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Posts posted by vladchima

  1. So there is the glitch where you can go out of orb Vallis easily with the K-drive, you can do so by going to the edge of the map and doing a flip timed just right to knock yourself out by hitting the ground mid flip. this might propel your character outside the map where you can use the k-drive and hover around with no gravity. when RandomSurge was doing this he found some containers out in the middle of no where. This link will take you to a clip of his stream where he finds the thing, it is located north of the map


  2. So my friend and I have been doing this mission for a long time to gain plat, and those orange spheres that proc magnetic and deal damage have gone invisible...
    it gets really irritating when you're just walkin' around for the caches and you randomly get oneshot or get proc magnetic by those "invisible" spheres.

  3. 23 minutes ago, vladchima said:



    Faction: Tenno

    (according to Shadow_of_The_Prime)"Brief" description: This is the Destana, this is a katana/sword that uses both sword and katana stances. when you choose sword stand, your damage decreases and your attack speed increases, and when you choose a katana stance, your damage increases but your attack speed decreases. note that the handle is protected by the blade. the white parts are energy, grey is secondary, brown is tertiary, and black is primary colors. the writing on the blade translates to "vladchima", the creator of the weapon idea and design.


    Special thanks to Shadow_of_The_Prime for helping me putting this together and cleaning it all up.


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