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Posts posted by Karonuva

  1. 58 minutes ago, FrostPrime said:

    Better delayed then having to crunch to rush it out imo, hope you guys have a great weekend!

    There's a real possibility of both happening. They said this week, even though they probably knew it was unrealistic from the start with the amount of work still needed. I'm worried staff was working overtime to meet this release date that always was unfeasible. Would've much better to just say "we hope to release within the next couple of weeks" or something, give themselves a bit more leeway, while still having a deadline of sorts. 😞 I think it's also maybe better to set a release date too far in the future, and then see if u can't release it earlier. Prob has a more positive impact on people as well, compared to setting an optimistic date and then having to delay.

  2. I'm unsure which of these rolls is better, WF builder is giving me higher numbers for the raw dmg mod, but punch through and mag size, as well as more crit for Hunter Munitions procs feels like it could be extremely useful. Is WF builder even considering extra damage from hunter munitions procs in the calculations? Thank you!


  3. 2 hours ago, Voltage said:

    Low drop rates do not reflect pride and accomplishment. They reflect good luck. Low drop chances keep players farming. If everything had a high drop chance or was easy to acquire, you would be bored way faster than usual. Dangling a carrot is fine for people.

    Dangling the carrot is fine, but when the carrot feels or could be an infinite distance away, it only leads to player burnout. There's better ways to give players who put in the time and effort these rewards. Make it some sort of achievement checklist, maybe a heroic mode, or both. Something that gives people a reliable grind, and also gives players the opportunity to show off an actual accomplishment, not just their favor with RNGesus.

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  4. Just fought him and I quite literally got nothing. What the heck? With how beefy and rare he is, why are the drop rates so abysmal? Even if he spawns every mission, you'll need to kill him probably 100 times or more to reliably get everything. Feels really pointless having a big bad boss that takes effort to fight off that doesn't even drop an orokin cell or something. 😞

  5. Quick thinking is overrated. It requires you to actually be taking damage to "save" you, if you don't die from the permastagger. This mod gives you proactive invulnerability so you don't have to be taking damage to benefit from the mod. If you play Garuda properly you'll be getting kills with her 1 often enough to keep this up for most if not all of the time.

  6. The past month or so my game literally keeps crashing SEVERAL times per day. I have no clue what is causing it. I've updated stuff, run antivirus checks, verified cache, etc etc. but it keeps just freezing up and crashing seemingly randomly. I have no idea if it's just chance or unrelated, or if I'm just imagining things but it feels like i'm always holding down shift to sprint when it crashes. Could be a correlation.

  7. I have no idea what caused it, might've been a magnetic proc or getting downed or just a weird interaction with mesa prime (or all three). Suddenly my Redeemer Prime stopped working, anytime i'd melee (quick or switch to melee mode) it would just do the holster animation followed by something that maybe looked like a peacemaker pose? No shots were fired, no melee attack would happen at all. Just locked into holster animation without being able to move.

  8. Just happened to me as well. Host migration really is garbage. It's so annoying because every dumb rando leaves after just one round too. You wanna stay but are forced to leave because host migration f*cks you over if you stay.

  9. 18 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    I assume you're talking about the first Sortie, with Enemy Physical Enhancement?

    Because that's normal then, Virulence deals pure Puncture damage (Wiki is wrong in this case),
    Shields are resistant to Puncture and the Sortie modifier pumps that resistance all the way to 100%.

    Because, for some reason, those Physical and Elemental Enhancement modifiers
    give an additive bonus to base resistances rather than a multiplicative one.

    Not sure 'bout this one, maybe there was an Orokin Drone (Eximus) giving additional resistances to enemies or something.

    Ah, that explains it! Still, could be clearer that's what's happening. 

  10. I noticed this too. Went from 100+ fps to like consistently getting lower and lower frames to even hitting 30fps. I have no idea what's causing it. it's like entering/leaving fortuna between bounties causes more memory drain

  11. I noticed this when toroid farming recently. Got a Resource booster from the daily tribute, it says im getting 2x from the pickup, but on the mission progress screen it isn't showing my total. Picked up 3 or 4 x2 Toroids, only showed 4 in rewards, should've at least been 6. Picked up 4 x2 pigments (should've been 40, only showed as 20).

    EDIT: It's possible this is unrelated to the resource booster, and that certain toroid/pigment drops aren't registering at all for some reason. Tried relogging and it seems to be working properly now, or maybe it's because I'm checking my mission progress after each pickup. Unsure.

    It's possible some interaction between a (daily tribute) resource booster, Pilfering Swarm, Smeeta buff, or jumping out of kdrive/archwing is causing it.


  12. On 2018-12-14 at 4:31 PM, EinheriarJudith said:

    what i find funny is people pick this to talk about cultural correctness. in a game with mass murdering machines and children with magic powers that kill. this is a fantasy game and has no bearing on real life topics.

    This is such an ignorant point of view I'm baffled. Warframe does not exist in a vacuum and is not created by 100% emotionless robots. Human slip ups and predjudices and bad connotations are bound to happen, even if unintentionally. And when it does, redeeming it has literally no negative effects.

    Like, if it doesn't matter to you, then why are you advocating against it? By the definition of "not caring" you wouldn't care either way. You're not even trying to understand why it might have negative connotations, you just think it's "political correctness run rampant!" as if changing the name of one ability will cause the apocalypse. Being a decent person and taking responsibility for mistakes =/= overly pc policing

  13. The problem with Saryn is that her ult doesn't have any real drawback. It's a huge aoe viral damage proc with a really quick animation. Like why is it so fast yet warframes like Garuda have comparatively sluggish animations for less power? Saryn is definitely too strong, she's even more of an AFK frame than she was before

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