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Posts posted by Vitalidad

  1. i am the flames. MR matters, at least in an "experience" kind of way. if you're MR 6 i know you havent tried all of the guns in the game and you can't possibly know meta game mechanics. 


    though a player can hold their own without having a high MR, i wouldnt take their word as gospel on meta mechanics or weapon builds.


    I want to agree with you. However, seeing how small yet significant changes happen every 3 Updates or so, all the experience a player can have may be render useless with current scenarios. For example, the most recent change to the void roster of enemies. The experience many had running high wave defense meant little(depending on tactics used) when the new guys came out. We all had to adapt, some more so than other. Something as simple as that makes past experience useless. (of course, there were also the big changes like dmg 2.0 and melee 2.0)


    Also, there is the issue of rep/xp farming. Nowadays, ppl can breeze through mastery ranks with very little, if any, use of weapons. Sure, there has always been shared xp, and before they were dark sector farming. It's just now it's sooo much easier. No longer do ppl have to lvl crap weapons like we used to back in the day. Things that pushed us to  learn the weapon, learn mod combos, and just deal with crap XD.

    Mastery rank means you've spent plat on weapon & warframe slots... thats about it

    Anybody can go out and grind out weapon xp... you dont even have to use the weapon your leveling up, just take it along for the ride or get ur buddy vaubaun to blow up infested with his penta lol



    eh, technically, you can reach any mastery rank without ever purchasing slots of any kind, we can sell weapons you know. At least, that is my weekly struggle as I push on forward in the mastery rank. "To keep, or not to keep." (I'm a cheap person)

  2. The mesh of an item is it's basic structure.

    Scindo and Scindo Prime use the same mesh.That is why the skin can be used...or could before they changed that.

    You can put transparencies in skins that alter the appearance without changing the mesh,as long as it stays within the confines of the mesh itself.

    But Braton Prime and Braton use different meshes....You'd need a duplicate version of the Braton mesh with an alternate name (so the game doesn't turn your Braton Prime into a Braton by switching). 3D models don't usually work if they have more than one mesh in their file...it will either read both or error out and read neither. Therefore you end up with either an invisible gun (not reading either mesh) or a Braton mashed inside a Braton Prime,which will just look bad...


    what is a skin then? If a weapon with a skin is a whole new object(weapon), then I see it as being quite a lot of work and adding unnecessary MBs to the game. However, if we can have 1 mesh that can handle any skin for that specific mesh, then would it just be as simple as adding another, unique mesh(weapon) to be used for skins. When choosing skins, the mesh will switch to an alternate mesh(for the new unique weapon) that will mirrow the Prime weapon stat wise.


    If skins are just a layer that goes on top of the mesh, then why not just make them for the prime mesh? I don't think it will much cost/time wise.


    Personally, I've never purchased skins for that reason alone. Expecting future primes or the fact that I have a prime version, I never saw the use for buying skins that only apply on weapons I won't use for more that mastery.

  3. Keys would need to be very cheap though, as in 5 Ducats a pop, and there would need to be all 4 tiers. Even then, @ 5 ducats per key, it would be useless considering we need multiple keys in order to make ducats. 


    that is acceptable


    but we also need foundry 2.0, cuz you know, it'd be nice to see a little databox asking how many multiples of items i wish to craft at a time  -o-

    impossible. While we need a better foundry, rushing stuff in the foundry provides a steady plat sink-hole. Even if we could set it up to craft multiple after one was done, I feel they would loose the opportunity to get those on the fence regarding rushing stuff.

  4. Well, it's not outright impossible. In the beginning, you are looking at a planet's skyline. By the looks of the other platforms, you are likely floating up high above the planet. Likely close to the end of the planet's atmosphere.  It is possible that you can have different views with-in the same station. One with-in the atmosphere, and the other outside of it. After all, there is a point where both meet. Besides, it's not as if the station has to be parallel to the ground, it could be vertically placed. Gravity is artificial anyway.

  5. Funny how I'm going for a forma only build since I feel the supra is a great letdown considering it's cost/benefit ratio. I do not deem it worthy of a potato. While forma don't show up every void mission, I found RNG throws them out because it feels slightly bad on making go for long/multiple t3/4 runs without giving me what I need. So I have a good amount.


