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Posts posted by (XBOX)UBOD REX

  1. 9 hours ago, More-L said:

    I have an idea for Void spy missions that will take into account the active neural network in attempting to stop you gathering data from the consoles. The consoles will get much more difficult from rotation A to C in a slightly randomized puzzle that fights back with rewards that should make up for the difficulty, regular ciphers have no use during this mission. The lore behind the consoles is that they contain information on the tenno schools allowing (all or some) way-bounds to be strengthened even further after being unbound which is guaranteed as rotation C reward.

    Basics: The vault consoles are located at the end of 3 huge rooms that are all connected via 'tunnels' in between on the sides, these tunnels have open entrances but have lasers all the way along the entrance that randomize their pattern to make them more difficult to enter secretly. In these tunnels are consoles that must be hacked (4 per vault) in order to activate the main console which will have a puzzle similar to a 'pipe game' where you have to connect 2 ends using various 'parts' and the neural network will occasionally swap a pieces orientation, this will become much more complex and difficult going from rotation A to C.

    General mechanics: If a tunnel console or main console is failed or a player touches the laser, the alarms will be set off. When this happens a timer based on how many vaults have been hacked will begin to countdown which will not 'destroy the data' but instead lock off the console and kill any players within that vault, the time will be something like 2 min for first, 1 for second and 45 secs for third. When each tunnel console is hacked the lasers closest to them will be disabled. Upon hacking the first tunnel console, all enemies will become alerted. When the second one is hacked, strong turrets will activate. When the third is hacked a single nullifier wave will negate and removed all warframe powers throughout the entire area. The fourth console will activate the main console and disable the neural network for 10 seconds, a coordinated team can hack all 4 at the same time.

    Vault console mechanics: Each vault console must be hacked up to the number of vaults already hacked (i.e first is 1 hack, second is 2 hacks, third is 3 hacks) and after each, a certain response will take place (unless done within 10 seconds of hacking the fourth tunnel console.) The first hack will spawn in heavy units and a few nullifiers. The second hack will cause a persistent nullifier bubble to cover the console that can only be removed by standing on a pressure plate in the middle of the room and shooting a glass orb behind the console. Finally, the third hack will cause a short timer to start that, when it finishes, any players still inside the area will be downed. 

    Rewards: Each successful hack on a vault console will grant a reward, this will mean the rotation cycle goes like this "A, AB, ABC." Rotation A will have general rewards (relics, endo, rare mods.) Rotation B will have higher tier rewards (kuva, ayatans and a special cipher for these vaults) but these must be manually picked up and will be obtained via 'secret' rooms that will open when a rotation B hack is successful. Rotation C will always be progress towards strengthening the operator, meaning only the ones who wish to upgrade their operator will have to do the most difficult hack.

    Optional features: The vaults are located underground and can only be entered by doing specific tasks. Above each vault will be 2 doorways leading into a classroom-esque area (where the tenno practiced their schools) this will imply the orokin allowed the tenno to have their 'schools' but gathered information on them that was stored in the vaults below. Each classroom will have a task to complete based on their school OR they could simply be 'lore features' with no practical usage. Making it so only a tenno with their active school set to match the room's could enter could also be a good way to present how the tenno practiced their schools teachings.


    DE this needs to happen! This is great.... Also make plains more run around fun and less rock laserpointer plz.

    thank you!

  2. Having the arch wing available at all time would be awesome like another tool to the arsenal rather than felling like a second Warframe that uses different mod and mission variants, also having the jet-packed Grineer (and of course the corpus) enemies flying around all the time fighting air born would be fricken awesome. To be able to just jump in to your ark wing and combat them (Titania will be fine if this were ever to come) would be a great addition to the ever customization that this game offers (At least in on plant based missions). When i'm on a mission based in space and I break the glass it would be awesome if i got sucked in to space and Ordis is like "HERE"S YOUR ARK WING" (currently something I never see unless i'm obligated to) and i had to get back in some how or it opened up an entirely new path i could use to complete what ever i'm trying to do (even in a defense mission or excavation where you don't exactly traverse the terrain to much). Also ground to space combat like if you were doing a mission that involved sending a message out some where there could be a point where if the faction your facing intercepts message and you can go to the place where they intercepted it and "DESTROY THEM *cough cough* show them Tenno justice." 

    A new planet that's all open world would be great. Planet Name: "Whatever" -Eviroment Setting: lava/rocky and montain (so there can be plenty of fun risky jumps that feel somewhat exciting to do and land and hilarious to fail). In terms of dieing obviously we can't use the revive system that is currently in place (for a free roam that is) thus players will get unlimited self revives (however if they have arcanes they still get that immediate revive on the spot and it can refresh after completing objectives or little missions) but they will be revived somewhere away from where they are (Not other side of the planet but away from what ever killed them for player convenience) Enemies should be much stronger on this planet starting at lvl 80-100.  With bosses starting at lvl 115. I was thinking the main theme of this planet could be a mining point and weapon testing for corpus and grineer creating a basis of constant conflict and war over complete control of this planet. Also If you did implement ark wing as a usable peace of the arsenal there could be ground to space combat, where what you do in space effects the terrain on the planet, for instance if you blow  up a ship it can crash in to the planet making for an interesting little raid. 

    idk thats what I wold do... 

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