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Posts posted by (PSN)Fourd_4D

  1. Recently have been doing the Index and pretty much coinciding with the new map's appearance I have started experiencing a loss of UI where the aiming reticle is not visible, the energy and health bars are not visible, and certain waypoints are not visible.

  2. As a developer, I feel like DE should be much more concerned with players feeling cheated out of their time. Like, every other game with limited time events has an event NPC stick around to trade in leftover items so that players don't feel like they went to waste. Whereas Ambulas STILL DROPS ANIMO NAV BEACONS when it shows up on maps but you can't sell them and the trade-in NPC is long gone (and did I already mention earlier that the old event was intentionally misleading by telling you to collect them to locate the boss and not to turn them in anywhere for additional rewards?). So these hundreds of Animo Nav Beacons I just dead weight in my inventory, can't even sell them. And now Wolf Creds... I have well over 300 wolf creds sitting doing nothing because I couldn't decide what to spend them on before Nightwave disappeared and the radio terminal didn't even stick around during the intermission to let you trade in the creds! That's basically like DE offering me $20 worth of plat as a reward for participating in Nightwave and then taking it back because they're mad I don't follow them on Twitter or pay any attention to Devstreams.


    At least let us sell items related to non-cycling events for credits. You can't even sell them for 1 credit each like the old navigation segments just to get them out of your inventory.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Thando said:

    It has been known to most from the very start that the wolf creds would expire with the season. I'm sorry you missed the info time and time again.

    That being said, I fully agree with the sentiment that the cred reset should not happen until the next season starts. 

    At the very least it should be possible to spend the creds on (a reduced/basic set of) nightwave shop items for a week or two after the season ended. Especially given that we have to wait 1+ month for the next season.

    I don't know if I would agree with using the term most. I would think that if you look at the total population of active players, the vast majority do not watch devstreams or follow the twitter account or browse the forums or read patch notes and depend entirely on in-game information. And I don't recall getting any in-game communication emails like from Nora Night or seeing any in game timers letting me know about wolf credit expiration. There IS a timer for rounds of nightwaves, but it doesn't actually say anything about spending your credits.

    Do you want to know how players who only play the game are warned about their Wolf Credits expiring? First I want you to sit and think if you have ever seen the in-game message. I assure you it exists, but how many of you even knew that? Open your menu. Select Equipment. Select Inventory. Scroll down to nearly the bottom of your likely staggeringly large inventory list given the nature of the game as a collect-a-thon. There's the Wolf Cred itself, maybe we should have searched for it instead of going with the default alphabetical organization. Select the Wolf Cred. "Wolf Cred expires when the program ends". Now how often do you even go into your full inventory menu in normal play? I would actually say never, I never go there. Nobody needs to go there. You could go your entire Warframe career without going there and still play the game just fine. You would have to have an inclination already planted in your head to further examine an item. I know what you're thinking, wouldn't some people investigate the new item the first time they got it? I say no, because to actually collect them you need to view your Nightwave menu even after you have already collected enough Nightwave points to win them. On that menu is already a button prompt to spend your Wolf Creds so really anyone who receives them already knows they spend them there and has no need to examine the actual item in the never utilized inventory menu to see that they expire when the "program" ends. Which program? The weekly batch of challenges? The plot segment of each season? The full season? The entire series of all Nightwaves?

    Warframe has always been lacking in in-game information and in-game reminders. It's one of the reasons why one of the major criticisms of Warframe is that it's confusing and dense. They know it's confusing and dense, it's why the intro phase of the game is getting reworked. But you'd think that somebody would have thought by now that hey, having in-game reminders is easy and can be kept within in-world dialogue without breaking immersion and/or slapped onto the UI.

    So I don't think it's good to make excuses for DE by saying that it has been known from the start. Or what other people have been saying like basically "don't you watch the devstreams or read the twitter"? Like, no, I play Warframe I don't care about twitter.

    • Like 1
  4. 50 minutes ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

    And how will this affect people who simply aren't interested in previous nightwave rewards?  Won't it just add more time before they get what they do want from the following seasons?  There's also the fact that DE have said the rewards WILL be returning to the game in the future so it's not like you're missing out on items forever.

