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Posts posted by Papper2k

  1. So its been since the new login reward system that i`ve been connecting to warframe everyday, and upon connecting to warframe today, I did not receive a notification for my daily login reward of today ( from saturday the 9th, 7pm to sunday the 10th, 7pm eastern time ) at 3;30 am


    My last daily login was a flawless seed aquired on january 8th at 8:55pm, which is the time period between tuesday the 8th from 7pm to friday the 9th, 7pm


    I had work so I didnt get to play until 3 am ish for the time period of saturday/sunday


    Is that an UI bug and i got something or did it just vanish?

  2. Hmm, wondering if the syndicate weapons count for mastery, as getting all 6 will make people have to lose their standing and re-offer Orokin Catalyst/Reactors, and those won't appear in Uranus all the time ( I did wash that potato from yesterday )

  3. Anyone else having a problem with not being able to color their front sigil? I can only color my back sigil since the update.


    Same here, front sigil is staying as the base color of the sigil, not the actual desired color

  4. Imagine if there was an eximus with mind control and you were in a squad with one of your teammates using a boltor prime and exactly THAT one gets mindcontrolled and they get controlled by the same AI that controls the stalker .w.


    To be honest, that would be kinda awesome lol...


    Stuff like that should be from some new enemy type higher than Eximus Leaders. It would be really cool thought haha

  5. personally I would love to see a radiation based element eximus that procs it on tenno making power spamming likely to kill your own teammates which would promote more careful gameplay to deal with them and less power spamming


    I like that idea, but that would just make more ways for trolls to ruin everyone's fun :(

  6. Not really that good in making threads nor anything, but I really wanted to give some feedback that I feel would help the game and diversity.


    As of lately, the farming and grinding in the interception missing in Eris showed that swarming us Tenno's with more Energy Leech Eximus's was futile, even though multiple were sent at us at time, people still found ways to farm and grind enemies at alarming rate, my suggestion would be to add a new Eximus type made to kind of counter this strategy.


    This new Eximus type would be one that ignores or gets heavily reduced damage/reduced effectiveness from Warframe abilities as well as shrouding some of their allies with their buff, making the spawn killing ultimate affinity grinding strategy to an alt or rather just have some complications.



    Other Eximus changes/ideas are welcome, I would like to know your feedback on mine and on other's.

  7. - There are a large number of undiscovered objects in the codex (eight to be exact). Since I don't know what they are supposed to be I can't confirm that this is a bug or anything. It just struck me as odd as I run with Helios most of the time and most objects ought to be discovered by now.


    For me only 6 objects are yet to be found, and it doesnt seem to be a bug, just rare objects. I had found this really nice looking Rare Grineer storage container and the other ones I havent found yet seems to be different kind of storage containers( And a missing turret looking thing dunno )


    I'll try editing and adding a screenshot here


    But for such a rare object, 50 scans needed is... a lot.

  8. Some additional bugs:


    Still can't scan Kubrow den, it stuck in 8/12 for me.


    Can't scan (it's different from above, it's like object doesn't exist) Excavator Scanner, seems like it doesn't have mesh, can freely walk through it.


    Same here, Kubrow Dens and other objects seems to have issues with being fully scanned, for me its 10/12 Kubrow dens and it is now unable to be scanned, same goes for Toxin Injector I seem to be stuck at 7/20, dont know what causes those circumstances, I asked a couple of friends and some had fully scanned both.


    Grineer power carriers and Corpus power carriers appear twice in the codex

  9. Hmm, something minor I noticed that could use a fix is that some of the codex scans cannot get completed, for example I am stuck at 10/12 for the Kubrow nests yet cannot scan it more as it says fully scanned, some other objects are also having the same issue

  10. Thank god we don't have any Poision weapon, so Infested resistance is futile!


    Edit: Sorry had to make a stupid comment with a italic on the word that was wrong, but it makes sense that Infested resists toxins, since most of them are surrounded by it. Maybe make further resists to Infested enemies that are surrounded to toxic to resist it even more? I mean they are surrounded by toxic, their dead bodies emanate toxins, why should they be weak to their own kind of damage since they are filled with it?

  11. In the Grineer Asteroid defense tileset, sometimes the stalker will spawn inside the object we are defending, making us unable to kill him without heavy AoE or penetration to damage him through the object. Being stuck inside that odd place, he starts attacking our defense target and make fail our mission.


    In other defenses, the stalker also spawns in the middle of the object we are defending ( Cryopod in Corpus ship defense tileset ) but he can easily move and be killed since he is not completely merged with the object.

  12. Some kind of scenario in which there are spammed abilities of Warframes to make colorful display, just like when 3 members of the team are waiting are extraction, everyone usually just depletes their energy into making some colorful display, so perhaps some kind of light show with Vauban's Bastille and some other abilites of Warframes used in the diaporama.


    Example is just like this, but my idea is that it should be first of all of better quality :P and that it would be a little darker, maybe with some grineer or corpus floating around in the bastille ( can be more than just Vauban, but this idea specificly includes a vauban, either as a background or as the main scene ) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=166509447 <---- that pic is pretty much overkill xD


    I'd like it to have Vauban's bastille kinda like this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=170536485


    If also Banshee could be in it for her ability that makes borders around the environment with the energy color just like this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=170533758


    I really love the environment when we do the tests to level up our Mastery rank kinda like this screenshot shows http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=170534146


    So yeah, my idea is a mix of all those 3 things, in the Mastery Rank test place with some borders of the Banshee ability and an Vauban's bastile. there could be an added spot that morphs into whichever Warframe the Tenno last used.


    Some feedback would be appreciated!

  13. Would it be possible to make another quick hotfix? I tried looking in my clan and when clicking the offline members it highlights them and makes me unable to close menu/do anything else, so I have to close the game from my task manager.

  14. There's no need for roll back. And there's no need to put the drop rate back to the way it was. Yes, it's true that you don't ever have to farm for them again but you're missing the point..You don't have to FARM for rare resources anymore. The only thing you need to farm now is Blueprints. And that's what they're trying to do, limiting farm fest. While now it's easy for you to build blueprints, you still have to wait for half a day or even a day for it's to finish. Be happy they cut out the farming part for you to build blueprints.

    Still, at the moment it doesnt look like this was intended at all, almost to no Rubedo drop for me and a bunch of neurodes instead. So it's probably just an error they did while coding the patch, even though I really like to think that I will never have to go and farm rare materials again, it just seems like this was just an error, they did do a quickpatch for the morphics, but it wasn't just the morphics, a rollback would just be fair for everyone, I did get to play the game often this weekend, but it's not everyone that had the chance to play and get to have those huge ammount of materials.

  15. As of the recent Patch (U9) the drop rate has been altered to the point where there are no longer any need to farm for those once "rare" materials.


    As pleasant as it might be to have over 100 morphics and no worries to ever farm for them ever again, it should a good idea to make a rollback of the "Rare" materials. With all of those "rare" ressources, I can pretty much build the blueprint almost instantly, and finding them no longer makes me have a smile on my face, because what was once rare and seeked after to get is now so common that I just won't ever need them again.


    Should the ressources be rolled back to what people had at U8, or should the rare ressources be reset back to 0? Or should we get to keep all those excess "rare" materials we got recently.


    Any possible solution to this, let's discuss about it in this thread.


    Edit- Ressources/Materials

  16. Just wanted to say hello to every other Tenno, we might meet and fight together from time to time.


    I'm just an Canadian with a kind heart, I'm Papper2k pretty much everywhere, so if you seen this name in some other games, it's probably me. Looking forward to play with you all! :D

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