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Posts posted by Eilanzer

  1. After the 10° wave you get stuck...Or the ground don´t break (and you can´t go to the next wave) or some random invisible monster taht you can´t kill show in the map and make you stuck.

    This is a HUGE problem because doing 15° waves in this defense is a prerequisite to open Eris terminal.

  2. 3 minutes ago, JSharpie said:


    I mean, there is a search function for your mods.

    And if spy isn't your thing, you could always go into pub matches. Someone will just use Loki and speed their way through. Or you could learn the (really easy) patterns of the few spy rooms and succeed. The only spy rooms with any thinking really involved are the moon ones, and even then, with practice, you'll succeed. It's okay to lose a few missions man. You won't be able to pick up every game and do good. Just keep at it, and keep a cool head. If it's really getting you this angry though, maybe Warframe isn't for you, or at least spy missions aren't.

    I will look for some guides...But spy missions aren´t my stuff that´s for sure XD

    Apart from spy missions, ui, map i love everything in this game, hell i even love grinding /o/

  3. Quote

    I don't think any of the main quests are stealth, because I'm not a stealth guy, and I've never been torn aback by forced stealth. If you're talking about Spy, those can be done without stealth, but they're much more difficult that way. If you really want to call it stealth that is. I call the spy rooms jumping puzzles.

    Yeah, it´s the spy, alarm jumping puzzle boring stuff that make my rage bar full... There is a lot of main quest that need you to go spy mode, Of the top of my head there was one mission to retrieve maroo with 4 stealth crap in a row =.="

    There is some maps that you need to go to open a terminal, and the only way to get them is trough stealth missions Ç_Ç


    To make two separate UIs and to update, bug fix, and monitor both of them as well as have them dynamically switch while changing inputs isn't easy. Changing mods on Warframe is more simple than most games that I know with similar structure, I'm tempted to almost call it above what I've played so far. Organizing the mods alphabetically and then scrolling isn't very difficult, nor clunky. On PC, it's rather easy. You don't have to select two places, you simply drag and drop.

    I understand, and maybe is something that i can forget playing more...But right now to find the mod i want to level is a pain, and the sort filter is so limited. And to go trough the menus, jesus...=.="

  4. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)joshw1400 said:

    1) I get what you mean, but you can always expand the map

    2) That's to show you the mechanics of the stealth in this game. It's just something you'll have to try and adapt to

    3) I'm on console so I don't know how to respond to this

    Why are you forcing yourself to do spy/stealth missions anyway?

    To enter some planet terminals you need to go trough some stealth missions, there is no option. And some main quests are stealth... =/

    and there is no way for me to "adapt",,,I DON´T like stealth games, but games like skyrim, deusEX, dishonored give the player options to go hack and slash and ignore stealth.

    Maybe il ignore the pain, grind ivara and use her to ignore most stealth stuff like some people said /o/

  5. Let me be clear about this I LOVE this game so far, it has amazing graphics and even the grinding is something that i like.
    But 3 aspects of this game is almost making me rage...

    1- The map of this game is a mess! Not an okay mess, but one of THE WORST maps i ever see in any game! You lose so much time deciphering where the hell you need to go and when you think you are going the right way the simbol just change places and...GOD...give me patience =.="

    2- You need to play the @(*()$ stealth missions, and i DON´T like stealth game AT ALL! My DeusEx skill tree was something like a dwarf barbarian! I know there are people that like this kind of stuff and i don´t have a problem with that, i just hope the devs give some option for main story progression, do you want to do it this way OR that way...It is that much to ask?!

    3- The UI...GOD...the ui... It is so bad, so clunky just like the map. Just a simple search or change of mods need several ui steps, WHY? If the problem is because of consoles, just make two UI´s depending if the player is using mouse or joystick.

    I love this game but these problems and mainly the need to do stealth missions is draining my fun fast, RLY fast. =/

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