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Posts posted by Mightyena

  1. As a founder, I've played for a long time. I don't have as many hours as some, coming in at 638 hours on Steam, but in 638 hours of play I've gathered approximately 3k detonite ampoules, 2.5k fieldron samples... and 400 mutagen samples. Going down this road of forcing either hundreds of hours grinding or paying with the premium currency is a very risky path to take. With this one weapon, this singularly powerful and unique weapon, behind a soft paywall like this the game goes from "you do not need to pay to progress" to "pay to win." Power creep is most certainly a thing, and if we assume that every new, powerful, unique weapon is going to cost this much in resources, the older and soon-to-be-outclassed weapons will eventually be completely unable to keep up without more overhauls than simply "riven mods."

    DE, putting all the power-creeped weapons behind a wall so exponentially higher than the rest is not going to do you any favors from a PR perspective. Every single weapon (once unique or not) have given us hurdles to overcome, but we went from hurdles in a race to climbing mount Everest REAL fast.

    I think every single person who has replied to this thread understands the concept of "more power = more cost", but even this singular weapon with it's unique mechanic is outclassed by other weapons. Good? yes. Good enough to warrant the same cost as basically every other research you can possibly do that costs mutagen samples? oh wait, this costs MORE than all of them combined... Heck no.

    With the current drop rate of Mutagen Samples and the singular uniqueness of the "health on headshot" mechanic, 1.5k-2k samples for a ghost clan would be almost too much to ask, though probably not the same outrage you've seen over the Hema.

    Mutagen sample drop rates need to go up by a lot to make them equal with fieldron samples and detonite ampoules, or the requirement for this weapon needs to be taken down majorly on the list. Heck, having it a blueprint buyable from the market with a 500 mutagen sample wall on the build cost would be better than this!
    If you expect 100% participation, put the high cost on the blueprint itself, not on the dojo and clan behind it.

  2. I was doing The Glast Gambit and accidentally pressed escape, trying to close a different window when the quest dialogue popped up and I skipped it all, completely on accident. It kind of infuriates me that I now either have to push forward not knowing the whole story, or wait until some youtuber makes a video on the quest which could take a while.

    So, does anyone know if there's a way to replay the quest dialogue that happens on your ship between missions?

    Edit: it's the same problem if I have to play through and wait for a replay option for the quest just to hear one bit of dialogue.

  3. I've been around a while in game.
    I don't visit the forums much.
    I think it's not smart to nerf sortie rewards like this.
    3-day boosters? Horrible. Surely it makes the farm less intensive, but it also makes it easier to get to the end faster.
    Nitain? Disgusting. What happens when we run out of things to use it on?
    Forma? Forma are always welcome, but I'd rather see something like 2x or 3x forma BLUEPRINTS instead, it's more valuable and Forma are already common enough to most people doing sorties. Plus, you can sell the blueprints if you need a little extra cash and have plenty of formas.
    I'm not a personal fan of Ash, but this nerf makes him borderline useless as killing happens so fast in this game now that the marks will likely be dead long before Ash has the chance to kill them, all this is going to do is make him worse. And it does nothing to address the issue of players bringing Ash into Radiation Alert sorties and killing all of their teammates.

  4. This is happening to my Frost Prime as well. At first I thought it was because I hadn't put a gold potato in him, and so I did... but still it's blurry.

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