    However, like that, I need 2 forma for it. (currently on 1)

  6. It says log, but it's actually a text file.




    i also had that problem, support gave a direction to copy and paste in a windows explorer search bar, but it didn´t take me to it. I input warframe instead and it took me where the file was. hope works for you.




    a bit more specific the search took me to the warframe app data folder, that didn´t show up before, there is a "EE" file ,no ".log" attached but that is the one.


    It is a .log file, to me anyway since I do have the 'show filetype extension' option turned on. (I would recommend turning it on, it has it's usefulness)


    Thanks for the help, I was looking in \Program Files (x86)\Steam for it, which was my issue. I forgot about the appData directory.

  7. Yes I would of prefer another frame, yet my issue with this is how lackluster Nova Prime is. I mean, except for Excal and Rhino Primes, the primes have been more creative or elaborate than their conterparts. Nova just looks like they stuck gold rings in her neck and added a little tame gold trim and called it a day.


    Its a shame they don't get creative with her.

  8. I put in a ticket to get platnum spent on a gift that i didnt send refunded after my account was hacked, and have not received a word back from DE in over a week now. Is this typical? or am i just being impatient?


    One week? You still have to wait. I waited 17 business days to get a reply... BUSINESS DAYS.  (just checked, and it was 13 business day... BUT it was 17 days without counting the afternoon I submitted the ticket)


    I'm guessing it depends on the time relative to what's going on with warframe. I sent my within a month of u14 release. So I'm sure they were swamped. Right now, I doubt there is much going on.

  9. Did a 40 min run with nekros 1 argon. Did a 35 min run with frost and 3 dropped. :|


    pffff, that's nothing. I run t4 keys to just farm for prime parts, I get like 10 crystals in 3 or less mission. I need to build a weapon or component that needs argon, I get 1 argon per 5 void runs. RNG is more like an Evil AI to me.

  10. It seems that now I'll have to go back to recording every second of warframe since nowadays bugs are getting more sneaky. Hard to tell when/how they happened. Anyway, I recall there was a .log file we should copy and send to support when encountering nasty issues or just hard to explain ones. Yet I can't find the darn thing.


    Anyone care to enlighten me where is that? (game installed through steam)



    Yes, I used the search function, looked for all the .log files in all the steam games, and found a several, but none from warframe.


  11. Stealth frame??

    I guess the definition is different for most ppl. To me invisibility doesn't count as stealth. You are just invisible. That's it. It's impossible to be see or be detected, so there is no effort or action put into not being detected. Also, the only ninja in this game is Ash.

    (yes, I"m a Metal Gear fan, and even enjoy Splinter cell)


    Anyway, the Prime helmet and Swindle are the best choices in my opinion. (sorry to hear you are so horrible scared by Jar-jar) If you really don't like the helmets, then just don't choose loki. It'll be alright, the world will not end. You still have like 15 other frames to choose from.

  12. Another thing, are you running any type of screen cap/recording software? Or any time of software that creates an overlay over the game? Steam usually won't play nice with other similar software. Specially if you run other software before Steam's overlay kicks in. (I've experience that if I start up Bandicam before Steam's overlay come on.) 

  13. What an understatement! :p


    I've seen a bucket of smoke acting more intelligent than that S#&$ty dogs...


    I concur.


    Kubrows are stupidly expensive and they should remove or lower the price for the DNA things.


    Newbies will have a huge pain trying to keep their kubrows alive.


    I think Kubrows came to be in order to address the question of: "What the hell am I supposed to do with 4 Million credits?". Once a player has maxed out and lvl up by tiers many of the "essential" mods, then there is little to spend credits on. So, Kubrows were not originally meant for "Newbies". I don't get why they lower the DNA stabilizer at all.


    Personally, besides the kubrows, only thing I could burn credits in now is transmutation. Which is the has the same cost/benefit ratio of paying a monthly subscription for porn.(aka, just don't do it.) Yes, I know, it's possible to get lucky as I once did. Still not worth it, unless you are the lucky type.

  14. The update is promising but, like all major updates, we are still in the many-weeks phase of bug testing and balancing. Give it another couple months and you'll start to see the real thoughts and criticism of the update.




    This is a 4 year beta after all.  :-D

  15. Yeah, the store is crap. Prices have never been adjusted after release. Not to mention that something s are clearly overpriced... and even underpriced in 2 occassions. They dont really care since the moment you buy plat is what matters to them. They care not for what you will spend it on.



    tell me the pretty princess rhino dont worth 50 plats XD

    Damn it, I need that now. If it wasn't for the constant frame/weapons/kubrow/sentinel slot spending, I would buy it right away.
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