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Posts posted by DrEuthanasia

  1. Looks like darker colors are simply less opaque when applied to some effects. Others, however, are completely unaffected.


    Oh, and after another patch, the smoke on Ash's arm is no longer affected by energy color in-mission.

  2. - When moving forwards and attacking with the Fang, your character drifts to the left rather than being properly "centered" as they would be when performing either action separately.


    - The particle effect for Ash's shuriken seems to disappear completely with certain warframe energy colors, rendering the projectile invisible. For reference, the color I used which caused this to occur was the farthest bottom-left of the Classic Saturated palette.


    - The bloom effects and bullet trails for the Lanka and Supra appear to be unaffected by changes in those weapons' energy colors. The Supra, for example, displayed projectiles with a red center but a much larger green glow and trail, while the Lanka was pure blue despite also having the same red color selected. I don't own the Dera, but assume that the same holds true for it as well.


    I've also been suffering considerable framerate drops which seem to occur without warning during missions. That could be something on my end, although nothing I've been doing has changed since before the hotfix.

  3. Okay. First of all, the fact that Blade Storm continues to target enemies which are already dead is indefensible. If I start it up and a Saryn/Excalibur rushes in and kills everything in the room with one blast while I'm still on target #2, wasting my energy is bad enough. I don't need to waste 10 seconds watching Ash stab disintegrating corpses on top of that. Decreasing the overall time required to complete the ability would be nice, but that might cause it to become highly disorienting, which is also no good.


    The animation itself could be improved significantly if it included some illusion of momentum. Change Ash's facing based on his last known location, and have him move during the attack rather than appear standing still just to deliver the mightiest slap you ever saw to some poor Grineer's dome. As funny as it is to watch my character hit someone with a datamass and cause them to explode into gore, he could at least pretend that it's a slashing weapon and not a rubber mallet.


    That aside, my only other grievance with him is how annoyingly precise Teleport needs to be. I don't use this ability when I'm standing still - more often than not, I'm using it to recover from a failed jump or reach an enemy that I can't even see from ground level. Unfortunately, I don't have a proper solution to this, but it's really annoying and I'd appreciate pretty much any kind of improvement.

  4. First mission I did today, he shows up on me. Nothing makes sense anymore.


    By the way, having him show up and defeating him are two separate things alltogether.


    And then, IF you defeat him, having him drop anything at all is even harder hehe. No surprise there as to why his pack is the most expensive bundle in the market at the moment.


    Trust me, my rank 30 potato-augmented Snipetron with Split Chamber and all four flavors of elemental damage is more than enough to take him down.

  5. It has now been roughly 13 hours since I started this thread. Barring a break of what must have been about 2-3 hours, I have been running missions all day long. I've done defense, extermination, assassination, pretty much everything, and in every system chosen effectively at random. I've done them fast, slow, in groups and by myself.


    The Stalker has not visited me even once.

  6. So this is what i have found he does not show up after you have completed an objective. Usually shows up a little ways into the mission like wave 3 or so on defenses, a third to halfway through and extermination mission.


    Rushing is definitely the wrong way to have this guy show up. I have had him show up on every tile set except the new grineer one but i have not played it very often. To increase the chances he shows up play in a group and make sure your teammates know he is around.


    Thank you. This is good information.

  7. What is this stalker you're talking about? I think the reason you aren't finding it is because you're chasing something imaginary. It's like going on a leprechaun hunt, you're not going to succeed.


    Ever play a game called Don't Starve? Sometimes you just have to lose yourself a little in order to get that beard hair.

  8. Is there any benefit to playing solo, aside from the ability to complete missions at your own pace?


    Logic would dictate that a group consisting entirely of people who have soloed each boss running the same mission would have the highest chance of encountering the Stalker - higher than any one of them on their own.

  9. There's no timer at all, you just have a chance of seeing Stalker after you've killed a boss.


    Honestly, his entire design is meant to PREVENT farming due to his utter randomness and infrequency of appearance. As long as you've killed a boss recently (like... ever - he has a freaking long memory, I've had him come after me days after I killed a boss he references) he has a chance of showing up. It's honestly saner to play normally and just kill him when he decides to grace you with his presence than try to deliberately spam missions hoping he'll appear.


    Sanity is not the objective here. Only Hate and Despair.


    I'm getting pretty close to both, as you may imagine.

  10. Extermination missions. Early ones. Kill the enemies, it shouldn't be a problem, and if he decides to show up you won't have too much fighting going on around you. Other mission types might swarm you with grunts while trying to fight him.


    Being swarmed by grunts doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I would be happy to fight 20 Stalkers at once. At least then I'd have an opportunity to kill him.


    When I Stalker farmed (I...actually had all 3 of his drops drop 1 after the other. RNG gods loved me) what I did was speed through Golem's stage, take him out, finish the stage and then go run M Prime until Stalker showed up. Usually took 1-2 runs.


    After killing him, go kill Golem again. Rinse and repeat.



    Edit: And do this SOLO. I think the person who gets the last hit on a boss gets the Stalker 'trigger'.


    You have no idea how many times I've visited M Prime over the past three days.

  11. I've tried every trick I could find to get the Stalker to show up. I've killed every boss in the game solo, even the robots, done countless missions by simply skipping all combat to blitz through them as fast as possible, waited what has now been days for some alleged timer to tick down, and this guy just won't grace me with the barest hint of his smoke-covered posterior.


    The documentation on this whole thing is extremely poor, so now I'm coming to you guys. What am I not doing right here, aside from keeping a healthy grasp on my own sanity?

  12. I don't need help killing the Stalker, I just need him to show up. I've tested every theory out there to no avail, even did solo runs of literally all of the bosses just to ensure that I got killing blows on each of them, and nothing. He's shown up twice in three days.


    Tell me your secret and I'll gladly farm all the Rubedo you want, so long as I end up doing so with Hate in my possession.

  13. Also, he doesn't appear in assassination missions (or alerts? I haven't seen any confirmation on this one).

    No comment on assassination missions, but I found him doing an extermination alert today.


    He didn't drop anything, of course.

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