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Posts posted by (PSN)Kitsune_shadow

  1. I am not sure any more. I watched 4 night survivals and watched DE reset the achievements because it didnt work. i was told it was patched and i just watched another 4 night survivals and still nothing. At this stage its probably be to give it up and try again when the ps4/Xbone comes out

  2. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Kitsune_shadow said:


    Name: Shintai

    Faction: Tenno/Orokin

    Description: A soul from the void, bound to blade by Orokin hand. A short double bladed polearm with large hook blades it may also be broken down into twin swords.

    The blades surface is adorned with glowing runes and wrapped in sacred texts.

    Due to the size and the shape of the blades they should be slower to swing and deal a good amount of slash and puncture damage.

    The polearm variation should use the "Bleeding Willow" stands while the sword variation is meant to be held towards the end of the handle and uses the Swirling Tiger stance.

    I would like to upload an actual image, but all I get is the link text. Someone help please.

  3. Shintaihttp://growlydave.deviantart.com/art/Name-Shintai-Faction-Tenno-Orokin-669384295

    Name: Shintai

    Faction: Tenno/Orokin

    Description: A soul from the void, bound to blade by Orokin hand. A short double bladed polearm with large hook blades it may also be broken down into twin swords.

    The blades surface is adorned with glowing runes and wrapped in sacred texts.

    Due to the size and the shape of the blades they should be slower to swing and deal a good amount of slash and puncture damage.

    The polearm variation should use the "Bleeding Willow" stands while the sword variation is meant to be held towards the end of the handle and uses the Swirling Tiger stance.

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