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Posts posted by theGlassAlice

  1. 5 hours ago, MillbrookWest said:

    As a banshee main, im quite happy Resonating Quaking is getting nerfed. While they're at it, they can nerf the energy drain for SQ too.

    Hopefully people actually start to play with the frame, rather than abusing it's ability. You can tell who the people are, who are running the frame for cheesing, quite easily with a  quick glance at their in-game profile... and also the fact they run really weird builds for SQ (like, why do you even have Energy Siphon equipped?)

    I once saw a guy ask other people to drop pizza's for him... bring your own, guy :facepalm:

    So, yeah. I for one have no issue with any change to RQ.

    5 hours ago, (Xbox One)MadAsmodeus said:

    As it stands now Banshee is a support unit only powerful at low level defensive missions. 

    You haven't played with the frame enough then...

    If you are going to go long in an endless mission (old void key long) you take a banshee with you.

    Sorties are no issue for banshee. 

    I couldn't say it better myself. Banshee is my favorite frame too and while I'm glad that Resonating Quake is getting nerfed. I couldn't help but wanting more, specificly changing her soundquake to something else entirely. As of now, that ability is useless to me.

  2. I hope Khora's exaulted whip will have some special effect with slide attack like Excalibur's exaulted blade that prevent player from spamming it. And that it has some good stances. One of the reason I consider whips as trash weapons is their stances are horrible (I hate maiming strike to the gut).

    I wish DE nerf maiming strike (and its riven counter part) before the Acolytes return so I don't have to farm it. It's unfair and unacceptable that maiming strike is the only acolyte mod to be added into rivens.

  3. 40 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    The problem here is that due to Defiled Snapdragon having guranteed status procs of Slash, Lacera's specialty is being moustly negated

    Jat Kusar can't strip armor as fast as lacera and it can't kill corpus as fast as lacera because every strike is a guarantee status procs. Plus it works better with condition overload.

    I guess you can say that 3 blade & whip weapons are equal, but you can't say lacera is the useless one.

  4. 9 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    but the only Blade & Whip I see as useless is the Lacera. This is only because of it's attack speed, 100% status isn't worth much without high attack speed

    It's stronger than Jat Kusar, Defiled Snapdragon have multi-strike + Primed Fury so attack speed is not a problem.

  5. 1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    Just like removing one of the most reliable sources of enery regen. For trinity this is not an issue since you refill your gauge by casting ev fast but for harrow you need to kill and if you fail that you are dead anyway. Octavia and harrow needs lots of energy for efficient usage just like many other supportive frames, for example broberon will simply die out once this update hits.

    Adaption works if your frame is capatable on doing that, but for example how do you expect an oberon healer to adapt to such changes? Start spamming energy pads?

    Or hydroid whose 1st skill requies multiple casts to work well, his 3rd is a channel skil and his 4th uses up alot of energy for too little gains.

    Removing this specific source of energy regen kills diversity as pretty much every blind rage build will die out along with all skills what are only worth using when you can regen energy quickly.

    All of the frame you listed, I can run fine without zenurik and I am sure a lot of people don't run zenurik with these frame and they work just fine.

    No frame will die when this update hits, only players failing to adapt will suffer. My broberon have 0 problem

    I used blind rage without zenurik and I'm still fine.

    Removing Energy Regen will forced you to make decisions which in turn create different gameplay or gameplay diversity instead of spamming the same button like an idiot (every saryn player)

    Just because your build can't play without zenurik doesn't mean that specific frame is useless without zenurik. As I have said many times, no frame requires energy overflow to function well. To be honest, I would love this changes, tired of seeing people spamming.

  6. 1 minute ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    You gonna laugh here, because yes it is fun. I played many non-nuke frames as being a pure supporter. In that case sceniario i could be octavia placing down amp to empower my allies, trinity to support them with energy, harrow for immortality and crit bonus and soo on. You may dont have issues with energy but many of us use specific builds what are based on low efficiency and making this game effectively removes these. Also if we would have no energy costs i would finally start to use Nyx physic bolts because even 1 energy per use is too much for that skill.

    More gameplay diversity be killing build diversity? Lol.

