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Posts posted by The-Storm

  1. Firstly, elemental resistance as a passive is a copout. It's situational best and is poor compared to other passives


    Secondly, i rather wait for the rework. Judging of excalibur, i'm certain DE is going to make frost perform well in high levels

    On the elemental resistance it could be, i don't deny it, but I could not think of a better passive at the moment, regarding the waiting on the rework I totally agree with you, and I stated, we have yet to test it out, this is all theoretical, it could happen to work much better in practice.

  2. Do you know what the issue with balancing for late/endgame is? Since the current end-game is infinity, balancing for it means that it'll be an absolute defense against starchart enemies.


    I wouldn't like to see freeze tossed, I'd like to see it made into a a projectile that has an AoE that freezes everything inside and leaves the patch of frozen earth.

    Hm, I like this idea, it could work, depends on the size of the patch and how long they stay frozen for.

  3. take my opinion with a grain of salt since he is my least favorite frame.


    wouldnt mind seeing freeze get tossed since well why would i use that when there is ice wave.


    What you suggested for snow globe wouldnt work just like you stated. i.e. inconsistency between enemy fire rates. It would be like a nullifier except for the enemies.


    blizzard idea seems meh.  Sounds like an awkward world on fire.i'd rather just drop a globe on my enemies in the situations i would use this.

    I agree, I did say that the snow globe change could backfire, and considering the avalanche, I just found the blizzard idea interesting, and thought it could replace it. Although the avalanche could be reworked into CC, there's plenty of ways.

  4. I was pretty happy and exited when I heard Frost was getting a rework, I was expecting something drastic like the Excalibur one, although it seems pretty nice the major problems are still there, and with the Gmag change I am starting to think that posts about him are getting swallowed by the mag posts (which could've simply be fixed by not allowing energy to get pulled, but hey, Mags greedy pull is greedier than ever now). So this is my thought on it.

    -Freeze: So with the rework we can create patches of ice that slow the enemy down, sounds pretty good on paper, but the main problem is, warframe gameplay is too fast for any tactical trap creation, even on defenses. Personally if I wanted something that would slow the enemy down in such a way, I would chose ice wave impedance especially with the ice wave rework, otherwise freeze is still too focused on a single target which could be good for assassinations, but even in those we kill the target usually to quickly for it to even matter.
    -Ice wave: No comment on this one, I think it's great.
    -Snow globe: With the rework it pushes enemies away and freezes them instantly, the timer has been removed, and you can stack them up to four at a time. Sounds great, but there's a major flaw, in late-game and end-game defense we will still need to keep spamming it because the enemies put out so much damage that they'll be able to take it down in seconds. This could be solved in two ways, either make it invincible and duration based just like it used to be, or make it HIT based which would make it require a set number of hits regardless of the damage the mobs do, this is a double-edged sword, because on paper it could work out amazingly, but it would require some testing, because a mob of enemies can send out a lot of bullets in a short period of time, but on the other hand it could work like a charm removing the need to spam the globe.
    -Avalanche: The current rework would make enemies that die from avalanche ice proc the living enemies which would result in slowing them down, whilst the living enemies will have their armour reduced. Sounds interesting, but  if you're surrounded by a squad of gunners or bombards without any weaker enemies or the levels are too high for them to die you are left there once again standing with the enemies shooting you straight in the face instantly. The infamus bug that left the enemies frozen for a couple of seconds would be a brilliant avalanche rework giving it the CC it needs. On the other hand, I would prefer a total power change, giving us something totally new to play with, just like Excalibur received the Exalted blade. I came across a suggestion which sounds really interesting, the ability is named blizzard, giving frost an AoE that follows him around for a period of time stunning or cold procing the enemies that enter the range of his effect.
    -Passive: In my opinion all elemental frames should have a simple passive of elemental resistance or he could at least cancel out the shield-halfing "freezing temperatures" or the slowdown of the ice patches.
    While discussing Frosts rework with a friend I had a "Eureka!" moment.
    Freeze is pretty much useless, so why not remove it totally? The only downside of that would be the removal of freeze force, but we already have plenty of augments which buff allies.
    Ice wave could work as a first ability, it is similar to slash-dash and rhino charge (ranged abilities, directional, clearing the path ahead).
    Snow globe would move to the second ability slot.
    Avalanche would move to the third ability slot (staying as it is, doing radial damage)
    By doing this we would be left with a NEW ABILITY SLOT that could be used for a new, more up-to-date ultimate, that is focused a lot more on CC.
    A much better solution was found, as stated in the comments of this topic, Freeze could be made into an AoE freeze, thus freezing a group on enemies for a short period of time. (thanks to Nox-Lamina and Ninjamander)
    These are my thoughts and suggestions, I would like to see your thoughts on it. My honest opinion is that this is not a rework, this is a nice buff, I do not deny it, but all in all it does NOT solve the problems that occur. Although I still keep in mind that we have yet to try it out. DE will figure something out for sure, I just hope they had these problems in mind.
  5. Yeah, fair point.

