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Posts posted by Fox_Starwind

  1. I was having this issue as well, but while solo. 3 times in a row, it bugged out while I was playing Octavia. the data mass would drop, but then once the hack timer ran down, nothing would happen. 4th try I used Mesa and everything went fine, however, Mesa can't shoot (with her regulators) the big spider orb thingy that spawns during this phase. Not sure if that is intentional, but the point is, I think the bug I was experiencing had to do with the fact that I was stealth the whole time. Might be due to Octavia's 1st ability, but not sure. Have to test more stealth frames to be sure...

  2. 9 hours ago, mactrent said:

    They've always been immune to Banish, Stasis, and Rift Surge, but you could still put them in the Rift with Cataclysm as of Limbo Revisited.


    That was why I made this thread. Cataclysm did not put the capture target in the rift.

  3. So I have played Limbo off and on ever since I got him and now with Limbo Prime being out, I decided to run a few missions with the regular Limbo. While on these missions I noticed some things that wouldn't affect me at all while in the rift before were now affecting me. For example, the challenge room on Lua where that security eyeball shoots those blasts at you and you have to trick it to destroy those 4 pillars? Yeah, for some reason those blasts killed me even while in the rift. Also, while running a capture mission, the capture target was not affected by Cataclysm or Banish.

    By comparison, up to the Plains of Eidolon, the one and only thing I had ever come across that was able to affect me while in the rift was AoE blast effects. But even then, the blast did no damage but did knock me down.

    Is this an undocumented change? or is it a bug? I'm sure you are aware that Limbo's ability changes do not reflect on the skill screen in the arsenal, but I was not able to find anything about any changes aside from stasis...

  4. Interesting... I can confirm that the new "Only Sellable" option in your inventory seems to affect the Fisher Hai-Luk vendor in Cetus. I was running around in circles trying to find out where my fish went lol

    Thank you @ShatteredArmor hopefully DE fixes this soon...

  5. I was testing out some weapons in the simulacrum against the Eidolon Vomvalyst since we can't summon an Eidolon, and I found a very interesting bug. I'm the kind of person who likes to aim for the center of whatever I am shooting (unless I am trying for a headshot) and noticed that every so often, my shot seemed to pass through them without damaging them. So I went and grabbed frost so I could CC the Vomvalyst to see if my suspicion is right. My finding is that there seems to be a section right in the middle of the Vomvalyst (right between its eyes) where its hitbox seems to be absent. I confirmed this void by going behind the Vomvalyst and repeating the phenomenon. Shooting it from any other angle works just fine. While I know this is a minor thing, any weapon that has 0 spread such as the quanta, vectis and argonak have the possibility of their shots passing through it completely without hitting it.

    I captured some video of me using the Quanta Vandal against a Vomvalyst. You can clearly see the bug I discovered.


  6. So I have been playing with Banshee off and on ever since the recent rework to her sound quake. Testing stuff here, making tweaks there, and now with how the augment resonating quake works, we no longer have a "resonating" or "quake" at all. It's a pulse and it's boring. I'll be honest and say that I did not like how her 4 worked before, but used it anyway for the utility especially when having to forma something multiple times. Now, her 4 is a lot cheaper, can be sustained a lot easier and basically is now a mash 4 till everything is dead rather than how it used to be. Just to test things out, I solo'd an interception with her and I ran into 0 problems. With how her 4 works now, I don't like that kind of gameplay either. Sit in one place and kill everything pressing 4 once vs sitting in one place and killing everything mashing 4 over and over. This is not what I was expecting when the rework was announced, so I decided to give you, DE, my 2 cents of how I think Banshee's Sound Quake could be reworked to fit the playstyle you mentioned in the rework goals:

    The first thing that needs to happen is that her 4 needs to be something you set and let do its thing. Think of Ember's 3 how you set it and forget it till the time runs out. I also think that duration should play a major role in how Sound Quake functions. For this, I reference Trinity's Energy Vampire ability. If you build it with negative duration, the pulses come quicker, but the entire ability lasts a short time. If you build it with high duration, the pulses come slower, but the ability lasts a lot longer. Given this style of ability use, Resonating Quake would need to be changed up too. For her augment I would rather it add the staggering effect to her 4 rather than it being baked in. The damage amplification can stay the same where enemies closer to the center would take more damage.

    Utilizing this ability style would allow players to decide for themselves what kind of ability they want while allowing them to run around and using their weapons etc. Now, to avoid spamming, I would give this ability a minimum effect duration so even if you use 12% duration, you still have to rely on your other weapons. Another consideration is whether or not you want to add a cancelation effect so you could stop the sound quake you already put down so you could set another. If this is added, I would say that when canceled, 25% of the remaining duration would be converted to a CD on the ability before it could be cast again.