    I presumed that there would be other catch-up mechanics involved so perhaps the main progress would be to the current season and older seasons would get the same or a fraction of that amount of progress but only one at a time.

  5. So from what I can glean from Devstreams, the current solution to fears of missing out on Nightwave rewards from casual play is to put in catch-up mechanics, make Nightwave tasks easier for greater value, and possibly even stretch the time limit.

    I feel like these are band-aid solutions.

    Or rather, my proposal is for a more directly universal catch-up mechanic. That is to say, you will never permanently miss out on seasonal rewards that are not purely aesthetic. Such that while Nightwaves might move into new seasons, that the reward structure is reworked to make it feel like you're not losing progress towards non-aesthetic rewards other than extra seasonal credits.

    In short, the rewards for Nightwave should be ordered in a looping manner.

    But what exactly do I mean by that?

    First line up all Nightwave rewards in order for the first season. When you finished, you continued to acquire Wolf Credits until the season concluded. When the new season starts, you will presumably be presented with a brand new sequence of rewards to progress into.

    But now pretend you never made it to the end of the reward list and did not get the Wolf's armorset and your Umbral Forma, etc.

    When the next season starts, you will return to your progress on the season 1 reward table and once you acquire enough points from Nora you will get that previous season's rewards only with the new season's credits.

    Unique aesthetic rewards like emblems, armorsets, emotes, can still be once and done or even missable unless another Wolf themed Nightwave shows up as a reprisal. Once acquired, subsequent "looping" back to their same spot on the reward order would be replaced with that season's credit.

    Season limited rewards such as Umbral Forma should not be missable and progress towards them should not be lost. Once you acquire enough Nightwave points to reach the Umbral Forma spot on the reward order, you should get an Umbral Forma up to the maximum amount for how many Nightwave seasons have currently been released. So basically, if you never finished Season 1, you should be able to finish it during Season 2 and then keep going into Season 2 using catch-up mechanics to hopefully get your second Umbral Forma, but once you have exhausted how many Seasons there are, it would just loop back to seasonal credits.

    The goal here really is just to make sure nobody feels like they "missed out" or "lost progress" towards the Umbral Forma, which let's be honest, is the real reason most people would be participating in Nightwaves. I feel that adding extra season time and making seasons easier to complete is not a good solution to this, because casual players or new players can really miss out or burn out quite easily. Like, I normally have to manage my free time very harshly if I want to play more than one night a week, so getting my Umbral Forma really burned me out on Warframe for a good while.

    On a side note, there is another possible band-aid solution but I hope DE has not taken it yet out of benevolence because the other solution is to let us buy Umbral Forma already so that it is not truly missable anymore. I would prefer if it was still something you gain through playing but can still acquire the same total amount as more senior players if you missed out on earlier seasons of Nightwave.

  6. Actually I think it is ENTIRELY unfair to casual players that Nora doesn't tell you IN GAME every time you talk to her that you can't save Wolf Credits.

    It would be so simple, why is DE consistently so bad at putting information in game? Have Nora quip about spending her creds before they expire. Have a little timer on the Nightwave menu that says Wolf Credits Expire in X days. So simple. This is the same as how Ergo Glast never gave any verbal indication that you should come see him to spend your animo nav beacons, you were collecting them to find Ambulas and that is all they told you in the quest, they never tell you to spend them on anything, heck it even says on the item "cannot sell". In-game information is crucial. This is the same as how nobody was doing the datahashes or even looking into the datahashes in the community resources because nobody in game made a point to mention it and pique interest. Stop doing this DE, learn from the past. From the failure of Guides of the Lotus.

    • Like 4
  7. On 2019-02-10 at 11:03 AM, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

    Its centered around his 4... The Repelling Bastille aspect is a fortunate synergy that just works with the build.



    I literally just said i am happy with a rebuild. Im just showing options to play him until we get a rework. Idk maybe read?

