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Posts posted by zeroach

  1. I have a question that (AFAIK) has not been asked: 

    If I merge two accounts (just say, for example's sake, Switch and PC) that have two different inventories and mastery ranks, does the primary account  (let's say, Switch, for this example) gain mastery for all merged items in the merging account (ie. PC) that are not in the primary account, yet are in the other accounts and have mastery experience on them?



    If I merge a Switch account at MR16 (setting it as primary) with a PC account (MR15), will I get mastery for the items (warframes, weapons, zaws, whatever) in the PC account that have mastery XP (say, Prime warframes) for those that are not in the Switch account, or will I have to grind mastery for those again?


  2. As the title says, this is just some feedback regarding the UI for conservation.

    I've noticed that if you get on a K-drive (and possibly archwing; haven't tested) while you have an echo-lure out, the minimap will show ALL conservation start points, not just those for the specific echo-lure you have equipped.  However, if one expands the map, or opens the advanced map, only the conservation start points for the currently equipped echo lure will be shown. 

    It can be annoying, because you often have to clear enemies from the area near the start point/trail/call point, which requires you to equip a weapon, therefore your current waypoint disappears, and upon re-equipping a lure, you might see the nearest spawn point on the map and assume it is for the animal you are hunting, only to realize it is not when you get to the call point and don't have the correct lure.

    It's more of an annoyance than anything significant, but I thought I'd post about it...

    Too many times I thought I was following one animal's trail, when it was actually some other animal...


  3. One of the corpus spy data-vault tiles has a console in it that can be used to shut down certain laser barriers within the tile. 

    The tile I am talking about is the one that, after having the entrance console, leads into an elevator that goes down into a large vertical room, with a vertical glass "hallway" to the data console that is full of moving laser barriers (I'd post a screenshot, but I can't play Warframe right now).

    At the very top of the tile, in a vent on the side the elevator is on, is a vent that is contains a console (a glowing green button) that deactivates some of the laser barriers .

    Now to the bug:

    this console, for some strange reason, can only be activated while a certain distance away from it (i.e. you can't walk up to it and press the button).  The only reliable way to activate it is to back up some distance and then walk toward it while mashing the activate/interact button.

    A minor issue, but annoying, because (at least on my config) the interact button is on the same finger as the 'w', making it difficult to do.

    Not really a high priority issue, but annoying enough to make me report it.

  4. Was there an unlisted change that caused Oxium to drop (rarely) from containers? It isn't a large amount, maybe one Oxium Drone's worth, every few missions or so. I only started seeing since I updated from 21.3.2 to 21.4.2 (I stopped playing for a while).

  5. All blueprints of any type not visible in "inventory" panel and subsections

    Missing several completed/in progress items from "in progress" subsection of the "foundry" panel, including these in progress/completed (not sure which are complete) warframe parts: 

    acompleted ash prime, a equinox day aspect, an equinox night aspect, an equinox day aspect, a nekros prime, and a trinity prime. Strangely, the valkyr prime that is in that same category shows..

    Also, none of my prime warframe component blueprints show up in the "warframes" subsection of the "foundry" panel... None of my equinox component blueprints show up in that panel, as well

    Pretty sure there's other Warframe components that are not showing in the "foundry" section, unsure which they are until I get a chance to login... the only ones that do show up are valkyr prime, chroma, chroma systems, and a nyx neuroptics... I'm pretty sure there are some ivara, Oberon, and equinox component blueprints not showing..



    "Inventory" panel doesn't show blueprints

    "Foundry" panel, "Warframes" subsection does not show many warframe's component/main blueprints, regardless of construction status..

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