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Posts posted by Pourvoir

  1. Hey everyone, gonna be streaming all day and I figured it'd be cool to see how the kogake work in fights before they decide to get them.  I'll be streaming all day and if anyone needs help farming our group can help with that as well :]


    stream: twitch.tv/lefendal


    Kogake youtubevid: 

  2. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it :]  I think it helps build the community out and is a good source to find groups to play with.  Also if any new players in the game feel free to come ask questions in chat.  We can most likely answer them for you :]

  3. You CAN do stealth things as is but they're not fun to most people and if you're playing with randoms they probably aren't doable.  Killing every enemy I see isn't effeciency for farming (which is what most of the game is).  Much like when D3 first started out, it was better to destroy breakables than to kill enemies for rewards.  If I'm going for rare mats I'm going to be rushing to the bush breaking open containers and only killing what I need to.  I don't like being punished if I'm rushing either so maybe you could add in a quickness completion reward or something since it takes a bit of skill to finish a mission quickly.  HOWEVER, even that idea would be problematic with all the different warframe speeds that would be hard to work around.  


    I'm not saying your ideas are bad and I'm sure you also realize they would need a lot of work to go in the game, but with how the game is (especially since it's still in beta) it's probably not the best to suggest ideas like this now because of how much changing the game would have to undergo to make this idea a good implimentation.  You said you strongly disagree with how much we have to do in combat but didn't list any examples.  If we were able to maybe chain skills together or abilities then yeah we'd have a TON of options, it would be a bit like that game Bulletstorm's system  (I'm pretty sure that was the name) where you could get skill kills.  At the moment we have stealth kills, headshots, shooting stuff, and slashing stuff, jump attacks, slide attacks, and wall run attacks.  That's not much variation to me.  


    You're also going to have issues with the ideas of killstreaks with certain frames and there would have to be cooldowns on timers.  Killstreak + saryn = lots of harmony.  This idea just creates SO MUCH WORK.  I'd love some kind of system to increase drop rates but I think this idea would either need a lot of expanding ways to get affinity which I'm sure you're open to or would have to be gained in a simpler way like you get more harmony the less missions you leave, how long since your last death, or something like that which would all have problems to sort out as well.  It's good to have expansive ideas but I think DE really needs to make sure what they have is working smooth and while we all love warframe we all know the game is not close to smooth yet and ideas like this couldn't be implimented in anyway soon.  They still need to balance frames, movement, weapons, chat lag, optimize, and the list goes on.

  4. Thanks for your opinions - however, lets get some pesky facts out of the way:


    -Neph valor exists to make you stick to a loadout and a level. this is a fact and not my opinion - The magic find+ is the carrot to help you do that.


    Quote from Diablo Wiki "This (Nephalem Valor) system was implemented to encourage players to stick with a skill build of their choice, select an area of the game they enjoy, and sweep it for elite and champion packs on their way to a boss"


    Harmony is not to intended to help you stick to a loadout and a level - it is for rewarding you for playing skillfully with a maxed frame.....so again.....not for the same purpose, or even mechanism as Neph valor, at all.


    -There is no 'run to a waypoint' affinity reward that promotes rushing, you misread. The Spy reward is - 'be the first to Waypoint a Mod'. Meaning Hit 'G' and create a WP on a mod to show your team where it is.


    -There is no combo meter, the Harmony indicator is only visible on your system map, and would slowly glow more intensly over time. One 'combo' would have no effect on it. It would take an entire play session to max it.


    If you'd like to talk more about the 'in the zone part' please go on, but the other things were just factually incorrect.


    My thoughts about 'the zone' is bascially saying, when Tenno are using their skills well, they are in the zone:


    If you want to shoot things while sliding, I think thats fine...that is a skill based move. As is stealth killing. Not sure why you call these 'not in the zone'. I made the Affinity rewards directly from the list of the special skills that all Tenno have. Using skills well = in the zone IMO.


    I'm assuming you don't play Diablo 3.  People don't kill bosses for loot.  Regardless of what Nephalem stacks were expected to do (not implimented actually for, if you quote something it has to be what they actually said) is not what happened.  People never bother fighting bosses in d3, they just have farm routes.  The changing of skills is negligable anyway, the main point is the magic find.  Nobody on blizzard's side actually cared if people were changing skills btw lol. 


    Harmony is intended to give us magic find (like nephalem valor stacks) along with a few other buffs yes?  I don't see the craft time going in, that's not realistic unfortunately.  So once again, it's very very similar to nephalem valor stacks.


    Sorry, I did read that part incorrectly about marking a mod.  (they'd have to make modules easier to hit with the G key lol which I'd support fully!)


    You're limiting at what times a player can get kills.  I obviously won't kill anything unless i'm sliding, wall running, or jumping.  So i'll probably be sliding the most because its the easiest and a player will always take the path of least resistance.  If you increase the wall running or jumping harmony gain then I'll just do those instead of sliding.  When I'm going around quickly picking off enemies I'm usually just running and sometimes sliding.  Usually not wall running but if I see someone when I am I'll try to pick them off of course. 


