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Posts posted by ZweeK

  1. So since Wisp doesn't have any feet, it would make sense to not bother animating those bones, but oh no! Her anim set can be applied to frames that have feet! Oh jeez oh frick the feet just stay in the same rotation throughout the animation!


    They just stay parallel to the ground as if someone used IK bones on feet that aren't planted on the ground shmh my head

    All jokes aside though, this is only the case on the agile anim set, not the noble one.


    Wether this is a technical error, a time constraint thing or just an oversight, I don't know.
    I just wanted to post this here to let you know that a player has noticed this unforgivable mistake and that you must fix it immediately to appease me, the almightly player




  2. On 24.10.2017 at 10:45 PM, peterc3 said:

    Would you rather the wait or a gamble as to whether you make it back to the Liset before the host disbands/there's a host migration?

    Squad members already arrive back at their ship at different times because everyone's loading time is different.
    It can already happen that the squad disbands even while you're still in the loading screen and you arrive at your ship alone, without a squad. That has happened to me multiple times already.
    Giving you the option to skip a 10 second cutscene won't change that. It might increase the probability of the squad disbanding before you get to your ship if you choose not to skip it, but that has always been something that can happen.

  3. So, whenever you finish a mission there's a 10 second cutscene that's played with the mission rewards layed on top.
    When playing solo, you can skip that cutscene by pressing space and immmediately go to the loading screen to go back to your ship.

    However, you can not do that whenever you play with other people in your squad, and it's kind of annoying to wait 10 seconds every mission.
    I'd like to see that either you can press space to vote to skip and the cutscene is skipped when all players voted to skip,
    you could just skip it for yourself and arrive at your ship earlier and everyone that doesn't skip can look at the mission rewards.

    This isn't a big deal to me, it's just a minor inconvenience, but it is kind of annoying when farming anything and trying to speedrun in the process.

    DE pls fix

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