    That sounds like a brain-dead gameplay. Might as well remove all weapon and just spamming abilities. If you're being honest, you wouldn't complain about losing zenurik cause you like playing support frame like trinity or harrow which can supply the team with energy. Removing Energy cost will kill diversity because everyone has 1 less stats to balance. When modding we have to choose which stats to improve, which to sacrifice. These choices make gameplay feels different, without energy cost, all build will just focus on strength, range, or duration. In short, it makes the game easier, more linear, and boring. Restriction makes the game more challenging and satisfying. And also, It brings the best out of the player, a good player knows how to adapt.

  7. Just now, aligatorno said:

    Which you can already achieve right now by having a Trinity in your team. 1 or 2 EV stats and your Mesa and Banshe will have topped energy being able to do exactly what you described in there. 

    Now you don't need EV anymore and you can even bring more nuke power. According to your argument, We still don't need Zenurik cause we already have EV.

  8. Just now, Fallen_Echo said:

    What gameplay diversity? Suddenly not being able to use your skills is hurting diversity badly especially for the caster frames like mag. Blind rage builds are getting thrown out of the window because of these changes.

    Okay, here's a scenario. DE remove energy cost, so now every abilities is free, sounds fun, right? you go into a def mission, There's a mesa, a banshee, a limbo doing nothing cause he's trash, and there's you with some frame without nuke abilities, is it fun? Do you kill anyone? I mostly use caster frame and I have never had energy issue because all of my build are somewhat dedicated to efficiency and I don't spam my skill like an idiot. The stat was there to make the game balance.

    About gameplay diversity, I was talking about the new focus system being more operator-oriented.

  9. I have an idea for his 4th: Make the kraken swim around, consume corpses of enemies and give additional loots by default (no need for augment anymore). The more corpses the kraken consumes, the more damage the tentacles deal. Get rid of that charge mechanic and give back the old range. If you want small range then cast 4th while in the puddle.

    • Like 2
  10. 8 hours ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

    I would argue that octavia is one of the worst designed frames in the game. Is she powerful? Sure. Is she useful? Definitely.

    But here is gameplay as octavia:

    press 1 near a place where enemies are likely to pass through.

    Press 4 to amplify damage.

    Press 3, crouch a bunch of times, maybe give yourself some other buffs if you play her enough to know what her soundboard full of buff icons all mean.

    Repeat when any of those abilities run out of duration


    Seriously, her 2 isn't even useful if you want to deal damage; half the time enemies won't shoot at the mallet if it's being carried by a roller.


    Coupled with her 1st ability having 0 base damage, and having as little direct interaction with the game's enemies as possible, turn her into a rhythm game at best, and a fancy bobblehead at worst.


    Even TRINITY is a better designed frame than octavia(despite being such a stupidly overpowered frame that the entire game is balanced around her by now), because at least gameplay with trinity has the potential for depth, using her first 2 abilities strategically to provide limited CC(yeah, I know it doesn't work that way in-game but the framework is there). Octavia is a frame built entirely around having to do nothing to do anything, which is one of the worst designs DE could have come up with.

    Exactly what I thought. I'm even more pissed that she is a MUSIC frame, a frame that is suppose to be fun to play. I really wish they had another music frame in mind or reworked this one right now.

  11. Because people want an easy game. Why is maiming strike the current meta? Cause it makes the game easy. Mag is in a bad spot I think. If DE buff polarize to percentage based rather than fixed value, she would be too OP, an scaling ability that can cover 2-3 rooms and remove all armor and shield after few casts is too crazy. But if she stays the same, people will keep thinking she's trash (which is not). I like mag too, I think she has a role of controlling the battle field, put all enemies into 1 spot for allies to kill but I'd like to have a new ultimate ability.

    • Weapons Balance Pass - Because they killed tonkor, simulor and telos boltace
    • Oberon Rework - Amazing warframe now
    • Ayatan
    • Captura - True endgame
    • Small but noticeable QoL changes
    • Listen to the players and revert the change to Assimilate
    • Limbomb nerf - it shouldn't even exist in the first place
    • Well bunch of nerfs and fixes for broken mechanics and weapons - make the game more fun and balanced.
    • All reworks except for Limbo, he's still boring and annoying.
    • Banshee Prime.
    • A lot more but I can't remember it all

    I have no problem with the Dev actually.

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