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Posts posted by Aredator

  1. I got in contact with DE support and after sending them my warframe logs they told me this:

    Please note, we received reports from the following regions of increased botnet traffic from some ISP connections disrupting regular log in attempts. Once this traffic subsides players in these affected regions will be able to get in again without any problems. If you have the option, you can confirm by trying to log in through an alternative ISP to test. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of your ISP using IPv4 our options are limited here. So in order to bypass the issue for good, we highly suggest you contact your ISP to request an upgrade of your Internet connection from IPv4 to IPv6.

  2. Im getting it again on Monday i loged in just fine and on Tuesday I got the log in issue again and i still cant log in WHERES the fix for this ever sense the Chimera update this has been happening they really gotta fix it cos its getting really annoying

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