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Posts posted by Rosanna_Geal

  1. Good day all,

    Now, I do not know exactly where to put this since it falls under a bug that is relevant to Fortuna’s release, but is unrelated to anything Fortuna so I’m going to put this here and hope that an admin sees this and rectifies its placement.

    With that out of the way, I noticed some rather striking “bugs” in the form of the following.

    1.) Mecha mods are not applicable to the helminth kubrow.

    2.) Tek mods do not seem to be functioning at all for me after several tests both in and out of the simulacrum.

    3.) The bloodshed sigil does not appear to be functioning on any warframe right now.

    4.) When using Garuda’s dread mirror for its leap on an airborne target Garuda seems to teleport either across the map or through the map.

    5.) Venari does not count as having the tek mods equppied (e.g. mods on her do not count as a set).

    And those are the most pressing uses that I have come across so far. I know the lovely folks at DE are working hard to fix these issues, but I just wanted to bring these to light so that DE had something to work off as opposed blindly combing a desert with a literal comb.

    Thank you very much for your time if you are reading this and thank you to DE for their hard work and dedication.

  2. Greetings and good evening fellow void gremlins,

    So, I’ve been playing supports as my mains in video games now for about five years and in most games it’s pretty easy to understand what people want in a support, but in Warframe that decision is far harder to make. With the almost unending amount of characters that can fill in the role of support in this game and the firm understanding that a character is "good" at supporting due to differing situations it makes it very hard to know what people want out of a teammate. Which brings me to the point of this post: under any given circumstance what are the top three support Warframes would any of you want to have on your team? As a side note, what is everyone’s opinion on Octavia?

    I look forward to seeing what you all have to say on the matter and I hope to speak with you soon Tenno!

  3. Dude, this looks so, so, so good! You managed to make our delightful demonic dancer look both gorgeous and vicious, I have no words for you other then you have done a fantastic job!

  4. @FreedomWing91, 
    I could not agree more dude, every time you go into a extended duration fissure mission the only time people talk it to tell you that they have to go, what wave is the team staying 'till, or why people aren't healing them (insert Genji's "I need healing" line.). Other than that, players take the term "the daily grind" to a whole new level. Oh, also I love your reasoning for Rhino, straight forward and the total definition of a "bro". Lastly, I adore your taste in music man 80's synth music was the best, though I feel like I need to listen to some retrowave since I don't know if I've heard much, if any, of that genre


  5. Greetings fellow gremlins of the void,

    So, this entire post is really nothing more than me wanting an excuse to chat with people since the only living thing I can talk to right now is a dogo, and last time I checked German Shepard’s aren’t the most intuitive conversationalists in the world. Also, people in game never seem to want to chat. So, I suppose that a topic would be a great place to start here. . . Oh, I’ve got one, what’s everyone favorite Warframe and why? Also, if anyone feels like go a bit more in-depth, what kind of music are ya listening to right now.

    I guess since I made the thread I’ll start.

    Favorite Warframe: Octavia.

    Reason: I really like music, and the feeling of playing the game to the rhythm of a song is super cool to me. Also, I like bards/support classes so two in one.

    Music: Natewantstobattle, Sandcastle Kingdom.

  6. Greetings fellow children of the void,

    I have come to deliver onto you all a new idea for our favorite bards most melodic of tones, her most audacious of acoustics, her kingpin ability: Metronome.

    Augments Name: “Troubadour”.

    Ability augmenting: Metronome.

    Description: Upon activating Vivace, Nocturne, Opera, or Forte, produce a rejuvenating melody that heals Octavia and nearby allies by X percent of total maximum health for each buff (activated once per cast.).  

    Heal percent based on mod level:

    Rank 1: Heals 3.75% of total health.

    Rank 2: Heals 7.50% of total health.

    Rank 3: Heals 11.25% of total health.

    Rank 4: Heals 15% of total health.

  7. Well, this one I know might get me some flame, but I would have to give this place to Octavia. Reasoning would be that I just love how she makes the game so much more interactive (When not using repeating notes and min-maxing her.) and promotes the idea of players having fun and takes the focus away from mindlessly murdering everything for a bit to take in the atmosphere. Furthermore, I have always been a fan of visual like hers since there is so much to play around with and a great example of that is the sort of bard like appearance she has compared to her deluxe skins concept art making her look like a post-modern Victorian era dancer. Lastly, she has a special meaning for me due to her being a musical Warframe, and I myself play music and even plan on teaching music once I’m done college. In a way Octavia feels a bit like a teacher herself since she makes her team play along to her beat and if they fail they get a penalty of losing some progress towards her buffs. So, that’s pretty much all I’ve got. Thanks for the thread it’s been fun looking around at why people like their characters.  

  8. To whom this may concern,

    A friend of mine has recently found themselves banned. Now I will not go about preaching their innocence since I know not what they have done to deserve this ban, but I do want to ask on my friends account. How long does it normally take for DE's support staff to get back to someone since, allegedly he had contacted them about two days ago and has been met with “radio silence”? If anyone could get back to me on this one I would greatly appreciate it since I have no experience with being ban by anyone let alone DE and would love to help my friend.

    Thank you for your time.     

  9. Good evening everyone,

    So, this new line of Tennogen has been simply amazing, easily one of my favorite to date with all of the new designs looking simply amazing. This game has such a truly gifted community to be able to make such beautiful skins. Furthermore, hopefully not sounding two-faced, I do want to ask a question, has anyone else experienced issues with Equinox’s Insomnia skin? Like say for instance in the image on the steam workshop her day form has a white helmet, but in game she has a blue-ish one or her skins base color changing when you leave the arsenal.

    Thank you all very much for these amazing skins, and to anyone who answers my question.

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