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Posts posted by Acquamancer

  1. After reflecting a bit on this topic, I came to the conclusion that adding matchmaking in Warframe would be interesting; not based on skill, nor level, but on lore progression. I mean, everytime the game puts a MR 4 on my squad, I feel like it's my duty not to use Operator mode, since it's going to spoil basically the biggest revelation lore-wise in the game, and that's just not cool.
    I know it's not a must, but wouldn't it feel better to divide the matchmaking in pre Second Dream and post Second Dream? This would also, indirectly, avoid future things like the rework on Ember because it was "not fun with new players" (I'm not implying that the rework was good or bad, i'm just saying that they drastically reduced her play-rate by trying to make her enjoyable in squads with new players, and just ended up shifting the "room clearing meta" to other warframes).
    So, what are your thoughts on the subject?  ^-^

  2. 11 hours ago, FrioCalor said:

    After playing this Saryn 3.5.2, I have some stuff to say.

    Well, she is better and more fun to play than 3.5, for sure. However, I have to ask this question again: What was the point of this whole rework? I mean, you did Saryn 3.0 because she was a Spore turret. Then in 3.5 you made her an energy hungry Spore turret. Now she's a Spore and Miasma turret. I mean, was all of this actually necessary? Look at Vauban, look at Nezha, look at Wukong, look at frames that actually need some urgent rework.

    Also, her 2 and 3 are still quite useless in a way. Why don't you make her Molt heal naturally? That augment is a total band-aid mod, many ppl pointed that out in this thread and you basically ignored it, lol.

    In conclusion, she's still a beast in tiny rooms with loads of enemy (Onslaught and some survivals basically) and she's still garbage in big maps with small density. It's pretty stupid the fact you guys are balancing frames around Onslaught when the biggest open world in warframe is coming somewhat soon.

    Also forgot to point out that this current damage drop (either in Onslaught portals, Nullifier bubbles or just spore decaying naturally) is still $&*&*#(%&ed. Independent if you stacked 400, 800 or 1600 damage, stepping on that portal is waving your stacks goodbye. The actual problem is that the damage falls way faster than it can stack, since you have to keep recasting 1 (and damage drops even if it's on a target with no Spores, which doesn't make sense, since you "balanced" her 1 to be spammed again). So a fix for that would either be making damage ramp up a bit faster, decrease the damage% lost on Spore recast or just reduce this insane damage drop.

    After reading some other comments in this thread and just accepting the fact you won't fix the usage of band-aid mods for some decent amount of time, you could at least make her Molt taunt enemies and increase the radius a bit. Otherwise, without Regenerative Molt, the ability is as useful as Mesa's 1st ability.

    Anyways, thanks for not leaving us with that clunky, tedious "fix" attempt it was Saryn 3.5. This new version is not perfect, but it's miles ahead of 3.5 for sure. Some more tweaks and she'll be even more enjoyable to play. However, she's still not even close to the original proposition of this whole rework (making her viable in low density, large maps).

  3. After playing this Saryn 3.5.2, I have some stuff to say.

    Well, she is better and more fun to play than 3.5, for sure. However, I have to ask this question again: What was the point of this whole rework? I mean, you did Saryn 3.0 because she was a Spore turret. Then in 3.5 you made her an energy hungry Spore turret. Now she's a Spore and Miasma turret. I mean, was all of this actually necessary? Look at Vauban, look at Nezha, look at Wukong, look at frames that actually need some urgent rework.

    Also, her 2 and 3 are still quite useless in a way. Why don't you make her Molt heal naturally? That augment is a total band-aid mod, many ppl pointed that out in this thread and you basically ignored it, lol.

    In conclusion, she's still a beast in tiny rooms with loads of enemy (Onslaught and some survivals basically) and she's still garbage in big maps with small density. It's pretty stupid the fact you guys are balancing frames around Onslaught when the biggest open world in warframe is coming somewhat soon.

  4. I don't understand what you guys are trying to do, honestly. Wasn't the point of Saryn 3.0 making Spores less spammable? At least she had a tiny sustain with Toxic Lash energy gain on 2.0, now we have 0 sustain to help keep spamming Spores. Saryn 3.0 was only unbalanced in small maps with high enemy density *cough cough* Onslaught *cough cough*, otherwise she was meh to mediocre.
     Imo you guys should go back with Saryn 3.0 or just give back TL's energy regen for 3.5. Also, why is Regenerative Molt even a mod? Her Molt is pretty useless as it is (damage is meh, range of explosion is meh compared to the rest of her hit, and now it's even less effective since it doesn't detonate with Miasma anymore). Molt should heal naturally, we lose a mod slot for something so essecial to her sustain.
    So basically, 3.0 > 2.0 >>> 3.5.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Spectre-8 said:

    Nah , too complicated for new players .

    newer players aren't quite affected by it, specially if they don't have most of the rewards the lower mission gives. so, there's no need of rushing bounties or something like that (they have the whole star chart to go through, different warframes to farm and all of that stuff as well)

  6. 1 minute ago, CapAllan said:

    I understand. But it has been this way with every syndicate. If they could farm the rep necessary over night, they'd burn through so much content rather quickly. While there could be other systems like exponential reduction in points earned after the cap, this is what we have for now. A bounty board system out on the plains would be amazing. Only time will tell if DE will add these to the game.

    idk if ostron or the quills should be considered a syndicate at all. idk, their content seems so isolated from the rest of the game, unlike the other syndicates. if removing it seems a bit too extreme, at least increasing it, kinda like the focus daily cap.

  7. so, it's been quite a few months since PoE was released and it seems to keep improving in every patch: unecessary resource costs reduced, farming efficiency increased, events, etc. however, the biggest issues that made me a bit unconfortable since the beggining are the super small daily caps and the need of early extraciton. i mean, the proposition of an open world is amazing, but the need to extract constantly to get good, constant drops (specially with this current unvault) makes it very discouraging. it ends up being extremely inefficient to simply stay in the plains after completing a bounty and do the random generated sorties (they just take too long to get generated and have pretty bad drops). i think there should be a way to just reset the bounties from inside the plains, so extracting and re-renderizing everything wouldn't give this hampered gameplay feeling. now about the daily cap: i don't think there should be any (for Ostron and the Quills in specific). after the Shrine of Eidolon update, scentient core farming was drastically buffed, but the daily cap kinda stops you from using the standing you farmed, making the whole eidolon and cetus farming way less addictive. idk, what do you feel about it?

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