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Posts posted by Telomen

  1. Came here to report that behaviour and now just want to confirm. It is rather frustrating to follow up your teammates if they are at least halfway trough the mission and I have to find the correct path to get to them, besides that you cant do anything to help fullfill the objective of the mission.
    Can also confirm the start-cutscene playing and then resetting to above mentioned behaviour. This happens not all the time, but it does happen.

  2. Yepp please make the "shut up" as soon as i start building that thing.


    I´m fine with a riminder and i can understand that there is no kind of knowing that i intend to build that part if all i do is building a prerequisit, but plz if i allready are building that fine thingy, let them both compliment me for building ore just let them be quiet.


    It IS really annoing to hear the very same lines of conversation EVERY time i come back to the liset.


    Thy OP for bringing this up and THY DE for geting a fix for this bablling

  3. Maybe you want to mention that an excravation device will need one power per second in for every remaining second the device needs one power percent to work and dig this cryotik up.


    If that was all clear for everyone, ther woulded be soo many player around feeding just another cell to an nearlly finished excavator. And a huge thanks for writing this up.

  4. After one run on earth with just a little over 1K points we  did one run on europe against the corpus on the new ice-tile-set (wich is beautifull) and got easily to 3400 mark with just 11 or so excavation units.


    So that´s not so grindy as it may sound, because the event startet recentlyy and just one hour in my team was set. Just now enjoing the latron prime :)

  5. So you see, that the usual survival alert will take 10 min and there is no reward for the 5 min mark. That´s the way most survival seem to work nowadays.

    The first "new" alert i did(some time ago), i got a little confused and just stayed longer until there was this green sign for extraction poping up, that was what got my attention: No reward at 5 min AND no extraction = Just stay a longer and enjoy the ride.


    I´m not sure if there is the need for an offical answer to this, as it seems just fine working with stay in survival as long as there is an extraction sign coming.

  6. Let me ask you a serious question: why would you like to reset your account or to be more specivic what do you hope to achive/ get with resseting?


    I am curious because I really don´t see any benefit you could get by resseting and maybe I miss something important here.

  7. Maybe the things is, while it still reads only to have 1% ProcChance some People seem to forget that there are like 100 small little fireballs in the air with each shot of the ignis, and each and every small littel fireball has that 1% proc chance for the afformentioned status.


    Last time i played with the ignis, wich was only today i did see a lot or better very much statusproc symbols right next to all those nice damagenumbers.


    What i was trying to tell is, so even 1% proc chance is very small it is compensated by the very high numbers of status checks withhin the fireradius. Play and you shall see, then let´s talk again about this flamethrowers procstatus.

  8. That is really great advise for any Warframeplayer. Thanks a lot for your work.

    The one thing that i would like to be corrected is that Blast-Damage is a combination from heat and cold insted of the advised heat and electric (which would give you radiation).


    I really don´t get it that someone actually thought this was recruiting?!? You stopt reading after warbro or so?

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