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Posts posted by Gaza_Frost

  1. Well i made a support ticket and the techs said my video drivers were out of date. SO i proceeded and updated them. Guess what? I cant even run around on that mission anymore. I crash just running around. Literally operation gate CRASH? i guess i wont be playing this event. a bit saddening. First event missed since the launch of this game. SIgh. DE HELPPPPPP D:<

  2. I switched out my Excalibur for my Loki, brought along my Braton Prime/Lex Prime/Dragon Nikana setup and just crapped out another 2 times over the course of about 5 matches.  It is really starting to annoy.


    I ran with Loki/boltor prime/lex prime/dragon nikana. works perfectly fine ultil the boss section. freezes and crashes.

  3. I tried verifying cache and it didn't help. Currently redownloading the entire client through Steam. The only workaround that might work is to not go anywhere near the portal chamber and bosses. This means joing a group and essentially leeching at spawn while everyone else does the mission for you. Maybe if you are far enough, the cutscene won't try to trigger and you won't crash. I got credit for one completion while searching for the caches while someone else did the main objective. Not much of a solution though, since I want to actually play the event.


    Well that didn't work for me. I stayed back at the beginning of the mission and literally sat next to my wife watching her run the mission solo which included opening the vault and finding all 3 caches. The minute she stepped foot through the portal and ran to the boss section, that was it for me, I crashed.

  4. So about 2 hours ago after the release of update 14.7.1 my system randomly freezes then crashes during the new event. It works/worked perfectly fine before the event and even during the mission. There's just one problem, when i get to the boss section of the stage, it crashes. I've doubled checked my Machine its not overheating and its a relatively new HDD. All my drivers,OS and any programs are up to date. I've run other missions such as voids/survivals/defenses etc but for some odd reason i cant run the new mission which is a bummer. I've had the crash reporter pop up with error codes. I searched for them but nothing was found or a fix for that matter. Has anyone else encountered this problem and may have found a solution?

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