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Posts posted by RalBunny

  1. 37 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    Contact Support.


    Take a screenshot of when they last logged in and send it to them.  IIRC, they'll attempt to contact the Warlord via email and if they don't hear back in like a week or something, they'll make you the Warlord.  Last I heard, they don't kick nor demote the MIA Warlord, just promote you, and you can't kick nor demore someone of equal rank, so even if they decide to come back, they aren't out a clan. 

    That's a pretty good way to handle it, I hope that's true.

  2. 2 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:




    If everyone could please attach the 'worst case scenario' screenshots to the posts as well it'd be enormously helpful - visual examples would be greatly appreciated.

    Sure I'd love to, though you forgot to mention me, your favorite son.


    I'll respond to this thread when I'm off work tonight and can launch the game, unless it'll be fixed by then.


    FYI there are some pictures listed previous in this thread, I hope you caught them!

  3. 13 minutes ago, [DE]Pablo said:

    It's not the sort of thing that can be reverted, it's setup on each screen, so after it was setup any additional changes done to that screen would be combined into it. It's tangled in along with dozens and dozen of changes over the past few months

    Hmm, perhaps there's a way to re-code the UI scaling meter to allow us to go farther negative?


    I mean as it is it's... Really, really bad. Like not something that can sit for a couple weeks or anything. I hope you guys prioritize this and good luck.

  4. 6 minutes ago, [DE]Pablo said:

    Before we had a few screens that always stretched up to match resolution, Like Arsenal, Mods, Main Menu, Foundry, etc. Now all screens do this, I realize things now look bigger, in some cases MUCH bigger and that might be undesirable.

    Unfortunately giving you control over this is pretty complicated, since each screen is setup manually for it's own needs. Steve does have a theory of something we could try but it will take some time to investigate once we are out of the woods for the update.

    Will keep you informed, once we know more, it will take some time, thanks for your patience.

    PS. The HUD scale slider only affect Heads Up Display in missions, it does not affect any of the menus.

    In the meantime /please/ revert the change while you guys expirement.


    Seriously, the vast majority of the community is experiencing a serious problem with this update. Don't let this sit while you guys tinker, please revert and /then/ tinker.


    I beg of you.

  5. 3 hours ago, Souldend78 said:

    The only real problems with relics:

    The grind is just as long (gotta farm traces to upgrade relics before attempting for rare drop)
    Without boosters you can literally do 10 runs before getting 100 traces.
    Thats 10 runs before even doing the run for the drop you actually want.
    Now repeat those 10 runs, per every time you didnt got your drop.


    Limited choice of missions if really unlucky since they are on a timer/rotation.

    What? I get 22-50 traces per 10 reactant. How does that math work out?


    Also you /don't/ need to radiant anything. Plus there's tons of relics used just for forma/ducat fodder; get your traces working on those.


    Traces aren't something you should ever have to actively farm for lol.

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