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Posts posted by Cephalon_Shade

  1. Both of these bugs I experienced last week, October 23rd and 27th. And will be copying the text from my zendesk reports along with the images. 


    Was doing an Arbitration mission on a Grineer Sealab tileset. And multiple times during the mission mobs would spawn on rocks or in one case, inside a support structure. I have three screen shots taken with F6. (October 27th, 2018)
    Picture one, is zendesk url
    Picture two, is zendesk url
    Picture three, is zendesk url

    Yesterday during a red veil defense mission on corpus tileset, a Moa got stuck on some terrain elements. 
    I have three screenshots taken with F6. Two that show it is stuck, and the third that shows it moving when it sees me. (October 23rd, 2018)
    Picture one, zendesk url
    Picture two, zendesk url
    Picture three, zendesk url

    Decided to make this post and not two individual posts because I believe they are related in someway. And aren't a cause of the chimera update, but feel free to correct me forum mods/DE staff. (And I realize that these bugs aren't game breaking, but are ones I seem to notice more and more now that i'm looking for them. )

  2. Just now I had a lith relic exterminate mission where on loading, everyone lagged on load-in. Enemy spawn count was 40 total, normal enemies didn't spawn on a grineer earth tileset, and a teammate and I experienced an invisible wall blocking us from moving. Additionally, only enemies that spawned were the corrupted variants that come out of the portals that drop the catalyst for relics. I have a few screenshots taken with F6 button.  Oh! I and another teammate tried to scan a frame fighter character data thing, and codex scanners wouldn't equip. Below is an imgur album with the pictures, and I have also submitted a ticket in zendesk. (And thanks for taking time out of deving fortuna for replying/fixing this)



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