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Posts posted by .ERO.

  1. From the stream, we can tell that the devs are having a hard time deciding what to do with the frame, we can hope that means they have chosen a good set of abilities that will make the frame, in some way, reflect its duality. Thats about it, you know as much as we do from that point or until another vote pops up. No point in even looking for a reddit post or leak cus there is nothing to leak that hasnt already been done by the devs in the steam. And this is coming from the guy that submitted the theme! lol.

  2. Well then they should just implement better incentives and reward systems as incentives to player to join squads in the nodes rather than removing choice from player of what nodes or game modes they want. There are some solo players that want to do their own thing on certain tilesets that they want your taking away that choice from them as well? As already stated in this thread there are a lot of better alternate solutions than creating an artificial immersive RNG based mission selector that removes players choice DE even stated so themselves "that it will remove some player choice and compensate it with crafting" so RNG replacing GRINDING at least with FARMING you know and have a hold or control of the time you can achieve your personal goals even with the current system there is enough RNG already. So I suggest for those people that haven't gotten every single thing yet from the star chart such as boss sigils frames, hunter weapons that spawn on certain invasion tile sets and missions, arch wing missions and even resources STOCK up already and prepare for the worst. I personally have farmed everything already on the star chart and have completed all nodes so for me it won't be a problem but do you see me giving up on this issue? NO cause I want to be able to choose what mission or gameplay I do and I don't want to be crafting keys to access areas that I already have access to that in itself is very $&*&*#(%& idea.


    Well I read the last line, and uhhh, you can choose what mission to play without keys.

    They are removing the current bland and diluted illusion of choice, nuf said.

  3. I cant talk about the inner workings buuut I think I can say that the original idea I had for it was a she-he. As you know, we do get to submit, discuss and vote on various features, but a lot of player concept gets cut or out voted.

  4. First of all, each patch/hotfix has hours and days of code, coffee, and effort behind it. Second, It is not a cloth syandana, it is the first cloth physics syandana, and that is not just a "hur dur make it move" process like you seem to think it is. The minor reworks and tweaks you want are not minor at all, they are complete revamps that require a total assessment on balance and mechanics, so wanting the teams to "just do a minor change here" is an un-funny joke at best.



  5. Notice how you never see "campers" and "corridor heroes" complaining about negative nanceys in their own threads, or condemning wild and unpredictable play styles or how such styles continuously fail defense and vault missions?  Cus we are having more fun than you, because we dont care how other people play and we enjoy the way we play. We dont always camp it up in a corridor, like a BOSS, but when we do, you better believe some epic nobody will be there to tell us how un-fun we are ;P

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