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(XBOX)Senor Twix

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Senor Twix

  1. 1 minute ago, Sunder said:

    Gonna go against ya here, I feel we need to be vocal and continue to discuss and bring up things that we feel need improvement. Why settle?

    Again, I'm gonna have to disagree. Current bladestorm is still an easy press 4 to win ability with just some added mouse movement now as an excuse for it being, "interactive".

    Balance definitely needs to be done at the very least, but I, -- and a quite a few other players on PC agree, Bladestorm is not in a good place.

    Yes, let's be vocal about something that doesn't need to happen, but since it's something you aren't happy with, let's complain and ask for another rework like thousands more who got ignored.


  2. 3 minutes ago, Sunder said:

    A cast-able ability still lets you prioritize targets.

    Which is why I proposed a change. Something to CC and deal massive damage if you earn/build up to it. Not just a simple double of teleport.


    Not sure if serious or joke post...am just going to pretend I never saw this. Also topic is on Ash, lets leave the issue that is Oberon to another thread =p

    No it's pretty serious (and a joke, slightly). Get it through your mind the chances of there being another rework are lower than your chances of winning the lottery. Why fix something that's already been fixed? There's been thousands of posts just like this, and sorry, but you're just another one that they won't take into consideration.

    It's a personal problem, not the games.

  3. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

    You could have had the original thread moved by selecting "Report Post" in your OP, and in the comment box, request it be moved to the proper section (Helps if you specify what section).

    This is essentially double posting, as your original thread still exists.

    "Mission failed, we'll get em' next time".

  4. 10 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    I'd hardly call that overhaul "massive". If it was truly massive, abilities would have been removed and replaced, not just tweaked and adjusted. What DE did to Excalibur and Limbo was, arguably, a massive overhaul.

    That's all you got for me? Lol

  5. 1 minute ago, MirageKnight said:

    That's a matter of opinion...to you he works fine. To a lot of other players, he doesn't. The OP is entitled to voice their legitimate concerns in a constructive manner, which they have clearly done.

    Technically speaking, every frame works fine. They do what they are designed to do, but this isn't a "fix" that the OP wants, it's another change that really doesn't need to happen after there already was a massive overhaul.

  6. 16 hours ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

    "do you even warframe?"  Apparently I do, because I own Volt and he has less energy than (excluding prime variants): Atlas, Banshee, Chroma, Ember, Equinox, Ivara, Limbo, Loki, Mirage, Nezha, Nova, Nyx, Octavia, Saryn, Trinity, and Vauban.  Volt prime has the most energy however, twice the normal capacity, being tied for the most with Saryn Prime, followed by Ivara with 262.5.


    Although 175 unranked is ludicrously high, it isn't the most a warframe can get at max rank.  I'm going to lower it by 50 points base and give 25 to the end to compensate.

    We both know (yes even you know) that I meant Volt Prime. Being a smart alec really isn't wise of you, or mature for that matter.

  7. 1 hour ago, PoisonHD said:

    I only play public matches. So no, not a small community.

    @Phatose said it best, but anyone will say they hate grinding after doing a certain amount of it, for one thing ("Claiming to despise grinding"), but do they really actually hate it? No, they are just tired from that session of it.

    No one would question if they hate it or not. Sure, they "might be tired of it" as you would say, but they also despise it at that moment, and most likely permanently. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Phatose said:

    Claiming to despise grinding and actually despising grinding are not the same thing, and that's before we take into account that whether or not something is grinding is subjective. 

    Did you read what I said? Let me quote what I said and see if you understand now. 

    I said "Anyone I talk to in game chat (and other free games, mind you) despise grinding".

    Where in there does it say "claiming to despise grinding"? 

  9. Just now, PoisonHD said:

    10? You mean almost anyone I meet. They just take it as part of the gameplay, because that's what it is.

    I was talking specifically Warframe, but I don't mind it in other games either, and my story applies there as well.

    Is this a part of a small community you meet then?

    At this point I feel as if you're trying to justify something when you already know a mass majority of people don't enjoy grinding. It's only you that i've seen that enjoys mindlessly replaying a mission to get one item that will eventually be useless later on.

  10. 20 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

    Read through it's entirety.
    Somewhat agree with Jobi's statement.

    Warframe may not be your type of game. That much is clear. 
    But it is certainly not the "Grind of all grinds" as you make it seem in your review.


    I've logged over 600 hours on Warframe and can say for a fact after you beat the quests (that take about maybe 20 minutes each, unless the main story quests which take an hour) it's all grind for better weapons and the raids are all grind.

    The game makes you grind more than Destiny, and that's saying something.

  11. Wow... Those base stats are insane. 900 max health at lvl 30? Other frames struggle to get that even with a Vitality Mod. Using that mod on this frame basically makes an Inaros.

    Don't get me started on the power. Volt has the most power and within good reason, this frame doesn't need to surpass it.

    It's a tank frame and not even Rhino or Atlas has that high of base stats. Come on.

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