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Posts posted by Skycerer

  1. hace 21 minutos, BiancaRoughfin dijo:

    Sadly there isnt a separate server for Taiwan. Try playing on the NorthAmerica region if your connection allows it, people tend to be more respectful there.

    Even i often suffer some form of bullying in the SouthAmerica region every now and then, either for being a female player or for living in Brazil.


  2. A user put this in another post: you surelly havent been playing long enough that you just cant have fun in a survival without running out of life support EVEN with a nekros.

    What do you think about that?

    In my opinion, life support needs a buff, actually Nekros is a mustpick on long survivals and with another warframe, you will probably be left without life support, and this is boring and annoying. 


  3. hace 1 minuto, Firetempest dijo:

    You mean Equinox?

    Equinox will begin any mission in either Day-Form or Night-Form. The default form can be determined by changing the color of Warframe energy via the Color Picker Extension:

    Bright hues change default form to Day-Form;

    Dark hues change default form to Night-Form.

    Or another alternative, but Mirage is too inconsistent in my opinion.

    Change the form holding down her 3 ability, change the form with the colors of her energy... 

  4. ¡Buenas! Acabo de hacer una guía para poder ayudar a los que aún no saben cómo obtener a los espíritus de Cetus de una manera eficiente. 

    Dicha guía está bastante bien explicada bajo mi punto de vista, y aunque la calidad no es mala, intentaré mejorarla mucho para la próxima guía.

    Que mencionando un próximo vídeo, me encantaría que se me diera idea de que guía queréis como próxima, (desde una guía parecida a esta hasta builds de cualquier arma o Warframe) ¡Estoy abierto a sugerencias!

    En el próximo vídeo, el audio estará más alto, (disculpen las molestias) 

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