    You seem a little on edge, I didn't say anywhere you didn't seem happy or imply that you weren't on board with a rework. But I did comment on your build and on the fact that being able to complete content does not automatically make a frame desirable compared to frames that complete it faster and more efficiently. Also if your build is intended to maximize the 4 why does it spend a mod slot on the augment for the 3? Just sayin'.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:


    This build right here, allows Vauban to literally do anything. Any lvl content... Any enemy... Anyway... Any how. A rework if its coming is cool... However, Vauban is a badass. Try this... So fun, so good.

    That appears to be a build that uses 1 of his 4 abilities, Bastille. You could probably get away with using Vortex too. I'm just saying, that's not a good state for a frame to be in. Able to function, sure, but 2 out of 4 of its abilities do nothing and you're utilizing two extremely defensive arcanes as your only real defense besides spamming Bastille.

    • Like 2
  9. Vauban is pretty bad. I love him. But he's bad. Very fragile, abilities have a severe lack of build synergy with each other, every ability is CC with inconsistent or useless support/debuff and the amount of CC this supposed king of CC can provide is not enough to consistently protect himself from any faction other than Infested. He can function with effort, but ALL Frames can function. Our goal is not to have a frame be capable of functioning, that is like a bare bones minimum requirement to even be in the game. The goal of a rework is to make a frame with low desirability have high desirability. Desirability is something DE can provide a fairly accurate metric for through usage popularity, and Vauban's is quite low. Deep analysis of his abilities and stats can shed light on why his desirability is low, and juxtaposing them with similar abilities on other frames does not give you a full picture of the situation on its own since you also need to consider the unrelated abilities of the warframes who own those comparable abilities and how they offer better synergy and more desirability than Vauban's.

  10. Sorry, I was too distracted by the thought of a personal Booben sentinel to pay any attention to the rest of the proposal.

    Ha, anyway I am also a big fan of the idea of putting a hard defensive aspect to Bastille or its Augment to make it a more versatile ability for both CC and defending. A flat 50% damage resistance is probably not the optimal way to go about this but I agree entirely with the concept.

    For Tesla and Minelayer I am of the camp that stat reworks are not enough and the abilities should be reworked more dramatically. Vortex I think is already in a decent spot so a stat rework might be just what it needed for that extra oomph. So I have little argument to this proposal other than desiring further alterations to Tesla and Minelayer.

    Giving Vauban an extra sentinel or even an exalted sentinel sounds extremely fun. I don't know if this is how I would like it implemented just yet, but I'm on board with the concept 100%. Let's infringe a bit on Khora's territory, it's wide enough as it is! She infringed on Vauban's territory first anyway, what with her jungle gym of death basically being a better version of Bastille.

  11. Tesla could probably use a much stronger buff than that. It's pretty bad in mid-high level content already.

    I think that's a fine idea for Bastille. Many people don't want to change how Bastille works, just make it better. I think that's a good way to do it if you're in that camp.

    But for Vortex, honestly, it does pretty bad damage already. No need to reduce its base, just go straight to the buff based on how many enemies get nabbed. I like that.

  12. Maybe we should have a pinned topic for suggesting ways to rework Booben, eh?

    Anyway, I'm throwing my two cents into the ring with a really barebones theme here, in the sense that I have no idea what kind of actual number values to insert here and it's mostly to just suggest ways I feel Vauban ought to be playable.

    Tesla: Should be a trap skill with support potential. I know it just doesn't work right now, but that seems to be what DE was initially thinking with this ability since it does proc and it can be stuck anywhere even to teammates. So... instead of what we have now, that is minimal CC with almost nonexistent damage, make Tesla a heavier and more costly ability. You know that electric web ability that the Kyta Raknoid uses that causes staggering and high electrical damage? Take a page from that and make Teslas project a decent sized electric mesh that scales with power range and has better scaling damage. Then, make the Tesla Link Augment grant all allies (self included) a buff while standing on the Tesla network you've laid out and maybe even inflict enemies with a debuff! I'm thinking it overcharges teammates with power strength (self included?) and maybe saps shields or energy from enemies every time it procs electric on them. The goal here is to basically make a more offensive minded and compact version of Oberon's Hallowed Ground that makes allies stronger instead of more resilient. If you make all this based on Power Strength you could maybe entice more people into not ignoring power strength anymore because all it really does for Vauban currently is increase the max number of helpless targets in his Bastille (since Tesla, Minelayer, and Vortex are bad damage anyway).


