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Posts posted by (PSN)Whatawaytogo

  1. how many more things can/will DE screw up for console... was so disgusted with the cursor I only slogged through doin the sorties last 2 days and nothing else

    figure I try to see if it could do anything usefull… .it cant..  just more and more screwed up things

    got a 3hr affinity booster so I figure I would take just a melee that I got a riven for and get it set up.... and I CANT UNEQUIP MY OTHER WEAPONS

    pick none in the arsenal for primary.... secondary...   sentinel  weapon... hell even sentinel itself.... click on the empty box labeled none...  and



    yup NOTHING GETS UNEQUIPPED!!!!!!   wont even get into how bad the cursor is... how trying to adjust it is pointless (settings make it either to fast or too slow), the fact that it does not auto snap to the active menu, the fact other things like partical densitiy can not be changed whatsoever....   MD for the sortie today and people were complaining they could see anything everytime I stomped (which is all rhino is good for... lock down map so we can finish as fast as possible for MD/INT missions...)  the particles we bad enough even I agreed with them an dtold them to come here/fb/twitter and complain complain complain…  


    so i'll ask this question again...  who is doing your "cert" inhouse...  and why bother to send  anything to MS/sony, because they obviously don't play test things...   one would think seeing consoles are forced to wait between updates, ya'll might actually playtest everything to make sure things work...  unable to adjust settings and have them stick, unable to run empty weapon slots like we have in the past...  i'm not even going to count this trash cursor BS in this last part... (that was DE trying to give us what they think we wanted... which after looking at these forums and ingame chat... we don't want it) but the other 2 things and god knows what else I haven't stumbled upon that is broken...…  just rollback the update, re-add the fashion frame junk and leave it at that...  stop trying to fix things that were not broken and work on things that still are...  armor scaling for one



    with todays (6/7) update... it is somewhat better... still a lot to be done and would still like to see an option to disable the cursor all together but at least the d-pad is kinda working again and we can now run w/o weapons for leveling purposes again...   even though I *@##&#036; a lot (and believe me the above was mild to what I was saying out loud) thank you DE for listening to the players though this should of never made it out the door to begin with in the state it was in.


  2. this new cursor things... to be blunt sucks ass

    give us the ability to shut it off all together. things take way to long now waiting for the cursor to move over to the menu... sure I tried upping the sensitivity... now I can stop it on what I want to click on or just end up miss clicking


    before the forced change on PC my controller and kb/mouse worked fine together... after the change it sucked a lot...  but was still somewhat playable 
    this crap on console now... at least make it auto-snap to newest menu... let it even auto-snap between choices... fix the broken sensitivity setting so it doesn't go from snail to rocket when adjust it one way or the other by 1 unit...


  3. When I play on PC, I still use my controller. mostly for in mission as I find the KB controls to suck (I am a 12+yr wow player and been playing fps games since ROTT/doom/quake which for a lot of your was before you were born) I know my way around KB's and even trying to remap them to something useable has been noting but failure to the point where in mission is controller only for me on PC....

    now you force this useless cursor on to console.... WHY?!?!?!?!?????

    other then pointing and clicking onto something in the chat window. it has got to be the most useless and annoying thing in a game ever....

    why is it set to the left stick?? are there that many more left handed people that play or something????  put your mouse on the other side of your keyboard and try to use it... that is what it feels like.

    why does the curser not autosnap to the newest window/frame???  

    why have all dpad controls been disabled... give us the option of which method we want to use... hell even on pc I can use both mouse and controller at the same time and they play nice... this pile of dog excrement shouldn't even be a thing in this day and age.

    anyone that has played for more then a month already has muscle memory to fly through the menus... ive already misclicked on countless things. and that is after trying to play with the useless setting... set it just a hair off one way or the other and it becomes the slowest turtle on earth or moves at the speed of light... at least set the cursor to auto-snap between clickable objects

    we need to be able to pick how and where/when we would want to use the cursor and the option to shut it off all together.

    as it is on my main acct at MR25 I only log in to do my sortie and maybe if a friend or 2 are around to help them farm stuff... now I have even less reason to want to play with this stupid cursor 



    my clan leader has been playing on ps4 since it launched.... I can already hear him complaining and playing even less now with this update... he still uses the OLD old controls... ie that launched with the game... we only recently got him to adjust his controls to make some kinda of use out of focus abilities...  let alone any frame that has a hold to use fuction (scarab armor, skill flippin like vaubaun n ivara) he has to change his button settings anytime he want to use those frames... and then with the last focus change... to him they are all worthless and he doesn't even bother with them anymore.


  4. mic is always on... headset is not always on my head...  esp when beck, rush, pags, or savage are on or being streamed...  and the headset is across the room on its charger so guess what you would be listening to... either i can't hear people complaining, they just mute me or the raging snowflake txtchat/pm starts at which point i just put them on ignore.

    only people i want to talk to are clan mates... and on very rare occasion, someone with a valid question that ask/acts in a respectful manor for help


  5. would be nice if we had an option to flag an account that would stay MR0 and be able to bypass MR0 req on junctions while requiring the other objectives and maybe an alternate objective added in it place to be done.

    could make a great mode for older/bored players to challenge ourselves and put or xp to the test with restricted access to most things in the game... ie if you cant get it at MR0 now you dont get it at all..   instead of the cheese builds for weapons/frames that most of us all use in some way... it is kinda fun having an account where i'm stuck using "sub-par" gear/mods and still pretty much blowing through with tactics i would not have used otherwise


  6. So a couple of friends and me, out of boredom, decided to make new accounts for the sole purpose of clearing out the starchart,while never going past MR0.

    nothing other then starter plat allowed, no asking/begging for help from others. if others happen to be in a mission when selecting a node or show up while we are already in the node is fine. only premade groups can have others on MR0 challenge.

