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Posts posted by Ultra-9

  1. "This data is meant to pique the interest of community members and does not serve as a tier list or any other statement on item viability. In other words, don’t sweat it if your favourite Warframe isn’t number one!"

    In the warframe usage list page. just wondering... for reasons....

  2. I have a proably unique problem. I've posted earlier in this thread about my set up with the PS nav controller and mouse. The UI switches between kb/m and controller icons is a problem because if it switches to controller UI for defense or intercaption missions, extract is bound to square and battle is bound to triangle. The Nav controller does not have these buttons and I can't click the extract or battle button either so I'm forced to wait the timer out, possibly going another round when I didn't want to. I've been trying to get around this by not touching anything on the nav controller and wiggling my mouse around when the next round countdown is going to get the kb/m UI.


    I really wish there was a toggle to go back to the way things were and just force the UI to stick to one or the other.

  3. I play Warframe with a PS Nav controller in my left hand and Logitech G502 Mouse in the right.

    I often use the circle button on the Nav Controller to back out of menus and things. Since the UI icons change depending on input source, kb/m or controller, each time it swaps to kb/m with a slight move of the mouse it swallows a circle button input so I have to keep my right hand completely still then press circle to swap to controller mode and press circle again to back out of whatever menu I was on. It's very clunky.

    To illustrate further,  I can keep moving the mouse while spamming circle and the circle button input will not be recognized because the icons are spazzing out. I think this could be solved if there is a toggle option to keep UI icons static to an input method.

    Luckily, I have not noticed an impact on responsiveness of controls while in mission and combat.

    As an aside, I've tried contoller/mouse input scheme on games where I can (eg Vanquish, Destiny 2) and they are very clunky because the switching between UI icon sets causes input hitching. Overwatch is another game that does similar UI icon swapping but does not hitch inputs, however certain heroes (Hanzo, Zenyatta) for some reason have UI icon locations swapped for abilities based in input method and can allow me to use two different abilites with one kind of input based on how much I make the UI spaz.

    The world is not either or kb/m or controller, sometimes it's controller/m. 

  4. Sometimes on Earth Grineer Forst tilset (farming for Nightfall Apothic for Growing Power) Moonlight Dragonlilies are embedded into the texture making scanning unnecessarialy difficult. Scanning hitbox is small to being with and only makes it harder - clipping is the issue here. Can imagine other objects in other tilsets are of issue. 

  5. Preamble for context: I use a Playstation Navigation Controller in my left hand and mouse in right hand to play this game. L1 tabs through menu items in places such as inventory, foundry etc. 

    Reproduction steps:

    1. Going to Simulcarum

    2. Open enemy selection.

    3. Hit L1 at least once to get hover text to attach to mouse (eg Corpus)

    4. Click Simulate or Exit.

    5. Hover Text on mouse persists.

    6. ???

    7. PROFIT!


  6. I, for one am getting used to the supersized UI and am actually starting to enjoy it. I have also turned up my HUD scale to maximum but the font resolution is crappy - I believe I read somwehere that is being worked on as well. God speed.

  7. Sometimes after going back to Orbiter after mission and dismissing the post mission results I can not move or look around or jump or anything other than open the top left hamburger menu. Esc does not work. None of the buttons work. It's acting as if the results screen is still open but is not. Must quit from opening top left hamburger menu or force quit from task manager and relogin. 

  8. If the Chat Scale setting is greater than 101 (102, 103, 104...) the sub menu (eg Talk, Add Friend, Add to Clan etc) does not register clicks. Cannot close tabs due to this issue either. Workaround: Keep using Chat Scale 100.


    edit: Oops I guess this would go under UI bugs forum

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