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Posts posted by Hokkis31

  1. 1 hour ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    Not a lot of players you know are girls, anyway. I'm don't know what percentage of Warframe players are what gender, but since you can easily go for months without hearing anyone use voice chat, it becomes down-right impossible to tell at a glance.

    We're all Tenno anyway, right 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

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  2. 3 hours ago, Vorpal_Ocelot said:

    Any dedicated long-term players have more advice to add? +quote!

    Play the game-modes you enjoy the most. Don't force yourself to do the most efficient farms if you don't like them. If disruption is the best way to get *insert resource*, but you hate that game-mode, but love defense. Do the defense instead. There is no rush, after all. Personally I enjoy cracking open relics and to faff around in the Void, so I often find myself doing exactly that. Not exclusivly, of course, but more than anything else.

    Also. Don't optimize your playstyle for optimizations sake. Do it because you want to and enjoy it. Play something that fits you rather than something that fits the meta. You're in for the long-run. So I'd advise you enjoy it along the way :)

    See you in space, Tenno

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  3. Just now, mikakor said:

    it's hard to stay angry when someone reasonable comes in '-' 

    I am honoured <3

    1 minute ago, mikakor said:

    any way to grind the prime accessories for free will work, especially if there's no time limits. warframe players are born to grind. but the moment it's walled off behind real money, it's a trash system. 

    It is also very important to remember that prime accessories have always been paid for, and there is not really a reason to change that. They are not walling off anything that matters like frames. They just give an additional option for acquiring them. But the prices are predatory and meant to make the player overspend on something they could otherwise buy for less somewhere else. That is the  main issue at hand

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  4. 2 minutes ago, mikakor said:

    i mean, you're right. but when i see someone defending what is a predatory system by nature and thinking of it as a "good" thing, i get easily annoyed. 

    That is very understandable, but it does "the cause" or whatever, no good when we start nsulting, you know <3


    3 minutes ago, mikakor said:

    that and claiming things without backing them up after. bruh was saying that you could earn Regal Aya with standing. i'd be bloody delighted if it was the cas,e but i havne't seen this anywhere. 

    I do believe they could make Regal Aya work, though. If they reduced the prices, and removed the predatory coin-values. I don't believe that the developers wanted this system. I personally believe that it's the higher-ups' idea. It usually is in these types of situations, and it's very tragic indeed

  5. 6 minutes ago, mikakor said:

    @Rigtis seeing has you haven't answered about Regal Aya being earned with standing, i guess you were just talking out of your butt then. or a mistake on your part while typing. disappointing.  if you are to claim things, at LEAST show it... 

    My dude. There is no need to get so heated <3 . Let's keep this discussion civil-ish ;)

    Also. Yeah. Regal Aya is not a great idea in my opinion either

  6. 6 minutes ago, Hokkis31 said:

    Not only is Regal Aya a new currency designed to confuse the player, the amount of aya you get is very predatory. If you spend $40 on aya, you get 6, and a "bonus". With these 7 aya you can buy two frames. And now you are left over with 1 extra. And you can't buy anything with it. Yes, you could get a sigil maybe, but come on. So, the player realizes this and becomes clever. So he/she buys the 80 DOLLAR PACK. Now they have 15 aya. Enough for 5 whole frames. Or perhaps 3 frames and some accesories. Great.. Doesn't matter. DE tricked the player into buying more. Yes. You have always been able to buy currency, but this is different. The prices are just off enough to force the player into buying more. And the bang for your buck is significantly lower that it used to be with Prime Access or platinum in general.

    Don't be fooled, people! Please make DE realize that they (hopefully unintentionally, but who are we kidding, Tencent owns them) created a predatory cash system similar to those in mobile games. Yes, those lazy gacha-games. Luckily there is no RNG involved, but the increase in currency confuses the players more. It may not trick or confuse you, and that's great! But it does not mean that it won't trick anyone else

    I'd like to add that the dual prime pack costs 10 aya, so you need to buy the $80 dollar pack or combine the 20 and 40. Most people would go for the 80, however. Because you get "3 bonus coins" yaay. So then you have 5 extra coins. Enough to buy one additional frame, and one short of buying two. So you need to spend even more, naturally.

    See the problem here.. I really hate to be this negative. I generally love the game, but I will not accept DE/Tencent pulling this stuff. It just doesn't fly well with me personally. You can of course disagree, and that is very valid. If you don't mind it, then more power to you! It's not me vs you, it's a general discussion between us. Between the community

    • Like 3
  7. Not only is Regal Aya a new currency designed to confuse the player, the amount of aya you get is very predatory. If you spend $40 on aya, you get 6, and a "bonus". With these 7 aya you can buy two frames. And now you are left over with 1 extra. And you can't buy anything with it. Yes, you could get a sigil maybe, but come on. So, the player realizes this and becomes clever. So he/she buys the 80 DOLLAR PACK. Now they have 15 aya. Enough for 5 whole frames. Or perhaps 3 frames and some accesories. Great.. Doesn't matter. DE tricked the player into buying more. Yes. You have always been able to buy currency, but this is different. The prices are just off enough to force the player into buying more. And the bang for your buck is significantly lower that it used to be with Prime Access or platinum in general.

    Don't be fooled, people! Please make DE realize that they (hopefully unintentionally, but who are we kidding, Tencent owns them) created a predatory cash system similar to those in mobile games. Yes, those lazy gacha-games. Luckily there is no RNG involved, but the increase in currency confuses the players more. It may not trick or confuse you, and that's great! But it does not mean that it won't trick anyone else

    • Like 12
  8. To add to my previous comment. I understand that prime accesories need to be paid for with real money. But then you could make a system that tracks paid-platinum, and makes accesories only purchasable with that sub-type of platinum. And you already have a system that tracks gifted platinum from rewards and stuff, so it would probably not be that hard to implement. And then you could argue "But what if you buy some platinum, and mix it with traded platinum?" I've thought up a solution :) . You give the paid-platinum least-priority when buying or trading with platinum. So the paid-platinum will be the last platinum you use always. Let's say you have 200plat. 100 traded for, and 100 paid for. If you buy something for 150p, you use 100 traded-for-plat, and 50 paid-plat. This would not change your revenue since people still need to buy platinum for the accesories, but remove the idea of multiple premium currencies

  9. I don't like this new currency deal. I'm okay with it being in the game, but I don't like that it could be paid for. This smells like gacha... Change it to platinum instead. That way people who are okay with buying it with money still can, but those of us who've farmed out platinum through trades will be able to get the "quick and easy" "paid" version too. And if we absolutly, positivly need this new currency. Do make it fair for the free to play people. If you don't then you will lose a fair bit of good-will... I hope you've taken this into consideration <3

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