    So far other then the dark sectors and oro on earth, we have cleared everything. but now we have hit a snag. We knew there would be junctions we would have to be taxied past and have that as the only qualifying time we can use a taxi and it must be to only the 1st node on the new planet and all junction requirements not locked be MR must be done.

    but we have a snag now...  first junction to have a MR lock in it Uranus junction on Saturn, craft a MR1 weapon... 3 of us have tried getting a taxi to the 1st node on Uranus, Sycorax. we get there, finish the exterminate mission zone out. and the node is still locked to us.  i've seen this with alerts/invasions on nodes people didn't have before where it would not count it as an unlocking of the node for them, but never for running the normal node mission.    i have even pugged a taxi to sycorax 2 more times just to make sure. still locked....

    Is this just glitching out for us, is it because we are still MR0??? either case sucks.  it is not like we are new to the game, lowest hours in group doing this is 1100 and i'm up around 1800hours. for just playing a couples hours a day, knowing what and how to work the game system/frames/etc... in less then a week all of us (both in grp n solo play) are all stuck right now unable to progress. we understand why the junctions are there but would be nice for those like us looking to challenge ourselves to get around them.. esp if it is just via the tried n true method of getting a taxi.


  7. i find it is newer players that happened to start the kubrow qst, got and egg and everything they needed... however

    they never finished the quest...

    when telling them that they need to finish it in chat(at least on ps4) we get a lot of "well that's stupid" and they go storming off.


  8. horrible pvp mode made even worse with a range weapon which sucks at anything other then pointblank range and even worse melee (laughable) combos that you end up unable to move for .5sec at the end   and even then other people could not melee you because the melee strikes would land everywhere but where you wanted them

    the only attacks that would land where you wanted them were ground slams for next to no damage.


    i'm the only member of my clan that even did the event and all i did was to find way to keep running of the maps to kill myself and watching dumb people try to fly out to pick up my dropped oro and fail every time and die in the process.  

    huge waste of time for a couple of potatoes and a slightly decent decoration.... 

    hope DE will just kill the game mode off already


  9. oh look another  i'm special and demand free crap that others already have with putting in the time or effort for....

    give it up already, why should you get special treatment where i found 5min at some point each day each day to at least log in.

    why should you be able to have a catch-up option. you need to do the same things i and many others have done.

    as for the high MR and almost nothing left to level...  news for you  MR23 on console, only things I am missing are a couple of weapons

    that came out before I started playing and have not come around again.... so right now I have nothing left to level until our next update.

    so again, why should you get something faster then I or others had to wait for through the normal way. what makes you so special?

    instead of crying in the forums about it, put the time you wasted here into, i dont know, logging into the game for 5min and get that much closer.

  10. sure keep bring out more eye candy not... how about ya'll maybe fix things


    6 sortie 2 missions in a row now  the exit, after rescuing the hostage

    the exit has not shown itself, 2 times me and another found the exit, moved in and out of it (even though it was not marked on the map)

    (and kinda of hard to miss the open hole in ship leading into space... and after 100+hours in KF survival for what seems to be a non-dropping mod,tonfa stance

    pretty sure we all know what the exit looks like)

    4 other times after running around for 10min no open doors leading to anything that looks like an exit...

    long story short, lotus to busy smoking space-weed to notice we have the target and give us an exit.


  11. there really is no pay to win here...   it is pay to not wait/farm   all frames/weapons can be had by anyone in game with enough farming


    as for the retrieving bit...  close the game and open it again... should fix the problem (rule 1 of I.T. unplug and plug back in, rule 2 make sure it is actually plugged in to begin with)


  12. doesn't happen all the time and not able to make it happen, however it does seem to be happening more and more

    faction doesn't matter, no "normal" look like it is coming from a commander unit when fighting grineer... and have had both types happen in a mission, very noticeable difference between the 2.

    worst one was while doing a kuva fortress spy mission, showing a clan mate different ways in and around...   we would both run up to the door (in this case to the C) and get ported back to somewhere between the zone-in and A. took almost 10mins of me running back to C and getting ported to back to near the start, to even parts of the map that we never went to on the map.

    has happened on spy, survival, MD, sabotage...  pretty much everything except def


  13. is there anywhere that keeps track/show the number of current clans in game separated by tier? ie broken down into ghost/shadow/moon etc....

    couple of clan mates were wondering where the "10%" cutoff numbers are at on the different tiers. and if the 10% is taken from total # of clans in tier or just from total # of clans in tier that participate in the event.

    granted the numbers per tier can change, depending of new clans being created or others moving up/down...   but even a ballpark figure would be nice to find


  14. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)D34thst41ker said:

    Having the blueprint isn't enough to activate the quest. Just like with everything else, a blueprint allows you to craft an item in the Foundry. Once you actually build the item, the quest becomes available. So go to your Foundry and make the quest, and then you'll be able to do the quest.

    once built and claimed out of foundry

    always funny that people not claiming things out of foundry still ranks high up on the "why can't I do xxx, but i already built xxx" and the item is still in their foundry and not their inventory


  15. new players should put less focus on weapons and more focus on farming first 3-4 planets for mods and endo to make their mods stronger

    great weapons/warframes with weak mods = very slow going    strong (maxed out) mods on meh weapons = more then enough to get through the whole star chart



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