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Posts posted by Leno

  1.  You'd have won it that were true. Instead the best that around 7k players could manage wasn't even double what 1k guys could put out.



     Something like 7 times the members and can't even double us.

    That's a rather unprofessional thing for a community morderator, I'm rather dissapointed.

  2. What do you guys think? Viable in defense? How do you think the stats are vs something like the flux rifle or the boltor?


    I'll admit I'm at a loss between the B Prime and Flux not sure what I want to go with just trying to get a general idea here, any feedback or opinions would be greatly appreciated xD thanks.

  3. All of it's stats are the exact same as dread's except that paris does physics impact damage while dread's does blade damage meaning armor is applied to it while not to the Paris Prime, I feel as if the innate 200% crit damage from dread does not outweigh the armor damage reduction.

  4. Personally, I don't think she needs a nerf, just a power balance shift of some sort because at the moment the rest of her abilities are rather meh except for M. Prime, AM drop can be OK but as far as the other skillls I feel that they lack power.

  5. 10 points each stage, only 25 runs and you call it a grind ? HAHHAHAHA

    A grind could be 10 minutes, all of these runs back to back felt very grindy, and this is coming from a person who has played MULTIPLE MMO's, calm down.

  6. I'm in this same predicament and have just made a new background picture on my desktop to make myself feel better about it.

    I can't post it here but it essentially are just words in graffiti stating that what would I do if I had the weapon? What would life be like without the weapon? warframe life? 


    The truth is, is that If I ever do get the barrel after playing around maybe formaing the b prime for awhile I would probably get bored with this game, hell I may not even play it anymore after getting it. That's what keeps me going is that if I do get the B prime, I'm not sure what else I would do maybe farm for the Flux Rifle? Maybe finish my torid? Hell maybe even level up the grakata, all I know is that once I get the barrel, I'm not exactly sure where I'll go from there.


    If I get the barrel, I'll be very happy, but in the long run could getting it hurt my warframe experience? Is farming for it now hurting my warframe experience? It's definitely not fun trying to grind for one part repeatedly, and seeing nothing but braton prime blue prints and orthos prime blueprints steadily, and it's definetely discouraging, in the end is it really worth it? Who knows....


    *Sorry Philosophy Class must have leaked into my brain*

  7. Answer is: Nope.


    Just get a PS4. It's $100 cheaper and will have all of the great multiplatform games anyway, as well as a bunch of really awesome exclusives.


    What's the Xbox One got?


    Dead Rising 3? the next Crackdown game? Yeah. Thought so.

    Have to agree here, the only really GOOD exclusive is Titanfall which is coming out on pc as well, no point in the xbox one for the *exclusives*

  8. all weak aoe like from frost and even strong aoe like from saryn was replaced by NOVA

    if you want very high dps get NOVA

    NOVA=best aoe nuke, best small aoe with 10x damage


    banshee is nothing special anymore. there is no point to take banshee for high waves

    So sonar and absolute god melee pod defense is bad?

    Yeah, don't post again.

  9. The Armor problems and the difficulty balancing system just try to roll with me on this.


    Let's say Armor itself had a hard cap at 50% when enemies reached a certain level 80+?90? etc...


    After that point, what if health scaled x2 as before and then armor just stopped scaling past 50%? Shields could remain the same I suppose? or maybe they should be doubled? What do you guys think? I really think this could help make some non armor ignore weapons more viable for high level defense, yet still keeping physics impact weapons quite strong as they will still not have armor factored into their damage.


    Let me know what you guys think.

  10. I'm sure this has been discussed before, i'm sorry if it's the case, this is merely my point of view on the matter.


    I have seen a few weapons while playing and noticed a few tendencies:

     - weapons with weaker damage output have a faster fire rate

     - weapons that deal normal damage have higher damage than armor ignore weapons

     - DE often do 2 versions of a weapon (even if it isn't the exact same weapon) beeing one of them armor ignore


    When i decided to make a good sidearm i went for the akbolto, high damage compared with similar dual weapons, armor ignore and a decent fire rate that cannot be upgraded that much considering the semi automatic nature.


    All the other weapons were somehow either equivalent or they fitted another play style (like lex).


    Then came the kunai and the despair, one does higher damage early on and the other does more damage later on, the damage was impressive so i tought there must have been some drawbacks like fire rate, reload speed, ammo,...


    It seems there is no such thing, asside from the travel speed and arc, they fire really fast and do very high damage.


    My akbolto with extra damage can do more damage then the kunai, but it pales if the same mod is used on the kunai itself.

    Considering the difficulty to make the Akbolto i'm actually suprised kunai is so easy to make.


    I understand you want to make weapons appealing when you release them, 45 and 55 damage is impressive, but it has been quite some time and no nerf has been made, that makes me wonder if there is any point getting any other sidearm that fits into that style of gameplay.


    My recommendation is to bring the kunai damage to 30, maybe even lower and despair to 35-38.


    I understand many will hate me for this, but a weapon with such few drawbacks cannot have such damage, the kunai pretty much outclasses the akbolto, i could even suggest lower numbers, because the reload speed and the ammo economy is insane, but that may be something DE won't make despite beeing the most fair decision.


    If it was up to me, kunai would have 20 damage and despair 25 and they would have increased reload times (not much, but enough for you to consider to actually use the reload speed mod)


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