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Posts posted by SolEtude

  1. Am i the only one who has a problem with the manner all this fancy stuff actually activates, in a first place? I mean, click 2 to select the orb type, and hold 2 to actually throw it? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Because as it is now, it appears useless to me, since the right moment to use the thing might be long gone at the time orb is actually thrown, due to that "hold-to-throw" delay. I've never played Ivara, so maybe i'm doing something wrong? Please, elighten me in PM if so :D

  2. *Drops tear for times when events was designed for community to loose. Giving the final honor to reasonably competitive era, and glances furiously at the "Here some gifts in a form of brutal event" era to come... laughing silently of the "it's to hard - nerf - it's too easy - buff" matter. Wears the Rathuum badge off, but pressing Furax firmly against his chest*

  3. Watched the last stream and clinged to what Steve were saying about rewarding old players by giving them ability to demonstrate their swag in the ship somehow,  so, decided to throw this idea in:

    We should be able to demonstrate our unique items. Be it WF birthday guns, or Backers exclusive content, or guns that just won't be around anymore (Braton Vandal, i'm looking at ya!), or PA exlusive accessories. Should it be weapon display of sorts, or kind of mannequin to equip, or just a little statue given with an actual item, it could really show 'em green newbs how to roll!  tell something to our liset guests :)

    Sorry to stick myself between Rathuum rage ^_^

  4. Guys, you missed the point 'ntirely :D I wasn't suggesting anything, my view on the subject doesn't matter at all, and i didn't want to fire a discussion! I just hoped to hear from devs if they think Opti is good, or need some tweaks, because i assumed, based on Penta release, that every new uber gun is given rifle ammo and insane pool for the purpose of field-testing only. But, seems like opti is good, if what was stated in the Vitalis post is true. End of the line, hop out! :D 

    But, well, since i'm here, and since i read this:

    1 hour ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

    ... Compared to snipers like Rubico that fire much faster and score crits of 200k, the Opticor looks rather pathetic ...

    Can you link the build in pm please? Because my Rubico, although unpotatoed and unforma-ed, got around 340 raw dmg, with most in corrosive, and my Opti has 8.030 raw dmg, with larger part in puncture, and i can't imagine how one can possibly boost Rubicos base 200 raw dmg to 200.000 crit o_O

  5. 2 hours ago, Darthmufin said:

    Otherwise, nerfing the total ammo makes no difference at all. 

    I've never spoken of nerfing ammo reserve alone :) Please, read carefully from the first post. 

    Anyway, i got my answer from Vitalis, so let this topic rot already 8)

  6. 2 hours ago, Djego27 said:

    ... it will be a sledgehammer nerf ammo inefficient weapons ...

    Keep forgetting about those, as of useless stuff. Only keep them for fun-crazy-spray-and-pray sessions. But you have a point. Maybe high rpm weapons need buff on their own, like higher status\crit chances, to benefit more from multishot changed "Sol-logic way", and on their own. I like the concept of Soma in terms of balance: though damage is awfull, crit chance is high, making the gun somewhat competitive.  

  7. Ah, well, since you've mentioned it.

    I'm not aware of how DE intend to change multishot, but i'd like to describe it a nerd way.

    The only way more then one projectile departs from a barrel is that multiple projectiles are initially inside, or projectile splits on the fly.

    So it's either a shotgun cartridge, with pile of little balls in, or, as detonation happens, single bullet cracks into several particles, and those flies off to their destination.

    Thus, additional ammo consuming, while it may contribute to balance, is utterly illogical, if applied to any non-energy-based weapons.

    Thus, the only logical way to commit it would be to split damage accordingly with the number of projectiles on the fly.

    Thus multishot will still contribute to crit and status chance, also add chance to hit multiple targets, but won't affect dmg output significantly, and ammo efficiency at all.

    Basically, multishot would turn any weapon into a shotgun of sorts. Chance may affect number of particles, or damage distribution between them somehow. Maybe 120% means projectiles splits into 2 and sometimes into 2 and a 1/4, maybe it does so all the time, as with shotguns with over 100% MS.

    In any case, the idea is that only one projectile can leave non-shotgun barrel of a firearm, and bullet of a given size can only deal that much dmg, and if it splits, damage splits as well.

    It's harder with energy weapons, but those are completely fictional, so creativity is less strained to a common sence :)

  8. 7 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

    ... the 540 reserve makes ammo a non-issue, so I dunno if that is intended or not.

    That is indeed the very concern of mine. I see that 540 ammo is way to much for how mighty this canon is, thus asking if it's intended or just an oversight.

  9. 9 hours ago, zokurazor said:

    ... Considering it a sniper weapon because it's mostly used at a distance ...

    Never thought about Opti being miscategorized, actually, but i think the idea behind sniper ammo is just that it's less common drop compared to rifle, and regains less ammo in terms of numbers, thus it best suits powerfull weapons, such as bow or grenade launcher, as well as snipers.

  10. It's a great weapon, i love it, big fan, dmg is utmost, charge speed is improvable, stagger between shots is neglectable, bla-bla-bla. But. Shouldn't it feed from sniper ammo pool and posess smaller ammo reserve? 

    I remember when Penta was released, it had some 500-ish ammo and fed from rifle pool too, and later has been reasonably tuned to it's current state.

    I've been expecting same change made to Opticor once it's field-tested, and it has not yet happened. So, is it working as intended, or tests are still on go? 

  11. I haven't found anything relative to my question on a first few iterations, so hit me with Prova Vandal if that question has been asked\answered before, point me there and throw me away. 


    I've been running trying to run some Phobos excavations lately, and noticed one funny detail: every now and then, a bunch of 3-4 Lancers rips me apart in a matter of seconds. Just leveling some equip there, np, and vectis is not the best weapon against crowd, fine, Volt isn't a very durable frame, cool. But just 3 lancers, in couple 'o seconds? 


    I'm not at all complaining, i like the challenge, and i absolutely love hard-hitting guys, and i like T4, big fan, but isn't it a bit too far to put such enemies in a 16-25lvl window? 


    Is it a bug, or we should get used to it? :)

  12. All in all, it's an okay trade in by mechanics. Blind still for melee, Javelin for more killing. It won't be very classy by aestetics considerations though: it'd be better to just buff Javelins with DMG \ Procs \ Punch Through \ More Javelins, and leave current mechanics untouched, for very concept of emmiting death spikes outwards if generally fine and somewhat exclusive.


    I can hardly imagine how it'll look though. Javelins just materialize next to a weak spot and then thrust? I'd like to see it as somewhat similar to Hydroid's barrage: Javelins travels from excalibur, into the air and then falls on their targets with pinpoint accuracy.

  13. Gone to a mission with chat open, while tried to say hello, were not able to chat during loading screen, and after mission has loaded - my controls were completely jammed, neither mouse nor keybord responded. ctrl+alt+del - End Process

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