    Still though, for example. If I know I have never put any enchancements on a cosmetic pendragon for example, and I already own the original "Arcane Pendragon" and I then put some enchancements on a cosmetic Pendragon and thus turning it into an "Arcane Pendragon" I surely therefore know I have an original Arcane Pendragon and an enchanced cosmetic Pendragon.

    I do accept the point that giving them differing names would make life a little easier, I still don't see how it's confusing though and turn back to my original point, people lack common sense.

    The thing is, the newer players do not know the original arcane helmets exist and think that people are trading enhanced helmets. We've been around, we know what happened, what's in the game, but they don't.

  6. I fail to see the confusion... Arcane helmets are labelled as such, purely cosmetic helmets lack any reference to "Arcane" at all.

    I'm afraid some people just lack common sense.


    When you put an ARCANE ENHANCEMENT on a helmet it turns into an ARCANE HELMET, thus leaving you with an i.e. ARCANE PENDRAGON HELMET, that makes the confusion. My suggestion is that the name of the original arcane helmets gets changed to LEGENDARY thus leaving you with a i.e. LEGENDARY PENDRAGON HELMET, along with a personally enhanced ARCANE PENDRAGON HELMET. I hope you see the confusion that happens now.

  7. I like my intros, but this time I'll just jump straight to the point.
    A lot of new players confuse the arcane helmets with stat boosts with the arcaned helmets they made themselves. So basically in the trading chat I get offered arcane helmets for some of the stuff I'm selling, then when we proceed to trade, the person is confused how they cannot trade the arcane helmet, and I stick around to explain why not.
    A simple name change will do the trick, the old arcane helmets could be simply renamed to legendary helmets. It feels appropriate since they're unobtainable anymore (just like Legendary Cores), so we would have something like this:


    Legendary Pendragon Excalibur helmet


    Legendary Aurora Frost helmet


    Legendary Storm Volt helmet


    With this simple change the confusion would be gone and the problem solved.

  8. Compromise:



    De releases




    10 RANK MOD!

    At rank 10 it gives 99% bonus damage instead of 100%.

    There. Primed chamber stays rare.

    People seem to forget that PRIMED chamber and CHARGED chamber actually stack. So this would actually solve nothing. Basically people who have primed chamber would stack it with primed charged chamber. The only thing that would solve it is either the re-release of primed chamber or making them not stack (even then nobody knows the stats of Primed Charged Chamber, it COULD be weaker than Primed Chamber leaving people wanting it again).


    In regards of the OP:

    I do not see why primed chamber would not get released again, it wasn't supposed to stay exclusive, I remember it the early streams they were talking about putting it back in one of the future events, which made me happy since I only got the Snipertron Vandal in the event and didn't bother with the mod. Around 2 years later..... well.... still waiting for that event to happen. Who knows what happened and why they never released it. If you ask me, it would be about time it gets released.

  9. NAME: Arashi

    TYPE:  Sunika


    Bidding starts at: 600 platinum
    Minimum bid increment: 25 platinum
    B/O price: 1000 platinum






    NAME: Shadow
    TYPE: Huras

    Bidding starts at: 450 platinum
    Minimum bid increment: 25 platinum

    B/O price: 850 platinum






    Auction lasts till 15 July 2015 4PM CEDT (+1 GMT)

    Please restrain yourself from commenting unless it's a bid. Thank you.

