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Posts posted by rustymo

  1. Yay just did a syndicate mission got a total of 27 Credits.... Seriously #*($%%@ you get no reward at all for syndicate,sortie and any other "quest/mission". Now I know why I can't seem to get any money. I only get the money that was dropped in the mission. The only money reward on missions I seem to get are regular missions or credit alerts...

  2. An other bug to the list:
    The fragments on Void Fissure are also unclickable as soon as they are ragdolled. Had the fun experience in a public game where a mirage was running sinuoid simulor and you couldn't pick up the fragments to close the rift, because she kept shooting. And I think with other similiar weapons or abilities e.g. vaubans vortex you can get the same problem.

    Additional bug:

    The melee only requirement wasn't listed on the reactor alert(only on the node itself) and I and a friend wanted to play public until a random guy joined on the end of counter and we were back in select mode because he had other weapons and didn't realised he had to change. And then we left only to get this problem again with the next random new player...

    The extreme was when we were already in the loading screen I as host ended up in the game and everyone else including my friend was kicked because a joining random without required gear joined. (My firend got the typical lobby massage one player doesn't meet the requirements of the mission)

  3. I have some friend who just started playing on the lan today.  The game of one always crashes when he uses his melee attack,so he couldn't finish tutorial and skipped it but as long as he doesn't melee it works fine. And one else also has crash problems, but isn't sure if it was related to melee attack, but he thinks it was also the last action he performed, but he doesn't want to start the game anymore(was too frustrated). The funny thing is we tried to play with my account on his pc and it worked fine, melee,guns and skills everything worked perfectly normal. So I think maybe it is the Skana or some other issue on an new account. Hope it helps ;) .

  4. I actually bought Saryn because i like fighting with melee weapons and read in the ingame description to saryn that contagion adds poison damage to your attacks, but as i finally built her and tried the skill i realised it was no real buff to melee at all.

    I mean let me just compare her skill to Loki's Invisibility:

                                     Loki                                             Saryn
                                 Invisibility                                      Contagion

    Cost:                     50 Energy                                      50 Energy
    Duration:                 10 Sec.                                         17 Sec.
    Damage:           150% meleedmg                          60 % melee dmg
                              200% chargedmg
    other effect: invisible(huge def buff)                         -(nothing)


    Edit: These are the maxed out values in both cases. Edit End

    (Sources on duration,dmg and so on (see bottom))

    I mean i dont want her to be invisible she is fine without it (she is more tanky than loki), but if her skill is ment for melee damage (while loki's invisible isn't) shouldnt her melee dmg buff be slightly better than cheap 60%.
    I mean in both cases i have to pay 50 energy and loki has even more total energy than saryn, but on loki it is totally worth the cost while in saryn's case it isn't.

    I mean like former mentioned maybe as side effect triggering venom "bubbles" and a buff to the melee dmg up to  at least 100 - 150 % would be fair in comparison.

    Edit: Also to be said you risk more dmg taken if you fight in melee range compared to invisible loki who most of the time doesn't get attacked. Edit End

    If some data is incorrect or you have different opinions, feel free to correct me.


    Sources: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Loki_%28Warframe%29

  5. If I play with loki and use invisibility, my shade won't go invisible so enemys shoot in my direction and i now get bulletfire damage. It really destroys Loki gameplay because Invisibility was sort of a core skill for loki now the only thing i can do is planting the decoy to avoid damage also combos like switch while invisible are useless because i can get into a crowd but they just shoot me to death...
    I really hope you can fix this soon.

  6. I upgraded my warframe and shade today. It resetet all my mods so i thought ok then you fill them back in. For my shade i combined some mods when i then wanted to fill them in all my modslots where full with level 0 mod sometimes even the same mods and i can't get them out because once i drag one of the similiar ones out it locks due to some other mod being in the slots twice and i cant do anything. As to my warframe i see no modslots it says in the right upper corner 3 mods and in the bottom left cornor i have 3 empty buttons named random mission.

    I hope this can be somehow fixed soon cause its somehow troubling not being able to fill in proper mods.

    edit: also the mod menu for my shade and also my warframe freezes and i have to quit the game so that this closes.

  7. When I play Warframe and don't miss to often it happens that i get an accuracy rating above the 100% mark, which shouldn't be possible. I think that the error occurs in combination with the mod multishot where new bullets are generated, which i believe count as hits, but don't count as shot bullets, so i can get more hits than shots.

  8. If i am invisible as Loki due to my skill or the invis through shades skill enemy's still notice my sentinel, which sort of uncloaks me. Especially infected which attack my sentinel while i am invisible attack me along with him. So my invisible skill should maybe also make the sentinel invisible, also his skill too, because otherwise it would be meaningless to go invisible. At the moment infected hit me and run after me while i m invis also the human corpus members with guns notice me and run to or away from me due to my shade still being visible.

  9. Found an aditional loki bug if i spawn my clone so that part of him is in a wall or door and than swap positions i can go trough the wall or door as if it wasn't there.

    edit: but if you use it on a wall you drop to death because you fall out of the area and through a door its kind a funny gimmick but shouldn't be allowed to use on door which two people have to open so that you can't leave (only 2 players) the other player behind

  10. If my friend is wallrunning and i port to him (Lokis 3 Ability "Swaping Positions") ,while he wallruns. I will be ported to him but he will not be ported to my original position.

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