deactivated, as they give me lighting bugs. I have activated all other graphical settings, am playing all high and got 4x anisotropic fitlering, defailt trilinear filtering and SMAA (high) anti-aliasing settings.

    My Warframe runs in borderless fullscreen which, for me, eliminates plenty bugs that come with fullscreen. I can tab out no problem and my mouse courser is held properly ingame by Wine.


    Cheers to the lot of ya finding that out!

  8. I have the same error and have experimented with it for some hours (spoilers: without success). I have tried multiple reinstalls on multiple drives, 32 bit or 64 bit wine drives, multiple wine versions. So far, I get similar results in all combinations. 64 bit Warframe now runs just in the same way as the 32 bit for me: not at all.

    When starting up the load screen, debugging it throws out tons of errors, usually unable to load this and that file. Probably what caused the missing or corrupt textures before this hotfix (when Warframe at least run). Among them is a line stating that the game now requires a newer version of nvidia drivers than, at least for me, is yet provided for Linux. So, if you have one installed, check out how far your version is behind the newest. I can imagine that, as Warframe currently only supports Windows, the minimum is still further up than our driver versions. Strangely, in the 64 bit build I couldn't find that line.

    An interesting thing to note as well is that, in my case, the game often crashes in different parts of the loading. Sometimes it's around the 75% mark, sometimes the loading practically completes, very rarely I even get some notes from the login screen's music before the game engine crashes. The furthest I get by disabling multi threaded rendering in the launcher.

    Then there's that: Error [Debug]: Loaded unexpected version of dbghelp.dll from C

    I tried to reinstall said dll via winetricks as well as copying directly into the sys32 and Warframe directory of the drives, the error always stayed. This is also the last error I get before Warframe crashes.

    Once it ended on:

    err:dbghelp:SymCleanup this process has not had SymInitialize() called for it!
    err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x1100ba

    I tried to load several dbghelp.dll versions from the internet and override mine, but nothing ever changed. It would be a too hard guess work to hit the version Warframe expects.

  9. It broke my Linuxframe! Setting it up was reasonably easy up until this patch. Now nothing works! A hotfix!


    Sure sounds like a neat hotfix to play. I will get this running again, one way or an other.

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