    A system like this makes me feel like I NEED to be wall running jumping or sliding.  Players don't like to be forced to do things.  In the zone to me means that you're going through a mission quickly and effeciently.  I'm not really seeing a "large variety" of ways to get harmony from combat.  Stealth stuff which I'm not going to do and the game's stealth would need a remake for it to be viable and the game is not going to be overhauled because a forum idea obviously, and then there is jumping, wall running, and sliding.  So 3 things I can viably do.  I don't really want to have to jump to kill something and I don't do that now unless I'm fighting hyena, I don't want to have to always look for a wall to run on before I kill something, so that leaves sliding being the dominant way to get harmony.


    When I say skill meter I'm refering to what you just said about tenno using their skills well.  We don't have a huge pool of combinations or VIABLE things to do.  I can shoot things or slash things with a charge or regular attack.  I realize it would slowly build up but it's a skill meter nonetheless. 


    Also why wouldn't people without level 30 equipment be able to do any of these things?  Do you need to deal a certain amount of damage or something with 1 shot/attack?  


    The magic find idea is cool but you're giving DE an idea full of holes they'd have to fix.  Realistic forum ideas should be able to basically flow in the game without them having to remake the game around them.

  5. Its a metagame system that adds magic find which is what their function exists for, not sticking to a loadout.  Sounds like nephalem valor stacks to me.  It just wouldn't be ruined by switching loadouts.  After reading the ways to get affinity here are my concerns:  The stealth ones don't fit in currently because there isn't much of a real stealth mechanic right now which DE is aware of.  The run to a waypoint one obviously would just promote rushing.  The other combat ones make it so basically I'll spam the slide and only shoot things while sliding.  


    We don't have a huge pool of combos like a devil may cry game to build a skill meter.  Also, this all sounds contradictory to your idea of harmony.  If I'm in the zone I'm not taking the time to stealth kill everything, trying to knock down an enemy to get an execution, or rolling around.  I slide to avoid damage personally (roll invulnerability is for monster hunter :p not ninjas).  


    Much like your cells idea you have the potential of a good idea it just doesn't fit into the game.  Unfortunately people are going "all my yes" because they're being dazzled with a wall of text so of course it must be an amazing idea.  Sorry if that's harsh sounding but it's honest.

  6. Just hold down the 'run' button the whole time and the infinite slide works fine...


    There, all done. Problem solved; no more whining.

    Huh?  I always hold shift down the whole time while I'm sliding and the cooldown still exists.  Unless I misunderstood.

  7. It is to stop exploits!


    Remember this is a f2p.

    You can create infinite accounts or play your "friends" accounts.


    Just play a 4 member squad by yourself. Do a run with 1 and collect with the rest afterwards.

    You see the point?


    So... you then have 4 different accounts with 1 neurode that you can't trade?  Oh no... the games economy....



    But yeah, the materials should not despawn.  Don't see a reason for them too and don't like it.  I've missed many a morphic because of it.

  8. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I haven't seen anyone "spamming" his 4 in any way other than defense missions (Vauban's cc field).

    And that was once. A 50E ability, sure. But a 4? Spamming? I guess I'm missing something as there seem to be a lot of people talking about it.


    Room-cleaning abilities are somewhat  strange to use imo. You heavily rely on the drop of the orbs. In a small room with like 10+ enemies and some lootboxes, yea, you use the ability and your energy is very likely to be back to max.


    The problem I think that is being spoken about is another


    A room full of hard enemies is meant to be a challenge. Should be about positioning, taking out the vital enemies and granting each other cover.

    Right now however, you can usually go to these rooms and everyone can use their heavy AoE-Dmg or Stun and actually having cleaned that room faster than the previous ones in which the ult might have not been of too much use.

    So the result is:


    1-3 enemies: drive-by

    4-6 enemies: some shooting and stabbing, getting knocked back if you're melee

    7-9 enemies: quite some fighting unless someone uses his 4.


    10-w/e enemies: ulti-by


    This makes big enemy encounters more like a firework festival, rather than an extreme challenge.


    I do NOT say "nerf ults they make game easy as trolol", what I say is that big enemy encounters do not do what they are maybe intended to do.



    And by the way. The game is still a beta and as such it needs feedback. So there's nothing wrong with anyone saying what experience they have made so far, no matter their progress or whatever.


    I personally think if they wanted 10 enemies to be hard... there would be hard enemies that grouped up.  DE wants us to feel like super cool strong space ninjas.  Guyver definitely lifted.  Nearly all the shooters that come out make you hide behind cover for 2 minutes while you try to kill a few enemies and it's very refreshing and a lot more fun to be able to take down a group of baddies.  I'm sure harder gameplay will come but I'd like the harder gameplay to not be forced and be something you go to a specific level for that is rewarding like stage long boss fights.  Also, we have to remember this is a farming game.  

