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Posts posted by Phobonaut

  1. 7 hours ago, (Xbox One)SgtDiggles said:

    I hate to say it, however i think something can be learned by studying the AI used in Destiny

    So even less AI than enemies in Warframe have?

  2. :crylaugh:Did you really think owning a cat would be this easy?:crylaugh:

    The whole pet interface makes it really clear your pet has some form of health and that low health is bad. You've only got yourself to blame.:thumbup:

  3. It's not a good idea for a mod mate. I fully understand where you're coming from - but as I've already explained, just slapping bouncing arrows on the bows we have makes no sense; AND on top of that it's just bad from a mechanical "weapon build" standpoint. It'd just be another S#&$ mod on the pile of S#&$ mods no one cares about like Thunderbolt. Why would anyone want bouncing arrows when you can just put more crit chance on your bow?

    The idea of a bow with ricochet would be far better utilized on a completely new bow - similar to how the Lenz used the concept of an energy bow and explosive bow and made a unique fun interesting weapon.

  4. Did you unlock the Void Relic segment yet? If so TAKE SPECIAL CARE TO CHECK WHETHER YOU HAVE VAULTED RELICS! THESE ARE WORTH PLATINUM MATE! Don't use them without a care, and don't put void fragments on them without a care. This is important. I didn't pay attention when I came back and that probably cost me 300-500 platinum.

    Back when you were playing you had to go into the Void with keys right? The key system is now gone, and there's a relic system. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Void_Relic  Read that article, it'll explain everything. Now, Vaulted Keys can get you vaulted parts (which are worth plat, obviously), but they can also be traded for plat. Not many people buy vaulted relics, but still. Some people do buy them up.

  5. I've abandoned all elemental mods (except Hellfire) in favour of a full crit build with Point Strike, Vital Sense, Argon Scope and Hunters Munitions. There's no point to putting corrosive damage on your Ignis Wraith because it'll be useless above lvl 70 anyway. So why bother with elemental combos? Just go in hard on the crits and get those slash crits.

  6. 21 hours ago, Tora.Prime said:

    Arrows IN WARFRAME

    Not all of them are sharp

    Think for a moment. You have a stick with two weights on the end. You know what happens when you let that object ricochet?

    It snaps. Especially when you have an arrow being launched from a high-tech bow by a biomechanical cyborg that is strong enough to cut battle tanks in two. Not even argon-coated rubedo alloy plated arrows will stand up to that S#&$.

    Energy balls can bounce, saw blades can bounce. That's fine. You want a bouncing bow? Ask DE for an exotic bow that shoots bouncing energy or saw blades. But don't make the Paris, Daikyu, Cernos, Dread, etc. bounce. That makes no sense.

    If you want bows to have more CC management, there are better avenues to think about than bouncing arrows.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tarak said:

    and Ballas likely does too, given the whole fact that during the reign of the empire he was gonna have us killed and ended up not doing so because of the discovery of our ability to use transference. Then we then killed all the other Orokin.

    I don't think Ballas wanted the Tenno dead as much as he thought Margulis' life was more important than the Tenno. And I doubt Ballas really gave a S#&$ about the Orokin. They killed the love of his life - I imagine he's kind of sad the stable influence of the Empire is gone and replaced by braindead worker drones acting like a civilization and corrupt swindlers pretending to be nobility, but I doubt he cared when the Tenno killed off the Seven Emperors.

    Also, the Stalker is simply a human soldier from the Orokin armies. Hes not a Tenno. Read his code entry.

  8. This isn't a matter of disagreement, the Angstrum is an absurdly powerful weapon, especially with how much multishot you can get on secondaries thanks to Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent and a multishot riven.

    People don't use the Angstrum because it's bad, but because it has a high skill ceiling (in normal play - Skywing is a different story).

  9. 16 hours ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

    As I been online through the years as you see they always see we use to have skill on everything. All the new people complain what ever we get and it is easy I am mastery rank 18 or 19 and love the old void. Their use to be constant balance between enemy levels and missions from the old void system. The grind was so much better now it's a hassle you get how much parts you want from rotation a, b and c and could get unlimited parts as the enemies levels gets harder. Warframe use to be about skill not just about grinding loot for the shiny things in life but a meaning most new players don't even know how to mod their warframes fight and complain the grinding is hard. Nobody likes the one RELIC garbage system you threw at us De. Most of my elite old friends miss when skill was involved and nobody plays online no more but me. Who miss fusion cores,  and all mod slots were worth more than end. Warframe also was worth more because they was harder to FARM 300- 1000 and mods were hidden along places worth big plat. Warframes all had a special occurrence which made them special on defence missions you actually need skill to play the lasers go on and could wipe you out one shot mag could greedy pull and grab items 

    I've been here since 2013 and this is the biggest load of bollocks I've ever seen. Skill? Hahahahahaah. Quit lying mate. :clem:No one except nostalgic fools liked the fusion core and key systems.

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