    Minelayer: Should stay a cycling ability but should be replaced with something more akin to a turret than a mine. I feel like one of the major weaknesses of the mines right now other than their poor scaling is that only Trip Laser has any persistence (and bounce pad I guess but that one is so niche already) and it would certainly ramp up its effectiveness if all the mines had either a number of charges per mine based on duration or power strength or if they were all timer based with infinite charges limited only by a remuneration period (again based on either duration or power strength) before firing off again. So... why not just replace it entirely with a turret skill? It would be cool to have something still ball themed, maybe give Vauban some tenno-aesthetic versions of those rolling deployable turrets the executioners use in the Sedna arenas?(And make Vauban Graxx reskin them back into the Grineer ones!) Make cycling the ability switch them between the four primary elements, and create an Augment that allows nearby turret drones to combine their elements into the compound elements. Or make cycling the ability switch them between the IPS damage types +Electric (since it's Vauban's original element and fits his engineer theme) and create an Augment that lets them debuff IPS+Electric resistances of enemies.


    Bastille: People really like how Bastille works, in concept. I don't think it should be messed with too much in its base form. The augment though, could use work. While I like the idea of a Repelling Bastille Augment that actually does what it claims to do, I've gotten the sense that many people find an extremely large Repelling Bastille (as you will see on pretty much EVERY Vauban still in play during these dark times) somewhat disruptive, especially on certain tilesets. So... it needs a rework not just a fix. I'm thinking it ought to be changed to a much smaller inner ring within the regular Bastille and not be a Repelling Bastille anymore. It should have some sort of offensive or defensive functionality instead of just more and more redundancies on the initial CC. Maybe it could be an augment that continuously electrocutes enemies within the smaller ring to lock them down and hurt them. Maybe in exchange for limiting the range, have it offer some sort of extra protection to those inside it like kind of borrow something from Frost or Gara and give it the ability to protect against projectiles. Reflect projectile damage at attackers or convert absorbed projectiles into zaps of electrical procs back at the shooters, both of which negating the incoming damage that would have hit frames inside the inner bastille but have it be limited by either durability or an absorption cap after which it requires recharging (so it can break under high duress or have a limit to how much it can absorb over short periods of time before it comes back). It'll allow Vauban to be a little more versatile if he can impede on the territory of defender frames a bit using an Augment. So basically, turn Repelling Bastille Augment into more of a reactive force field or something. A Dispersing Bastille if you will! Make Nyx jealous by giving Vauban a deployable mini Absorption. (Hey speaking of, how about another rework on Absorption? It's still only useful for the defensive aspects.)


    Vortex: My current Vauban build is all about Vortex simply because it can still function decently in some niche situations. I'm not entirely certain how to alter it without infringing too far into Mag (who still needs more buffs, bless her) or Nidus territory, but maybe that's exactly what it needs to do. I think it should either debuff enemies more severely or deal significantly more damage. My ideal state would be for it to inflict magnetic proc with greater regularity, like keep enemies trapped in it almost constantly magnetic procced so that their shields are constantly reduced while inside Vortex and ideally being stripped entirely due to the magnetic damage. Because while shield stripping is less useful than armor stripping in this game, armor stripping is much more common now and some units have both shields and armor and a lot of the armor stripping abilities don't work when there are currently shields up. While shield stripping is practically useless versus Grineer, the ragdolling is still plenty useful against those guys, and the physical concentration effect of the vacuum helps you use other methods of armor stripping against many enemies at once. Perpetual Vortex Augment... is fine. I like it. Seems useless on paper but frontloading a Vortex while you recoup your energy back to cap in a matter of seconds to go do other stuff is probably the most useful thing Vauban can do in his current state.


