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Posts posted by SignatureChewy

  1. Don't be afraid to experiment a little, most of the railjack equipment is up to personal preference. I would test a bunch of different setups before trashing anything. With that said, I'll share my personal build that has served me very well and easily solos veil proxima content. Keep in mind that railjack is in a bit of an unhealthy meta at the moment. Difficulty has been dumbed down to the point that the pilot can wipe entire squads of fighters with just the [tether] avionic, and its extremely hard for your railjack to die granted you have revolite handy.

    For armaments, I use a zekti photor on the pilot seat, and a zekti carcinoxx for the gunners. Having a hitscan for the pilot means less attention on leading your targets and more attention on flying. The hitscan is also convenient for detonating tethers. For ordinance, I use tycho seekers. There's really no reason to use anything else, as one torpedo is usually enough to instakill pesky outrunners and wipe crewship shields. 

    My choice of components is a little unorthodox because they're built for shield tanking.

    Zekti shield array with +25% damage boost while shields are depleted perk

    Zekti engines with +50% shield regen while boost meter is recharging perk

    Lavan reactor with +50 shield capacity per unused avionic capacity perk

    Because the only battle avionic I use is tether, leaving the other battle/tactical avionic slots empty results in 50 extra avionics capacity. This brings my railjack's shield capacity up to almost 3800, which recharges almost instantaneously every time I exit boost due to the zekti shield array's base stats, the zekti engine perk, and the [anode cell] avionic I use for good measure. Fires and hull breaches can't happen while your shields are up, so this build almost entirely eliminates the need for repairs.

    Of course, minimizing shields and making use of the zekti shield array's damage boost is also viable, especially when coupled with avionics like [last stand]. In addition to stat distributions, each house has 2 perks their equipment can have and those perks are exclusive to that house's equipment. Keep that in mind before throwing away salvage.




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  2. I think that the bramma deserved a nerf, but that the core issue wasn't really corrected. People used the bramma because without self-damage, it excelled in all situations. Post nerf, it still excels in all situations, but people are mad because there isn't enough ammo to use it in all situations. In my opinion, a better nerf would have been to require the bramma's explosive arrows to fly for a certain amount of time before arming. That way the bramma becomes a single-target weapon in close quarters, while retaining it's AOE ability at longer ranges. This would also differentiate it from the lenz, which has an AOE at all ranges.

  3. I can get behind this. Sure, the bosses themselves might be pretty quick missions, but the bar for entry is really high. As a player that never bothered with Fortuna content before nightwave, I had to spend 2 whole weeks grinding standing and debt bonds everyday so that SU would even let me attempt the boss fight. That's way more of an investment than any of the other nightwave missions. Now that the hydrolyst mission is a thing, I plan on skipping it because 7k rep just isn't worth going down the eidolon rabbit hole. Especially considering the stories of how toxic people get if you don't bring optimal equipment.

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  4. If you have a properly built railjack, Seeking Volley or Tether are good enough to clear every single fighter that spawns and then some, no precise aim required. Not to mention the homing torpedoes, which your railjack starts with, and whose mk3 is easily available from dojo research. And if that isn't enough, you can hijack an enemy crewship and use their homing missile launchers for free. There are plenty of homing weapons in railjack. In fact, avionics like Seeking Volley are one of most people's gripes with railjack, because it makes railjack missions trivial and removes the need for a crew altogether.

    The reason why the railjack turrets themselves don't have seeking weapons is for balance reasons. If there was a weapon that aimed for you, why would anyone use any of the other weapons? You say that railjack will die if they don't add more seeking weapons, but why would anyone want to play a game mode that plays itself? That would just make railjack's current problems even worse.

  5. This bug isn't much of a problem, just something I came across while doing a valence fusion. I had a zekti photor equipped to my pilot slot, and a zekti carcinnox equipped to my gunner slot. I was in the menu for the gunner slot, and fused a spare zekti photor into the photor on my pilot slot. When the fusion was done, the new photor became equipped to both gunner and pilot slots, which shouldn't be possible. It spooked me for a moment because I thought it had deleted my carcinnox, but it was safely deposited back in the inventory.

  6. The problem with this perspective is that it's built on the idea that a railjack doesn't need side gunners. That's only true if you use battle avionics like tether, whose current state is overpowered and unhealthy to railjack content as a whole. You absolutely need side gunners if you don't have or know to use good battle avionics, which is most people still leveling their railjack. Honestly, I had a lot more fun with railjack before I had a fully kitted out metabuild. Hopefully once the command intrinsic comes out, DE can nerf avionics into a more reasonable state and we can go back to shooting fighters out of the air ourselves.

    That said, I agree that gunner abilities should be different than the pilot's. Not because of griefers or noobs, but because most abilities are pilot-centric. How would gunners even make use of particle ram or fiery pheonix? It's also counter-intuitive for things like tether, that can only have 1 instance active at time, to be controlled by 3 people. Gunners should have their own avionic slots, and their own avionics. Personally I'd like to mount "battle stations" directly to the gunner ability bar. Blackout pulse would be good for gunners too.

    As for ordnance, a gunner that's actually doing their job needs them. As a pilot I often don't notice outriders or ramsleds, so I specifically tell my gunners to torpedo those. It's not like they're going to go through all 31 munitions by the end of the mission, and I can always make more. The drop rates in railjack missions make forging flux/munitions a trivial expense.


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  7. If you take a look at what flux energy is crafted from, the cubic diodes and copernics are electrical components. My best guess is that we're not actually crafting the flux itself, we're crafting disposable charges to feed the flux through to produce the desired avionic ability. The reactor is producing raw energy, not missiles or particle rams. There needs to be an intermediate component that turns energy into abilities.

