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Posts posted by Constructman

  1. Here Comes Tyl Regor

    (Parody of Here Comes Santa Claus composed by Oakley Haldeman, written and performed by Gene Autry)

    Here comes Tyl Regor, here comes Tyl Regor

    Right down Tyl Regor Lane!

    Manics and Bombards and all his tubemen’s

    Killing all the frames!

    Guns are shooting, Tenno screaming,

    All is bloody and bright!

    So grab your rifle and say your prayers,

    'Cause Tyl Regor comes tonight!


    Here comes Tyl Regor, here comes Tyl Regor

    Right down Tyl Regor Lane!

    He's got an axe that's yearns and thirsts

    For Tenno blood again!

    Hear those slay bells jingle-jangle!

    Oh, what a horrible sight!

    So grab your shield and cover your head,

    'Cause Tyl Regor comes tonight!


    Here comes Tyl Regor, here comes Tyl Regor

    Right down Tyl Regor Lane!

    He doesn't care if you have his drops,

    He hates you just the same!

    Tyl Regor knows you’re all so greedy,

    He won’t make a thing right!

    So say your prayers to RNG,

    'Cause Tyl Regor comes tonight!


    Here comes Tyl Regor, here comes Tyl Regor

    Right down Tyl Regor Lane!

    He'll come around when chimes ring out

    That it's farmin’ time again!

    Equinox will come to all

    If we just grind ‘till we’re blind!

    So let's give thanks to Lotus above,

    'Cause Tyl Regor comes tonight!


    Here comes Tyl Regor, here comes Tyl Regor,

    Right down Tyl Regor Lane!

    Systems and Chassis but no Neuroptics

    Spilling from his brains!

    Equinox is so elusive,

    All because of his spite!

    So mod your weapons and jump back in,

    'Cause Tyl Regor comes tonight!


  2. 4 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:
    1. Deathball. This would be a small metallic sphere capatable of morphing and changing its apperance depending on the damage mods it has. Main attacks would look like you move the ball with your hands movement but without touching it.

    So, a Lunaro ball?

  3. In Chains of Harrow, the Red Veil turned out to know a LOT more about the Tenno than I previously thought, including Lotus's identity as a Sentient, the children of the Zariman, and knowledge of the Void that not even we are privy too. I can understand that Rell told them a lot about the Void, but how would he know about the modern Tenno aside from "survivors of the Zariman piloting Infested puppets"? 

    I wouldn't be worried if the Veil was fully on our side, but considering they send death squads after about a third of the Tenno, I don't feel so confident. How are they not a massive security risk? 

  4. My Huras Kubrow takes a while to recognize that there are enemies in its Stalk range, so often times I have to crouch in a corner while I wait for the Kubrow to sniff out the enemies right in front of it! It also drops invisibility at random moments, sometimes even when there's an enemy in its face!

  5. 1 hour ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    While I don't think it "destroys the new player experience", I do agree that it breaks the flow of the game (from a lore perspective) for new players to see and be affected by the cysts.

    I'd suggest that players should be immune until they have at least completed TSD, and ideally wouldn't even be able to see cysts on other players' frames.

    Like how Shadow Stalker doesn't show up in missions with players who haven't completed TSD.

    Actually, he still shows up... It's how I got my War Blueprint before even starting TSD.

  6. Favourite frame: Volt. YOU CAN'T LOCK UP THE DARKNESS.

    Favourite primary: tie between Soma and Tonkor (focused stream of massive crit vs EXPLOSION of massive crit I can't decide...)

    Favourite secondary: Twin Grakatas. BRRRRRRT. Multishot turns this thing into a instant death machine.

    Favourite melee: Hirudo. It feels extremely... cathartic to beat up mobs with your fists.

  7. On ‎2017‎-‎01‎-‎23 at 6:04 PM, Ex09 said:

    Did you Alt+Tab? If you are, try using Alt+Esc instead or play in Borderless Fullscreen.

    Borderless Fullscreen drops the framerate really hard. It also makes everything - chatbox, HUD, etc, really small.


    On ‎2017‎-‎01‎-‎23 at 5:31 PM, BiancaRoughfin said:

    I was having that issue about a year or two ago. Normally chat program notifications that popup on the corner of the screen cause your WF to minimize if you click on them so its best to turn them off.

    It happens even if I have Skype and Discord closed. And there is no prompting; it just happens.

  8. At random, my game will minimize itself to the desktop (i'm playing on fullscreen). There doesn't seem to be any common underlying cause, but the effect is the same: when i open the window again, the game will freeze and take so long to catch up that I'm either kicked out of the squad or everybody else is. What is going on???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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