    That's all I've got to say. Please don't tear me apart too quickly. Appreciate it.

  13. I would say it is pretty normal to fluctuate between needing more credits, needing more endo, and just when you least expect it, dang you finally ran out of Orokin Cells!


    It takes a lot of passive playing to rebuild all those stacks of trash mods to melt into endo every time you deign to max out a Primed mod or the Umbral polarity mods.

  14. <Suddenly, potential SPOILERS>


    I like the idea on principle of "there should be an arena where we can wager and win endo" but for lore reasons it can't really be Rathuum.

    Some sort of arena styled mission but against elite Infested on a derelict tileset would make more sense. Some sort of old war arcane beacon like the one in Chroma's quest could be in danger of... I don't know... going critical or being malappropriated by infested and we need to like, inject Endo into it to fix it but it causes a bunch of unique infested units to spawn or something and then as a byproduct of winning all this it spits out a huge return of Endo that it processed from all the ancient infested. Lore wise this could even tune into the rumor that Endo/Ayatans actually has something to do with stored Orokin memories (and that Maroo has been collecting ancient data for massive profit every time she extracts Endo for our use in modding) and the Endo the arcane machine spits out was made from the unique infested ancients that are most likely made from people of the Orokin Era or some jazz.


    I dunno. I fully support some sort of Endo arena, just not on Rathuum.

  15. <Topic contains spoilers>


    <Actually topic is mostly spoilers>


    With cinematic and lore heavy quests now punctuating progression through the game, and with the junction shopping lists now determining the pace at which you develop the star chart instead of planet segments, I think it's clear the tutorial section of the game could use a bit of a rework.

    Like, I don't know if you're tracking this kind of data but everybody I have talked to about Warframe had only met Teshin for the first time during the Natah quest and was very confused about this strange man who was calling them their pupil as if they had met before. Seeing as how you have junction requirements to even get far enough to access Natah, obviously talking to Teshin on the relays should be a minimum requirement for accessing Uranus. Maybe even have Teshin offer a Conclave tutorial, even a training match against bots or something. In fact, a lot of NPCs in the Relays or otherwise ought to have an incentivized introduction, to let you know about their possible quests or services or syndicate bonuses, etc. Maybe one of the early Junction lists should just be to go talk to all the NPCs in the relay.


    But speaking of the Junction requirements, perhaps somebody like Lotus (or Teshin) should talk about the junctions and how they have the spooky specters of the rails that will pose a cryptic challenge to Tenno that wish to use the rail. You know, just to kind of act as a way for new players to understand that in order to progress they need to finish their Junction shopping lists and listen to the raspy specters make their demands. And I might be overstepping my understanding of the lore right now but maybe there should be a very subtle hint at transference from the specters prior to any quests that mention it, since I'm assuming something similar to transference created the specters of the rails. Maybe they were low guardians and have a memory of Stalker.

    And ah yes, the Stalker. I doubt any new player will make it all the way to Second Dream without bumping into him. But maybe when he sends you your first angry email, have Lotus and/or Ordis comment about it. "Oh yeah that's this really angry dude that has made it his sworn mission to exterminate your kind any way he possibly can. I wouldn't worry about it too much."

    War Within goes in depth about a darker part of the Orokin culture but it seems to conflict a bit with the hidden Ordis Fragment messages. Seems to. On close inspection, it doesn't say anywhere that ALL the Orokin or every class of Orokin had to depend on Continuity (Primed Continuity?), so Ballas simply getting up perfectly fine after a good ol' Beast of Boning suggests to me that Orokin immortality wasn't simply body snatching but that the upper echelons of Orokin society had no need for such a comparably barbaric method of immortality. Maybe someone should comment on this during or after the quest. Maybe. Preserving the mystique is important. All the more reason then to constantly call into question what we know of the Orokin though, right?

    But speaking of Ordis' fragments, you should put a hint into the game itself that they are there. Maybe when you complete a fragment and return to your ship, Ordis could chime in happily that you have completed a new fragment and then immediately demand that you destroy it or not look at it in your codex. Just to let people know that maybe they should be looking at it in their codex so they can discover the triangulation minigame for the hidden message.

