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Posts posted by ParticleLuna

  1. On 4/5/2017 at 5:08 PM, Raniu said:

    Thank you DE for being awesome and deploying regular updates and hotfixing the game whenever needed. Despite the game going in a weird direction lately, introducing more grind, more inconsistency, more secret changes I still remain a fan and loyal player and hope the game goes back on the right track!

    DE you should listen to this boi. Bear in mind, not all of us are this patient.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Emeraudes said:

    Same here, 7 forma braton prime. I used it a lot since way back and now... when they changed the sfx of the gun to sound like a chaingun, I'm probably going to use it exclusively unless leveling mastery fodder.

    may i see your build/polarities? mine has 7 forma with a dash riven and somehow i locked myself out of being able to run two 90% elementals. Still can't decide if this is a bad thing. I'm having fun with a full cold build, and the radiation build can use a 60% status elemental anyway. 

  3. I believe the whole mission system/generator needs a huge overhaul. We need bigger maps and more of them, as well as REASONS not to zip from one end to the other, instagibbing everything as fast and efficiently as possible. Dynamic secondary objectives and events, randomized mission chains besides sortie, more complex mission variants, all of these features i hoped for the game to implement long ago... But i guess it's not happening soon.

    At the very least we should be getting more interesting enemies to fight against... Though i've seen what they're planning for eximus units and cannot help but facepalm.

    DE if you're reading this, i'll be writing feedback of extreme importance in caps. 



  4. 23 minutes ago, AtheeA5 said:

    I might be wrong, but isn't endo unacquired by those who hadn't taken it in time supposed to remain within the altar until the next ascension?

    This would make sense. If not, then the whole thing should have been handled very differently. 72 hours of having logged in is IN NO WAY a measure of how much a player has contributed to the clan over months, even years of playing the game. 

    I think we need clarification on this point from DE soon. I suspect a lot of people will be feeling this way and it is entirely justified. But i see the white knights are already all over this post, going so far as to defend the hema... "Bu-but it's a team effo-"HAHAHANO. Its only ridiculous. As is the excuse.

    I'm not going to say DE flopped again with this ascension thing because it might turn out to be a minor inconvenience only... but i guess we'll see.  

  5. 2 hours ago, FormulaXP said:

    After The Whole Nerf/Buff Wave Many Threads have been Coming Up saying Nerf This Too and Nerf That To I loved The Tonkor But Fair Enough But People saying that if DE Wants to balance the game they cant just Do it with Few weapons its Either Do or Die LoL (I Want no more nerfs) Please Leave your genuine thoughts and opioins about these changes and not cause you Hate/Love Said Weapon.

    My thoughts are that it SEEMS like a very reasonable, long overdue series of changes that would make the game better. The risk-reward ratios, the effort vs results on some weapons... Its all very screwey and unbalanced because AoE spam-fests (low-skill, low-attention weapons) are infinitely more rewarding than taking the time to line up your shots (which requires some skill and attention). Perhaps im just biased against explosive weapons, area damage, hell even shotguns - but if these changes do what they say they'll do then i will consider myself a satisfied tenno. Mildly salty that it took so long, but oh well.  

    2 hours ago, FormulaXP said:

    Thanks And also regarding the Future Of Tigris Prime Naramon Zenurik

    They may still be considered op, but at least they don't allow you to mow down the whole map with a few clicks. Hopefully they will stay, though Zenurik borders on "broken" when op frame abilities are considered. 

    2 hours ago, FormulaXP said:

    Were Stonger In Numbers 

    only because auras stack ._. 