    I personally believe this idea is more in line with what you were intending on and I would be very happy to see this implemented.

  7. 3 hours ago, [DE]George said:

    In-level music will not play over the mandachord music when you have Octavia's powers active.

    Tested and confirmed. Thank you. It must have been something else I was hearing then that was playing over Octavia's powers that made me think that. Possibly from something outside of game...

  8. I have to disagree with how you say that stealth has nothing to do with invisibility. When you don't want someone to hear your weapon, you use melee or a silencer on a gun. When you don't want to be seen, you blend in to your surroundings. Hiding in shadows, etc, but that is not an option in this game, so warframe's answer to "fading into the shadows" is the invisibility abilities. Now, the distinction between sight and sound are very different.

    Not being SEEN has nothing to do with sound.

    Not being HEARD has nothing to do with not being seen.

    Stealth gameplay is the act of being silent AND invisible. Which is why we have noise suppressing mods for our weapons and invisibility techniques.

    Think of the Predator. His ability to turn invisible (or mostly) only affects the enemies' ability to SEE him. If he steps on a twig or fires a weapon, he will be heard. Just like in warframe, the enemies know something is there but not where or what it is.

    So my argument still stands that invisibility abilities or effects should have no affect on sound.

  9. I have seen this brought up many times without the required follow up action, so I feel it's necessary to bring this issue up again from my point of view.

    I have been playing Warframe for a while now and have acquired a certain affinity for the frames that can turn invisible like Loki, Ivara, and Ash. I enjoy that stealthy play style; however, one thing has bothered me about it. The Muffled sounds. I can understand why the sounds would get muffled or even practically muted while in the vacuum of space, but I can't think of a single good reason for the stealth abilities causing the same effect. It's an interesting gimmick, but not necessary in my opinion. So, it is my suggestion that a few options be added to the sound tab under options. One to toggle on or off the muffled sounds while stealthed, another to toggle on or off other muted sounds like being in a section of a mission where the room is subjected to the vacuum of space. It is a serious problem for me as I have an extremely difficult time hearing special resource caches or special treasure chests. Even ayatan stars are muffled to the point of me not knowing they are there at all 'till I see the icon on the HUD or see the blue or orange glow. Outside of stealth those things ring loudly in my headphones when they drop lol.

    Speaking of those resource caches, earlier today I was farming the Hive mission on Eris, and stood right in front of the cache without opening it and listened... with Loki, it was very faint, but I could hear it. about 10 yards away, though, the sound was gone completely. With Ivara I couldn't hear it at all. Even my redeemer is practically a silent weapon while in Prowl. Ash didn't affect the sounds as much which was curious to me, they were like half way between Loki and non-stealth.

    Given this test, it would benefit my preferred play-style to be able to just turn off the muffled sounds completely so I can hear the in game sounds normally.

    As for Naramon, I don't use it and have seen mixed reviews on how it affects sound after the stealth effect procs, so if you guys have tested it, share your experimentation results please.

  10. I agree with OP's idea. After I build Octavia and spent the time playing with the mandachord till i got something I liked, only to hop into a mission and find out that I can't hear the music I created. I don't have the in game music turned on as I usually have external music playing and I further don't want it playing OVER my mandachord tunes so, yes, it would be nice to be able to have 1 more slider specifically for Octavia's mandachord.

  11. I know I'm late to the party on this, but I finally built Titania and have been enjoying her so far, but once I got her to rank 10 and started using Razorwing, 2 things really jump out at me and make me throw my hands up and go... "why??"

    1st is probably the most obvious and that is she needs a passive vacuum ability. Make it an augment mod for all I care, but holy crap is it annoying to have to either grind her face into the floor or hop out of razorwing to let my sentinel vacuum up my loot. Another option that kinda fits the theme would be to have the Razorfly drones pick up your loot for you. I know they are an offensive addition to razorwing, so how about a second set of razorfly drones specifically for looting? OR you could just let our sentinels fly right by our sides just as normal? It makes sense to bench a Kubrow or Kavat while in razorwing, but a sentinel flies just like you do so this makes no sense to me for it to be treated the same...

    2nd is: Why the hell is Duration a determining factor on energy used per second while in razorwing? Especially considering the fact that the only way to get to 175% efficiency is to use Fleeting Expertise and it gives a negative % to your duration. /shrug?

    The only other minor thing I could say is that her casting speed is extremely slow for her 1, 2, and 3 abilities. Razorwing feels fine to me, but using those first 3 out of razorwing AND in combat has gotten me killed more than once while in the casting animation...

    All in all, I really enjoy Titania (minus that needed QoL vacuum addition) so far and can see her becoming one of my most used Warframes. If the QoL vacuum is added, she might just become my favorite because Razorwing is so much fun! :)

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