    Oh yeah, and have the Worm send you an angry email about Kuva Siphon/Flood missions after War Within as a way to introduce players to the concept, and have Lotus and Teshin argue about the Riven Mod you get for completing War Within as a sneaky way to introduce players to Riven Rolling! There really isn't a suitable explanation in-game. It should be hard to skip. Small transmissions can make all the difference. Like maybe someone should explain that to get Invasion rewards you need to satisfy the chosen faction with multiple missions in quick succession.


    In short:

    1. Force contact with Teshin prior to Natah.
    2. Incentivize a full Relay NPC tour.
    3. NPC dialogue explanation of Junction shopping lists and make Specters of the Rail worth their weight in lore.
    4. NPC dialogue explanation of Stalker prior to Second Dream.
    5. Ordis dialogue hints to take actual interest in Codex Fragments.
    6. In depth NPC dialogue explanation of Kuva missions and Riven Mods.
    7. In general, try to add transmissions or communication emails about game features that could really use explanation so new players have both interest and knowledge of what they should be asking about.

    That way newer players are less lost and confused and you don't need to depend on guides of the lotus for everything. Every time you add new features or quests there should be an in game explanation new players won't miss.:clem::thumbup:

  16. On the topic of D-Pad functionality I feel that whatever your final UI decisions for Sacrifice turn out to be, it really should have full D-Pad functionality without the need to ever actually use the cursor for complete navigation. Console players, and I feel many PC users too, greatly desire full controller support that does not require a free-floating cursor and allows for a menu-locked type cursor.

    One of the issues I am experiencing right now seems to be caused by the intention of cursor navigation interfering with the support for D-Pad navigation. Namely scrolling. As it is, if you are using the D-Pad to navigate a scrolling menu and you reach the edge of the list, it will not scroll as you continue to press the D-Pad in the same direction. Upon using the Right Stick to scroll the menu, the cursor remains locked on the side of the list where it formerly was, quickly skipping over an entire chunk of options which would have logically been "next" on the list in the order scrolling was intended. I feel it fair to label that extremely unintuitive to D-Pad users.

  17. The hotfixes to the cursor curse update have been a big help so far! But I found something else that is really bothering me that ought to be addressed:


    On the mods screen, when using D-Pad navigation to switch between the top (equipped mods/loadouts) and the bottom (mod library/categories) the game will not recognize the context change for the L1/R1 hotkeys that normally change loadouts on the top and change categories on the bottom. It will only recognize context change if the cursor control is tapped to wobble to cursor a little bit and that is somewhat infuriating for someone that used to cycle between those things very often in the old UI.

    Thank you.


    Also, a little less noticeable but still worth of addressing I think: when you first pull up your menus, the game is extremely sluggish to respond to D-pad input for up and down to realize it ought to warp your cursor over to the menus for D-pad orientation. Probably because of how it is set up currently to respond to direction of menu relative to cursor position, seeing as how it responds almost immediately to a "left" input to snag the cursor over to the main menu. Seeing as how the main menu is arranged vertically, I find it very unintuitive to have to press left first before I can start scrolling up and down every time.


    Again, thank you.

  18. My personal priorities for improvements to the new UI are as follows:

    1. Find a way to add back in the menu hotkeys like "go directly to mods for this thing" or "go directly to appearance for this thing", etc. This is one of the biggest time bandits of the new menu navigation methods.

    2. Add an option for removing cursor travel time while using D-Pad navigation (it is far too slow even at max sensitivity, just get rid of travel time altogether).

    3. Find a way around the "drag and drop" mods system. This should exist only as an option for people who (for some reason) would prefer to use full mouse and keyboard support on console. With a controller it is just silly.

    4. Add an option for D-Pad scrolling. The current system of changing row/column with D-Pad but having to scroll all rows and columns with Right Stick is not intuitive despite what the patch notes may imply.

    5. Maybe triple the maximum cursor sensitivity limit.


    Well that's my nickel for today.

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