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Posts posted by Moosicorn2

  1. So after a couple weeks of pointing a gun down a corridor I've finally built Nidus! During my wonderful time hurting my M1 finger however I did notice a *few* issues with the game mode. Below is a screenshot showing the best example that can describe the wonders of Infested Salvage...


    In case you can't fully tell what the image shows:

    1) All points are labelled A with no red or blue.

    2) There is no armour integrity counter.

    3) There is no label for how many antiserums counter below armour integrity. Usually in this circumstance there isn't one either in the top right, but in this rare exception there is!

    4) There are no point percentages next to minimap.

    5) There is no decryption percentage.

    This game was played yesterday, not just before the hotfixes but a few hours after the first revenant/phantasma hotfix. The first round of this match played normally and did proceed to wave 2, however the 2nd wave seemed to be endless. It felt like it had gone twice the around the previous wave. Had to quit as we literally couldn't tell when it would end. Another issue that usually occurs is the red goo UI. It's roughly a 60% chance the armour integrity% is there, and when it isn't usually this red goo stuff on the screen isn't either,however in this match it is. I can't say I miss it when it's gone, but whatever.

    Overall, Infested Salvage is a fun mode as it allows you to literally tear through a horde of undead parasitic zombinis and is certainly more engaging than other modes, however it falls behind hard on these very common issues. While most don't break the mode (i.e. it's not too hard spamming antiserums and playing the memory game with them) but until yesterday I didn't realise how broken it can be. would love to see some bug fixes in the following hotfixes!


  2. 6 hours ago, morningstar999 said:

    looks rare purple secondary so 300-400p both prints 

    The luck on that lol! Would you be able to tell me more about how to extract these prints, and where I could trade them? By 'both prints' do you mean the 2 imprint scans I can do on him? i'm also going to assume it's 300-400p for both imprints, and not each right?

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