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Posts posted by RespawningJesus

  1. use keyboard+mouse like a real gamer

    Really? To be honest, I despise PC purists with a passion.

    Some games feel/play better with a controller. I play some games with keyboard/mouse and others with a controller. Everyone is entitled to using their preference.

    I found a bug, I reported my findings.

  2. Right now, we are in a closed beta. So population is already low. Even though a blacklist should exist, we're going to have to tough it out until the game has a population of sorts.

    Although, I can't imagine anyone having such a large blacklist, that it would hinder their ability to actually get a game going. Otherwise, you must be a rather dreadful person to be around in the first place.

    As for kicking, a vote to kick option will suffice. This prevents the power hungry king from abusing their power.

  3. I wouldn't think there would be a problem with my color settings, as it works normally for the number of games I have. Plus, the laptop is new, so it couldn't be my screen. As for the enemies, they were a light color against an even lighter background, which made things difficult to see from afar. Once they got close enough, they were easy to see, but it did strain my eyes a little.

  4. It was informative, but my God, it was stupidly bright. I could barely see the enemies that you had to target and destroy. Plus, it would occasionally pulse into a gray world where everything is completely visible, but that was only for a moment.

    Also, your brightness/contrast sliders should just be simple. They are very awkward to manipulate.

    I'm more curious about the tutorial though, was wondering if anyone else has the same problem as me.

  5. Wrong. Keep the amount of ammo in your clip below the reticle. Something along the lines of how Lost Planet does it. You can keep the ammo counter in the bottom right.

    Then just make your health and shield just one bar. When your bar is completely blue, it means you'll have full shields. You take damage, the shield bar will deplete. Once it is low on shield and/or out pf shield, you'll hear a beeping noise accompanied by the usual red border. When your shields recover, you will hear a sound. Simply put, think how Halo does shields.

    Underneath the blue bar of shield is your health. (Naturally.) And well, you know how this will work when you take damage.

    A second bar underneath the hybrid health/shield bar will show energy.

    For the location, the upper left hand corner of the screen will do. Move the radar to the upper right.

    Or, even better, merge the health/shield/energy with the radar, GTA 4 style. This would keep the radar on upper left, plus eliminate some HUD space.

    I would draw some diagrams out, but I'm typing this from my phone, so no diagrams right now.

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