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Posts posted by Kaboinglefop

  1. most stupid thing you could ever think of they arent even enjoyable to find you go through effort and liek haha tahnx for the GARBAGE.

    hair pulling experience the first time you need to do them for one of the junctions. never found so many lockers in weird crannies that WERENT HIDDEN CACHES.

  2. From some of those games i know, have a total of 6 ammo which provides an 99% instant kill/frag.

    unless u'r say our orgis/penta' damage will be buffed to that standard, there's no need to nerf their ammo pool.


    Yes, pick your shots wisely... someone ask DE to implement heavy vehicles-type units plox... make them 99% damage reduction from non-explosive at that. and i will pick my shots (orgis/penta) WISELY.


    We do have a Sniper-type rifles under primary which main purpose is to snipe you know...

    Using an AOE-RPG weapon to snipe is dumb... espically this RPG's have traveling time.

    And to add, you will meant to say "LEAD" the target...

    you missed my point

    my point is that rocket launchers have a specific niche, just as snipers do.

    The niche is AoE capability, which many guns lack.

    Instead of gunning down multiple enemies one at a time, they boast the ability of multiple in one fell sweep, and as such reduced ammo is sensible.

    Furthermore, Ogris/Penta's damage is DEFINITELY sufficient to fill this role, and I don't know what negative ranked serration and heavy caliber you're using to make it ineffective enough to do so.

  3. You'll be perching yourself on high ground once all them toxic ancients start showing up wether you use a BOW, Sniper, Machine gun and the like as it will just spell instant death... your point is Moot, in fact I dare you to just take a sword at all the ancients when they surround you and see how fast you drop...

    I take my sword up against them all the time and rock face.

  4. Many games have 2 maybe 4 units of launcher ammo.

    Just pick your shots wisely it's not a weapon that's made to be used constantly.

    Think of it as a sniper but for AoE purposes

    it kinda has a niche it should fill

    Spewing explosives everywhere just feels lame after a while.

    but again this is my opinion and that doesn't necessarily make it right.

    If this is DE's choice I feel slightly inclined to say that they didn't want tenno to run around bombarding everything endlessly.

    60 Explosives is still a bit excessive.

    The explosive weapons already feel very powerful as-is.

    The ammo should be scarce to counterbalance their potential.

  5. you say all this now, only because you're not affected by it, and I use valkyr cause I like her, and banshee is not a solo frame unless you wanna do hard mode 24/7 and soloing pluto with banshee is not my idea of a break after a hard day's work... and FYI it's only logical to use tanky classes to snipe wether you're sniping them from up close or from afar, in Blacklight, being a tanky class when sitting back and BAR ing everyone in the face meant the difference between life and death when someone snuck up on you... it's the same with warframe, that extra defense makes the world of difference when sniping when surrounded which btw I do all the time... the fact that you're trashing my logic with your own logic which based on what you say only tells me the only shooter you've ever played is probably Warframe, only tells ME that the kind of balance you and I believe in are north and south which is fine as long as my style is not interrupted just because you think yours is superior... and Yes you're right, this WORLD was created by DE and they can change it the way they see fit, but players are what keep a game alive and angry players that eventually leave will only bring more and more bad news to it until it is DOOMED to fade into obscurity... instead of crapping all over those people who wasted taters, forma and time leveling and re-leveling their favorite guns, you can try and design your own game and see how easy it is to keep everyone happy... oh and FYI, I only use hysteria when 1 I am gonna die or 2 I need to revive a downed ally, the next time you get downed and valkyr is your only hope of not losing your revives, you should remember that...


    PS: Please don't talk to me about this game being too hard, I grew up in the arcades and I still play games like this to relax:



    I just don't always feel like trying hard all the time and I like explosions, You kids today are spoiled with over nerf and stuff, Nuff Said...

    valkyr is useful as a revive frame.

    but rocket spamming to win the game isnt really fun.

    its like cheating on dark souls.

    fun for 10 minutes.

    then you realize it isnt worth playing if you just get what you want with no challenge.

  6. And people are complaining how ''hard'' this game is.

    It has a lot of artificial difficulty and artificial game lengtheners.

    The thing is, having successfully executed team plays being rewarding leads people to have lots of fun playing with friends.

    WF is like god of PLAY BY MYSELF games unless you're wading neck deep in the "ENDGAME"

    Me and my friends in TS sit in survival forever

    sometimes not all 4 of us play and need 2 randoms

    and they run off on their own and just beg to leave at 25 or 30.

    I think playing together should be more necessary and more rewarding when in MP sessions instead of a kill-race. (Excluding ofc 40min+ t4s cause that requires a small amount of coordination)

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