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Posts posted by Saravind

  1. 3 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    Got to be honest, my issue is that instead of just letting us play it over a period of time for higher points DE in their infinite wisdom deliberately designed a system that requires us to play for a condensed (forced) period of time to get a set amount of points to get the 2000-10000 extra points, points that are necessary if we actually want anything from the store due to the imbalance in pricing versus normal return from the missions. 

    These bonus points are only awarded if we get x amount of points within what seems to be a few hours and in all honesty, even in lockdown I don't think I can play scarlet spear for that long at a go without going stir crazy with it's repetitiveness....


    That and the fact railjack mission gives more points which I think is totally wrong, because it's clear why it's being done... railjack just isn't popular so they're trying to 'force' people in by giving better rewards..

    Throw in boring, repetitive tasks that put even plague star to shame it just seems like DE just hasn't been listening to all the issues we've had with older alerts and/or bosses.

    yeah it feels our time isnt being respected... ill still play because i need some mindless monotonous shooting in me right now though

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Fleuria said:

    Type: Scarlet Spear Quest???


    When I logged in after the update, I took the option which I think was labeled "review" rather than "next" on the screens describing scarlet spear. After  examining the three quests, my only other labeled option was "Exit". I hit the escape key and dropped out of the presentation.

    So, now I haven't really been briefed on what I need to do. So, I go read the update notes and try to visit Little Duck to by an oplink. But there's nothing new in her exotic goods (or any other of her options).

    Anyways... I'm not sure what I am supposed to do to progress. 




    See Description? My account is wedged, I can only assume that other accounts would also wedge...

    Expected Result: 

    I was expecting that I could buy the equipment which the update notes say is required for the operation.

    Observed Result:

    Maybe I am just stupid and I have overlooked something important?

    Reproduction Rate:

    Once per account I own (which is one account).


    need to go to her on the flotilla

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Tatann said:

    Concerning the reflection, enemies do basically no damage to themselves, so damage reflection is useless in this game. But if the reflected bullet could proc cold, then you at least have CC, and both melee enemies entering the globe and ranged enemies shooting from outside the globe would be slowed down (resulting in the globe taking less damage since cold proc affect firerate)

    yeah in my head the reflection being cold was a given but now you mention it... maybe it was a given to just me lol

    but yeah it being reflected taking some of the globes hp (the damage it would do to globe) with it to turn into ice bullet would be nice

  4. he was/is defensive zone denial his 4 augment is great and should be left alone i feel

    his 1... ill be honest i only use it to blow up the globes

    i always wished icewave would ragdoll enemies up into air from the spikes force coming out of the surface they appear on

    snow globe augment i feel needs changed... imho the reflection on dome hit someone said would be a nice addition to its current freeze one

  5. that dialogue makes no real sense to pop up a second time as a warframe imho...

    does she not remember oh hey a space kid came out a warframe last time.... maybe its ok to talk to the pilot when in the cockpit to save this person some time next time

  6. vidar? is a nice one to get since its roll is dmg bonus and balanced stats much prefer it over zetki

    like to clarify... all my zetki guns have only had bonus firerate as its extra bonus while vidar always been dmg bonus

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