  9. I like the idea. Just please don't make them like krill lol I think most people dislike that boss.  He's so tedious.  I'd really like it if they dropped a guaranteed rare mod too or instead of an alert blueprint.  The problem with the alert stuff is once you've gotten it all it's not going to be "sweet! a rare mob" it'll just be "sighhh another rare mob".  Especially since only some of the helmets have good stats and I don't think there are any very good alert weapons.  I collect them just to have them but their stats are subpar from the ones that come to the top of my head.  Pretty cool idea though, just add rare mods! lol

  10. I could see a mod being created for it. Which I'm sure you want to attack me about, but hold on. The whole point of mods is to change your playstyle or strengthen it or even just cover your weaknesses. We've already seen a quite few of these playstyle changing ones come into the game(Handspring and Shock Absorbers for example). Now you can be on the bandwagon that "handspring should be baseline", but I'd rather see things like this stick to mods so that we can have actual customization beyond "redirection, vitality, flow, streamline, and your abilities" with builds only varying in what you spend your final 2 mod capacity on.


    Every time the game needs a fix it can't be "create a mod".  Even if they did add some kind of slide mod I'd probably only use it for boss rushing unless I had the room for it because I was using a warframe that has weak abilities (which is a whole other problem).  We only have 8 mod slots and there are certain mods that are fairly vital to each warframe and people aren't just going to give them up to use a slide.  Is that their choice?  Of course, however, I just think it's going to create a very blah game where we don't naturrally have good mobility.. as SPACE NINJAS!!!

  11. Hey there,


    First of all I wanted to compliment you on the great job you're doing designing the warframes. I really love the style you use to forge naturally looking suits for our Tennos. Which brings me straight to the point of my suggestion.


    I'm not sure if the design for antimatter is already done and finished, but I thought that it would helpful if people post some interesting Designs for antimatter in this thread.


    I'll just start with my suggestions: more cubes and triangles !!!

    I know that the suits should keep their biological look, but I'm kind of missing sharp pointy edges on my characters. Maybe antimatter is a good warframe to start implementing a very distinct look with edges and flat surfaces. Let me just post some pictures so you can get a picture of what I mean.


    Keep up the good work :)






    Nobody would wear those clothes in real life.  I don't want my warframe wearing them either.  Also I wish people would stop trying to make helmetless frames.  Just stop.

  12. Watching a warframe gameplay stream sounds about as interesting as watching grass grow.


    Lol I can't argue with that.  We generally have good chat going on.  I go to WF streams for the chat more so than watching gameplay.  I think certain games you go to streams for socializing and other games its the gameplay like for competitive game streams such as street fighter or what not.  

  13. Yea, i don't wanna just know about a giveaway, that more likely just scares me away from it...


    Mind actually saying something about yourself? Or is it just gonna be bad advertisement?


    Why would i watch your stream instead of others.


    Might only be my opinion, but a person that tries to get people to watch him/her just cause the person is doing a giveaway, is a stream i will stay away from.


    Not sure how me showing viewer appreciation scares you off but alright lol.  


    I'm 22, brown hair, I like long walks on the beach, and avocado a lot. 


    We have a fun group of people to play with and there's always a lot of viewer interaction.  You might change your mind if you visit the stream :]

  14. Well then what is the point of stamina at all with that logic. Limited stamina makes you think about how you use it and so you have to slow down at some point. Really it's just an anti-speed running mechanic. If one physical activity requires the use of stamina, so should all physically taxing actions. The only other solution would be removing stamina as a whole which would give the players the option to just not even bother with attackers.


    You don't have to bother with attackers regardless.  If i'm speed running I won't so that doesn't change anything.  Most movements do affect your stamina, just not by much.  Melee, running, jumping, and wall running consume it.  I think stamina should not be used by running, BUT I think it needs to stay in the game for wall running.  Why?  Because if people can wall run forever it is obviously going to cause problems and being able to do weird glitches in levels and possibly open up a lot of exploits.  

  15. Stop being so childish, Pourvoir is right. We should be space 'ninjas' but they're taking our freedom of being fast away, and the way u handle ur comment about leaving everything out of the game is unappropiate 


    He's just using logical fallacies by taking what I said and exaggerating it immensely which doesn't prove a point.

  16. Yeah, why should running take stamina? Everyone can run forever without getting tired, right?


    2 words. Space ninja


    Realism in my games?  Nah, I prefer italian plumbers that can run forever and get twice their size from running into a mushroom.  I don't get the forcing realism crap in games.  

  17. Keep talking about it to get it changed people.  Sick of this crappy slide still...  I know they wanted to fix that slide melee attack exploit but they hurt the slide doing it.


    At least make it so running doesn't take stamina.... I mean why does it.  Inb4someone goes "well the stamina mods need a value".  Just take them out of the game.  Why balance a game around some mods?  That's silly.  


    So DE, make us feel like space ninjas and give us that awesome mobility  back please?  I just started playing ash and I'm like WOW why even play any frame besides loki or ash when everyone is significantly slower, and I'm not even talking about for rushing.  Even in defense missions it's nice to have that speed to get around the map or move around your enemies.

  18. Thank you.




    I don't concern myself much with consoles; therefore I do not read much regarding them.

    So you started a thread just to try and bash them?  Not sure what you'd speak out about.  Is this a hate speech rally or something?

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