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  1. I know for a fact you keep what you already have. But imagine you as a PS player (opal is playstation right?) being able to go in the market and buy the switch twin grakata pack for example, adding to your collection of skins. That is what i am most curious about, if that will be a thing or if there's going to be a measure against that.
  2. So, i have been trying to get an answer to this one question that is burning in my brain but to no avail. When the crossplay feature is fully developed, how will it work with console exclusive stuff (like xbox's jade pack)? Will all platforms be able to buy anything? Or will you have to install warframe on that specific console you want to have a certain skin of? Will console exclusive skins and such just completely drop when the full product is released? Or will there be a measure where Warframe can detect which platform your account originates from, so you won't be able to buy exclusive skins on other consoles but the stuff you can buy from your own console? Does anyone have a clue about this?
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