  8. One mission type I hope they add to railjack would be some kind of Kuva Fortress raid. The fortress itself is an inner structure with a bunch of asteroid bases connected to it, so the mission could be based around severing asteroids from the main structure to cripple its defenses. Assuming having 8 players in one session is feasible, it could include a railjack squad and a ground squad working in tandem. The ground squad would be responsible for disabling point defense turrets and sabotaging hangars to prevent fighters and crewships from launching. They would also need to get into the asteroid to disable its shield generator. Along the way the ground squad would run into several security vault doors that the railjack crew needs to blow open using the artillery cannon. The railjack would also be responsible from trashing the supports holding the asteroid to the fortress once the shields are down. Teamwork would be paramount as only the ground squad can disable things like ship-killer batteries and only the railjack can open the vault doors, as well as keep fighters/crewships off the ground squad's back in open air sections of the level. Even if its not a permanent mission type, I think this concept would make a good event or weekly bounty.

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  9. I'm looking forward to the command intrinsic and it (hopefully) enabling more interesting solo play, but I'm also worried that I'll spend hours grinding liches and other crewmembers for my railjack just to never see them because I actually have friends willing to play with me. Ideally the railjack owner's crew should always be present and be able to pick up the slack when the Tenno dismount for objectives. It would also be interesting if you could send your AI crew to hijack an enemy crewship and escort your railjack. There is also some room for interesting mechanics like allowing AI to launch their own fighters out of your railjack, or having additional point defense systems so they can shoot enemy missiles down. Of course, this would ultimately increase the effectiveness of the railjack which contributes to missions being boring with the right build, but I think that much of the current monotony is due to a lack of mission and enemy variety. One of the reasons seeker volley / void hole is so effective is because they're good at clearing up fighters, which is 90% of the enemies. The remaining 10% is crewships, which are still tiny compared to the railjack and are laughably easy to dismantle either from inside or outside. Imo we need a new enemy class that is equivalent to the railjack, something like a Grineer Corvette that can fight the railjack on equal terms, take multiple dome charge hits, and requires you to do more than blow its reactor to destroy it. A whole new set of avionics could be introduced geared towards assisting their takedown, which would force us to choose between wiping out all the fighters or having an easier time with heavier vessels. Additionally, each mission should be given a one or two optional objectives that are either time limited or increased difficult to challenge full squads but still allow solo players to complete the mission.

    On a side note, I totally wanna fight a galleon head on. It would be neat if in the early proximas they're "too tough", but in later proximas Cephalon Cy determines that your railjack is strong enough and gives you a set of objectives in order to take it down. Could even be its own mission type.



  10. I think it would actually make sense if they didn't update the infested or crashed ice tile ships, if you think about them as older ship models. The way I see it, the corpus are just updating their ship models after years of being in an arms race with the Grineer and Tenno. You could apply the same logic to the gas cities being refitted for Alad V's new amalgam projects. That said, it would be nice if the old tileset was used on a few nodes, as it could represent older ships still in service. 

    Of course, this is just a meta standpoint. The fact that the new tileset is going to have a lot of corpus lore attached will likely retcon the old design.

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  11. 10 hours ago, MacIntoc said:

    This question has already arisen at least every time DE made the decision to nerf a stuff because the complaints around it became too loud. It's not a new problematic. Just a new way to resolve it instead of nerf hammer.

    You seem to be under the impression that equipment is nerfed solely because people complain about it. While that is one factor, the main reason things are nerfed are because they blow through game content too easily, regardless of whether the user is playing solo or in a squad. Blacklisting equipment from being in your squad is not an alternative to nerfs, nor will it prevent OP stuff from being nerfed. Can a kuva bramma user be annoying to the rest of their squad? yes. But that's not why it will be nerfed, it will be nerfed because it is too efficient at killing enemies and trivializes gameplay. This isn't a matchmaking issue, it's a balance issue.

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  12. To be honest, this suggestion strikes me as a waste of time. This seems like the type of system that would go unnoticed by the majority of players at all, and utilized by an even vaster minority. Blacklisting people from your lobby because their equipment is "too effective"? In a PvE game? Cmon. If you include every weapon/warframe in the game on the exclusion list, it would be way too cumbersome and people would just blacklist non-meta equipment. If you only include "problematic" equipment, then you open up another can of worms determining what should be included, and having to update that list every time buffs/nerfs are made and new stuff comes out. I would much rather DE work on other things than implementing and maintaining such a niche system.

    If you want a slower pace, play solo. If you want to be better than your squadmates, play low level missions. If you want specific team setups, find some friends or a clan.



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  13. Honestly, I'm glad they included railjack in nightwave. It's what finally convinced my friends to play the mode with me, and it's the most fun we've had with Warframe in literal years. Railjack gets a bad rap for its rough initial implementation, but the revisited update fixed a lot of that. Besides, what would you have as replacement nightwave missions? If railjack missions get removed because some people don't like the gamemode, then you would have to remove the open world mission too under the same logic. That leaves us with the most boring missions of all. I hope you like 30 minute survivals, or beating up sergeant for the 100th time. Personally I don't even like the open world missions, but trying out new content (even it's sitting in front of a pond for an hour) at least spiced things up a bit, and made me try out parts of the game I wouldn't have if left to my own devices.

    I bet that if DE did remove railjack and open world nightwave quests, people would complain about the lack of variety and how DE are fools for not utilizing more of their game content.



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