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Posts posted by biggstobacco

  1. Step 1: search wiki for where to farm.

    Step 2: run missions until you get what you need.

    Step 3: Profit.


    You'll have streaks of good and bad luck once in a while. When you have a streak of bad luck, it doesn't mean anything's broken. Any "evidence" of the sort is immediately contradicted by many "I got it in less than 5 runs" stories.

  2. Content as challenging as this sounds as though it requires a full team, which means you must be able to revive dead players and players need to be allowed to use their existing self-revives.


    Other than that, this is a seriously good idea.

  3. I think Steve said on Twitter or elsewhere there are plans for "seasons" of Warframe as far as a story goes, and that season one is planned out. Currently there is no endgame other than hitting mastery rank 11, since that's the most difficult goal that's achievable (from what I've heard, haven't done the math myself, 10 might be the actual limit right now). DE is aware we're hungry for endgame and are hopefully working on some kind of solution, but it might be a ways off...

    I'd like to see very difficult content or "raids"  personally, content that can be chugged through with skill instead of luck, but would require intense coordination to the point players would need to really step up in order to complete it.


    I wasn't aware Steve had said something like this. That makes me hopeful because I really dig the lore and bits of story that exist, but I'm a bit disappointed in that the mission mechanics are all the same and there is no real story to missions at all. There are superficial story elements slapped on to the same mechanics as any other mission of a type.


    I think the whole idea of endgame is a disservice and it cripples our thinking, because in a gear/difficulty progression game, the only end happens when you stop playing. There is no endgame, and there never was. Not really. Not when you think about it. It's an illusion.


    In a progression game, players feel burned out or at least bored when they expend effort and no progression occurs. 


    Speaking for myself, I don't want endless gear/difficulty progression alone. I think the days of that sort of thing in online gaming are beginning to come to their end. What I want is meaningful story progression. It would be awesome if Warframe's story caused people to talk about it with the same intensity as Mass Effect or Bioshock Infinite. I realize those are single player games filled with branching decision trees and cutscenes. That's a huge difference. But look at how the destruction of Theramore has galvanized the WoW playerbase, and that's not a single player game. Guild Wars 2 believes they're moving their story along, but to me it's incredibly boring and I quit playing months ago.


    The story of Warframe excites me, so I hope that whatever "seasons" or "endgame" comes, we get to see more of it along with new and challenging mechanics, monsters, and gear. Actually, let me correct myself: the premise of Warframe excites me. There's been practically no actual story. I'd like to see that change.

  4. Both rushing and explore/loot playstyles are legit. Players have their own reasons for preferring one over the other. And it's not that even a single player always plays just one style. Yesterday, I wanted a Neural Controller and rushed about 5 J-3 Golem missions until I finally acquired one. When I play in groups, most of the time they rush, and so I do, too, because I don't like being the guy everyone is waiting for (although that still happens because my movement skills are not all that, yet).


    When I solo extermination missions, I take my time so I don't get killed and also like to explore. For spy, hostage, data, or artifact missions, if I want to solo them I usually rush them in order to survive and not be overwhelmed by mobs that stun you.


    Rarely, I get a pug that isn't rushing and I enjoy that much more.


    So you see different situations can call for different tactics from the same player.


    During the last livestream, the devs mentioned they were discussing some kind of way to flag your playstyle so that you could be matched up with other players with the same flag. 


    If they implement this, then I would like to see the movement cooldowns eliminated, because it's not fair to the players who really like it. 


    A combination of style-flagging and unrestricted movement would be the most fair for everyone, in my opinion. The style-flagging would need to be able to be changed at will between missions so that players could adjust their own playstyle as they see fit for a particular mission (rushing a boss mission hoping for a particular drop, for example).

  5. I would like for there to be more incentive to run level types other than Defense and Assassinations first. Higher level missions are cool and all, but I think the should focus on making the levels more interesting over just adding more of them.


    I'm with this guy. Story matters. Lore matters. What is supposed to be my character's motivation? Mindless repetition of the same mission types with nothing to them beyond their mechanics is just... meh.


    And, I might add, ironically odd, since the game backstory and lore sound so tantalizingly good... that's a huge slice of WTF, ya know?

  6. DE have said in developer livestreams that they're looking at ways to group players together who have a similar playstyle. For example you could choose "Explore" or "Speed Clear" and get grouped with others who chose the same as you. You can't please everyone but if they could pull this off it would make a lot of people less ranty about how others play.

  7. not really


    the opposite, frost is strong to fire, cause it freezes everything, ember burns ice


    Why can't Frost put out the fires and Ember melt the ice? Makes sense to me... Not that it would really be worth it.

  8. Not when they swarm you, you can't move.  I've had so many cheap deaths that I couldn't avoid because I had no energy for any of my powers, or I can't jump over them because they keep knocking me down.


    The Infested hit too hard, and have to much health.  DE, fix please.


    Sorry, but this is COMPLETELY a learn to play issue. Plenty of players deal with it just fine, therefore it is not bad design, but, rather, that you are not skilled enough (yet) to deal with it. Keep trying, practice makes perfect.