  10. Yeah, I had the same bug a couple of times, but lucky me I guess, the party members could scan him. There was another time where I had 3 points on him to scan and I thought I was done, but he didn't get synthesized, after which a buddy came buy and told me that I didn't finish scanning him and finished the scan for us.

  11. GREEDY PULL MAG: Instead of nerfing her greedy pull to "not-so-greedy pull" a simple change could solve it, not allowing the energy to get pulled will be leaving you with an effective greedy mag that still gathers all the resources without the possibility of exploits.


    PVP: Yes I am excited for the parkour 2.0 in conclave and I do not think the movement speed is too fast (although a bit larger maps and game modes with more players would be nice).


    MORE CORRUPTED MODS: Depends on what they do, although it would be nice to see some new ones for weaponry (maybe even sentinels and kubrows?)


    FROST REWORK: Alright, time to get started.

        -Freeze: So with the rework we can create patches of ice that slow the enemy down, sounds pretty good on paper, but the main problem is, warframe gameplay is too fast for any tactical trap creation, even on defenses. Personally if I wanted something that would slow the enemy down in such a way, I would chose ice wave impedance especially with the ice wave rework, otherwise freeze is still too focused on a single target which could be good for assassinations, but even in those we kill the target usually to quickly for it to even matter.


        -Ice wave: No comment on this one, I think it's great, although I have seen an interesting suggestion about a 360 degree ice wave which would be pretty interesting.


        -Snow globe: With the rework it pushes enemies away and freezes them instantly, the timer has been removed, and you can stack them up to four at a time. Sounds great, but there's a major flaw, in late-game and end-game defense we will still need to keep spamming it because the enemies put out so much damage that they'll be able to take it down in seconds. This could be solved in two ways, either make it invincible and duration based just like it used to be, or make it HIT based which would make it require a set number of hit regardless of the damage the mobs do, this is a double-edged sword, because on paper it could work out amazingly, but it would require some testing, because a mob of enemies can send out a lot of bullets in a short period of time, but on the other hand it could work like a charm removing the need to spam the globe.


        -Avalanche: The current rework would make enemies that die from avalanche ice proc the living enemies which would result in slowing them down, whilst the living enemies will have their armour reduced. Sounds interesting, but  if you're surrounded by a squad of gunners or bombards without any weaker enemies or the levels are too high for them to die you are left there once again standing with the enemies shooting you straight in the face instantly. The infamus bug that left the enemies frozen for a couple of seconds would be a brilliant avalanche rework giving it the CC it needs. On the other hand, I would prefer a total power change, giving us something totally new to play with, just like Excalibur received the Exalted blade. I came across a suggestion which sounds really interesting, the ability is named blizzard, giving frost an AoE that follows him around for a period of time stunning or cold procing the enemies that enter the range of his effect.

        -Passive: In my opinion all elemental frames should have a simple passive of elemental resistance or he could at least cancel out the shield-halfing "freezing temperatures".
    IMPORTANT EDIT: While discussing Frosts rework with a friend I had a "Eureka!" moment.


    Freeze is pretty much useless, so why not remove it totally? The only downside of that would be the removal of freeze force, but we already have plenty of augments which buff allies.


    Ice wave could work as a first ability, it is similar to slash-dash and rhino charge (ranged abilities, directional, clearing the path ahead).


    Snow globe would move to the second ability slot (or perhaps maybe stay as the third ability)


    Avalanche would move to the third ability slot (staying as it is, doing radial damage)


    By doing this we would be left with a NEW ABILITY SLOT that could be used for a new, more up-to-date ultimate, that is focused a lot more on CC.



    That about covers my report. I absolutely love and have been loving what you are doing at DE for a bit more than two years now, I have yet to see a studio that pays as much attention to what the player base has to say, and balancing and perfecting their product.

  12. Today I decided to clean up my friends list a little bit and I came across 41 pending request, so I got to work. When I clicked on the first guys name, I saw an accept all option, but no deny all. So I have to go in and clear them out one by one, which took some time, considering that you get a nice little message saying that you removed a friend as well. There needs to be this option, because there are occasions where you simply do not want to accept any requests. Thank you.


    [Requesting a thread move if I posted under the wrong category]

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