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Posts posted by (XBOX)Siniztah

  1. The seek and destroy corpus drones bounty in Fortuna is bugged and does not spawn enough enemies of the correct type to successfully complete it. 

    Edit: After this occurring twice using two different frames, I tried it a third time and it did not happen. The first two times I used Nova with a slow build and Inaros. It did not happen with chroma.

  2. 1 minute ago, DaftMeat said:

    Ignore the people who just say "Who cares?" because they obviously don't understand that you care.

    As noted before, report any AFK or leeching players to support. There is specifically an AFK tag you can report others with, which makes me think that DE actually wants players to report AFK people despite many of the negative feedback here.

    It's not an instant fix, but it is allegedly the correct way to handle such incidents.

    So, in additon to doing a sortie every day for a 2000 Endo reward, I should have to submit a support ticket every day too? This should really be handled before it happens on DE's end.

  3. 2 minutes ago, TrueHawkEye said:

    Have you ever been in a match with 3 ember or 3 mirage there is nothing left for you to kill and by the time you start seeing enemies well the games over because they've stopped killing things.

    I don't think it should count on the kills, lets say you see a statue on the map and go to pick it up while the other are killing everything you "percentage of kills" just goes down. Say you hear a rare canister/ayatan/resources and want to go look for it, your telling me that i should be penalized because I did not have a high enough "percentage of kills" to be eligible for the mission. But I'd say people that don't move or even kill or revive or use an ability, maybe then something should be done.

    So people just like to leech and that is all there is to it, just look at the conclave mode the past few days I've seen people with 0 kill and 15 oro. Are they leaching no, are they stealing no, are they doing nothing no, they just found a way to play the game their way.


    Ember can't get kills quickly on level 60-80 enemies.

  4. 4 minutes ago, stormsasuke180 said:

    Yes. I use limbo for defense to protect the target. I can't do damage as I am banished though. Am I screwed? I can't do damage. What about assassination missions where everyone dies but I stay alive to revive. I can't do damage but I can't take any either. Am I leeching? Kills aren't the only stats that matter.

    Limbo is an exception to the rule. Not the rule. Limbo needs a rework anyway. By saying that kills aren't the only stat that matters suggests that either there is another stat that participation could be measured by, or that there is no way to fix this problem.


  5. 4 minutes ago, midtarget said:

    that wouldnt be completely perfect and would reduce the amount of people that would want to do sortie, because of medicore weapons  resulting in no rewards even though they spent all their ammo and tried their best, you cant expect everyone to have a potatoed, 12 farma tonkor with argon scope, bladed rounds, and primed damage mods, I certainly dont have that, because I left the game for a while, and i wasnt strong enough, or capable to fight the acolytes

    The example you used is actually an example of extending something to an absurd level. Besides, you are missing the point entirely. Sorties are endgame content. you don't NEED any of the things you listed for endgame. If you don't have the ability to kill enemies in endgame content then you must have leeched your way through all of the content and never had to do anything at all.



  6. 2 minutes ago, Shadow8600 said:

    Except that there are sorties like Spy and Rescue, where killing is not exactly needed or should even be done unless you have no other choice or don't care about stealth bonuses. Also that's not necessarily fair to people who can't actually kill anything, either due to other players being absolute godmode with their weapons/frames, or their own weapons lacking the necessary mods to be effective. I think this is the first time I've seen someone complain that other players don't kill enough. Usually it's people complaining about Ember or Miramulor combo just destroying everything. Sorties already require players to do the war within. Adding more arbitrary rules to that doesn't help anyone.

    Spy and rescue are usually not sortie three, which is specifically the issue since that is where levels and difficult ramp up, hence neccesitating teamwork. Also, it doesn't matter what is fair to people who can't kill things and don't have properly modded gear, because if either of those conditions apply to someone then they shouldn't be doing endgame content in the first place. And yes, adding a rule helps everyone by encouraging active play and actually gearing appropriately for endgame content.

  7. 1 minute ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

    not your fault obviously but no reason to get salteh breh if that's how you're choosing to matchmake eh?

    There is hardly any choice in how to matchmake. Sorties are by and large not designed for solo play. Which leaves doing them with friends. If I am forced into having to find my own party to do sorties with reasonable efficiency than why is matchmaking there at all?


  8. Something needs to be done about people that sit doing nothing in sorties while other people do all the work. Every time I run a sortie There is at least one person (sometimes two) that get around one percent of the kills, but still get the same chance for a reward as me, and it has to stop.

    I beleive there should be some sort of limit (15% of the kills in a mission) for example, to become eligible to get a reward. I don't think that setting a target number of kills would create a negative impact for players that are actually trying to help, and would definitely encourage active play.

    My frustration is compound by the fact that when I put forth enough effort for three people I get 2000 Endo for my troubles.

    Please consider my solution, thank you!


  9. 20 hours ago, Zendadaist said:

    The nice map is near-mythical. I've seen it 3 times. On the other hand the multilevel hellspawn map I've seen so often I absolutely hate the bloody thing. I finally finished farming my Nidus and I won't go back unless my clanmates need help to farm Nidus parts themselves because the teeny tiny chance of the not-terrible map isn't worth it.

    And this, my friend, proves merely that map selection is random. During my 14ish games of salvage about 5 took place on the-map-that-shall-not-be-named. It's just that those 5 games were frustrating enough to make me write this post... and yell about clipping and useless level clutter textures to myself a little.

  10. Hello wonderful devs at DE!

    I know it has been a while since the Glast Gambit launched on pc, so you have probably had all the feedback you can take about Infested Salvage, but being as I am an Xbox Tenno I wanted to give you my perspective on it.

    First I would like to say that I have mainly played this mission solo, because I mainly play everything solo, but I have played a bit of multiplayer. I Would also like to tell you on the off chance you have time to read this, that infested salvage is without a doubt my favorite tier 3 mission type to solo. It is fast-paced, exciting, and fun (things that interception and defense are lacking a bit)! I like this gametype so much, that this may be where I go to find the two higher tiers of relic permanently.

    That said, as you know, there are two map types for the Mission and this is where my opinion becomes divergent.

    Map layout 1 (the triangle):

    The 'y' shaped or triangular map, to me, is an example of perfect level desgin; concise, appropriately paced, and to the point. There are just enough obstacles to where you can't blindly fly from objective to objective, but no so many as to become overwhelming and frustrating. The terrain is also easy to traverse for the infested, guaranteeing (at least in solo play) a good distribution of needed pickups.

    Map layout 2 (multi-level):

    Where layout 1 embodies everything I want in a level design, layout 2 is like... the Rosemary's baby of level design. I mean I know I am not an experienced game developer, but I don't understand how the two choices for this level are textbook perfection, or monstrosity that should have been rejected. The problems with this layout are numerous: It is extremely difficult because of the overall shape of the map to get from objective to objective. Elements of the tileset block you from jumping altogether. The z-axis from bottom to top is far too high to be able to travel quickly (even during the few moments when you are unobstructed). The bubbles from the vaporizers, due to their coloration and opacity, make it impossible to aim a jump regardless. The enemies eeven have trouble traversing the map, choking the player for resources. The whole thing is really just an absolute mess.

    I have only, as I said, played a little bit of group on this level, and I find that even on the triangle layout resources can be stretched a little thin between players. This aside, it was just as pleasant of an experience as solo play.

    To conclude, Half of the available map layouts are half ruining the enjoyment of my new favorite gameptype for solo play. That aside thank you so much for all of your hard work and unwavering dedication your amazing project of a game!


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