    Lone Tenno Operative FTW

  6. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)THEFREAK420 said:

    I'll try to keep this clean, since they removed all my other posts. I've been playing since day 1, Logged well over 1000+ hours, ive taken breaks but always came back. easily spent close to $1000 if not more over the years. I was Mastery Rank 21, Ive tried just about every weapon in the game, The Simulor WAS the best, i forma'd mine 6x &Spent 800p on a crazy Riven +106% dmg + 30%Dmg to infested -11% fire rate. Thats all about to be worthless and I'll get 1 Forma?  The reason the majority of people use the tonkor & Simulor is the other 100+ primaries aren't as good, theyre just not, all the weapons getting a buff are still terrible weapons, they're junk to say it nice, adding a little tiny bit of damage to the glaxion, really? Harpak, really? Still junk. Now everyone will be using secura penta, followed by the cries to nerf that. Ive seen it before in other games,  those games are ghost towns now, no one plays. People who didnt like the simulor on their team were just jealous, its a team game, affinity is shared, if you couldnt keep up youre probably not that skilled. You've got parkour with timers, survival, hacking with timers, but the simulor is too fast? My response, I quit, you're fired, I'm no longer a paying customer. I already Deleted and un installed the game. Troll away, give me more points, ban me for speaking my mind,I truly dont care because Im already playing something else.

    Good for you!

    Now if only more of the "outraged" players like yourself would follow this example... Perhaps the game could finally improve and evolve. It's been stuck in its own mess for years, and players refusing to relinquish their cheese are a huge part of the problem. 

    Good bye, good luck, and may RNGsus stay with you in your future gaming endeavors!   

  7. 12 minutes ago, persefoneinfierno said:

    Otro problema mas.Porque no pro vais  las armas antes de quitar y lanzar nuevas? La verdad a mi cada día se me quitan las ganas de jugar mas, cuando una ya se familiariza con lo que tiene gasta formas a rebosar y para colmo ahora no me sirven de nada! 
    Quien me va a devolver todo eso? 
    Indiscutible mente  yo si esto sigue así dejo de jugar.Si ya somos cada vez menos, menos vamos a ser! 


    Another problem more.Why not go the weapons before removing and launching new? The truth to my every day I do not want to play more, when one is already familiar with what has spends ways to overflow and to top it now they do not serve me at all!
    Who is going to give me back all that?
    Undoubtedly I, if this continues, I stop playing. If we are less and less, less will be!

    Nadie tiene por qué devolverte nada. No se te quitaron las armas, ni los items, ni la diversion de haber utilizado elementos "rotos" o sin balance EN UN JUEGO GRATIS. Todo sigue ahí.

    Pero indiscutiblemente tienes toda la libertad de dejar de jugar. Y ni te preocupes de que somos pocos jugando warframe, los que quedamos estamos bien ;)

    Ultima cosa, por favor no postees texto bruto copiado de google translate. Carece de sentido alguno si no lo editas, y las personas que no hablan el idioma terminan más confundidas que antes. Saludos

  8. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

    Because you're a freaking NINJA not a raider ffs xD!

    Not really... Many warframes are clearly front liners, supports, etc. We are special forces of sorts, ninja'ing around is just part of what we do.


    Rather, subterfuge is loki and ash's job, or anyone with a bow and a doggy.. I do know a frost who was particularly sneaky...


  9. 15 hours ago, AntoninDvorak said:

    OH GOD! what people like you need to understand is this: 

    I don't know if you have realized, but this game is about getting shiny-shiny stuff , and killing things in the process is sometimes part of the process. Why do you think founders love some much their items? Again, because this game is about getting and collecting stuff.

    Now, having this explained. lets explain the concept of "skill". The skill of a game it's defined by it's main goals, and the ways to achieve said goals. Main goal of warframe? Getting the shiny shiny. Ways to achieve? FARMING/GRINDING. So then, the skilled people is defined by how effectively, how fast , and for how long they can farm.

    And the thing i wanna add is, we would be intersted in having skill as you define it, if the missions had more replay value. Why would i want to play slowly and with "skill" if it's the same stupid tileset with the same enemies? Why would i want to play with skill and not cheese the game when i still need to do 50 more runs of the same mission to get enough ducats or whatever?
    SRSLY. you people need to understand that!

    *devs make 3rd person shooter with amazing gameplay. Unparalleled controls, solid mechanics, dozens of powers.*


    *makes the game into a farming simulator*



    Sad but true

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