  9. the infested ai is fking stupid, they can never make up their mind what to attack which is really frustrating.. plus the unavoidable knockbacks and energy sapp are so annoying considering how bs it is that u can dodge behind them and it convienently locks on to you



  10. Two things mean I cash out of a defense mission: something I want drops as the reward or it gets too hard. Usually it's the former and not the latter. Hey, I got my Void Key so whatever. Sometimes, if a round of waves is tough (I have to be revived or have to revive others) I'll check out because I know the next wave is gonna mean nobody takes their goodies home.

  11. +1 just for the Doom reference. XD


    Part of the problem here is that not everyone is skilled enough to be able to get out of the situation. From what I have seen personally,  a lot of people lack the skills. They get hit by a Disruptor, lose all their energy and shields and get knocked down, surrounded by Infested which then proceed to stunlock them til they die. The problem is made even worse when there are multiple Disruptors around, which there almost always is.


    Last I checked I've put about 44 hours total into this game and have loved every minute of it. And... I'm not spectacularly skilled. But I'm learning how to handle Ancient Disruptors. So if a not-quite-so-skilled player such as myself can handle a few disruptors, I don't think anything about them needs to be nerfed.


    Instead of nerfing them, maybe someone who's better than me should post a "how to deal with Ancient Disruptors" thread. I just try to keep distance on em and bring a lot of fire. Also, even if shields and energy are gone, there are still upgraded vitality mods. Don't skimp on the vitality.

  12. I am very disappointed with this patch. I was expecting small clans' concerns to have been addressed already. It was literally all I wanted out of this patch.


    This issue is way bigger than that. The best course of action has to be decided (and it's not as simple as you might think) and then of course implemented and working. If you'd read the dev's response to all the feedback on clan size/cost issues, you would not have such unrealistic expectations, only setting up yourself for disappointment.

  13. just finished building my Boltor yesterday and even at low rank I can tell it's going to be a better killing machine than the Braton MK1. Not at as great of a distance, but frankly, I was surprised at the distance I was able to hit on the Braton.

  14. The more ignorant someone is, the more likely they want to make sure their opinion is heard. Just human nature. For what it's worth, I think DE knows which "arguments" (cough cough) carry any real weight and which ones can be dismissed (or at least determine the more "real" cause). 


    Just yesterday a player was complaining about void key RNG/drops after DE said they'd address it. So either this player didn't know they said that, didn't care, or didn't understand. Once somebody says something, good luck getting them to rethink it. Lost cause.

  15. So... "a certain number of active people" inevitably leads to these problems is what you appear to be saying.


    That means the solution is to limit the number of people in the forums.


    If that doesn't sound like a very good solution to you, then perhaps the problem is not, after all, the quantity of participants.


    Moderators have the power to determine what is allowed and what is not. I believe game communities have become toxic for one or two reasons: because moderators didn't have the resources/time to moderate aggressively, or because they didn't want to drive away business. I'll give you a prime example where standards have deteriorated: the Celestial Hills server for the game TERA.


    Back when TERA was a paid subscription game, the character naming standards for Celestial Hills server were more restricted than the other servers because it was the only officially designated roleplay server. So you couldn't just name your character "Adolf Critler" or "Baraka Obama" or some lore-breaking thing like that. After TERA went F2P, these standards went right out the window. Since the servers were monitored by GMs fairly consistently and GMs even participated in global chat somewhat frequently, I can only conclude their reason for relaxing these standards was to not drive away business.


    And it was successful. TERA is a much more successful game now than it was before it went F2P. If I don't like seeing player names like "Cummy" and "Boobz" too bad for me, I just have to accept it or not play (yeah I know you can choose not to display names above the players, but that's not the point).


    Warframe started its life as F2P so there are no transition issues. I'd like to think that high standards, aggressively enforced, will help to continue to keep this community as respectful and pleasant as it is currently. If standards are set, and there are enough moderators who interpret & understand the standards in the same way and they have the power to enforce them, then this community will stay strong.


    In the long run, I would like to think that DE's profits would  be greater because of this. In video, DE Creative Director Steve has called Warframe a "passion project." I hope that passion extends to managing the community, also. So far, it seems to.


    In the end, I think we have to be cautious about how we judge and label what others say or think. Especially deriding others as "stupid." When you are upset or angry and in a highly emotional state, it's easy to come across as negative. After all, at that moment you feel very negative. And that's when people want to lash out or at least be heard, so they turn to the forums or regional chat in-game. They don't wait until they've cooled off and have a more level head. That's just human nature, which you cannot dictate. You can only moderate the results after they get posted. :)


    Another aspect in favor of this community is the openness and personality and commitment shown by DE. There is real respect in this community and that's key.

  16. The chat in this game is just... absurd... like the devs never played a game that had good chat functionality before, that's how bad it is. If they were thinking we'd all be on mics and headsets... well, please think again. I get on mumble or skype for friends, not strangers. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.


    A persistent chat window with sounds for alerts such as whispers and invites would be... expected. At the very least. Although technically Warframe is a co-op game, there is  so much about it that is similar to MMOs that I think DE would do well to take a lesson from them on how to do a chat interface. I'd love to see some improvements for this. Overall the game is amazing and I love to play it.

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