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Posts posted by (XBOX)iZapThings

  1. Well once again Titania's flight controls were a copy and paste of Arch-wing controls. She is a mess to fly around. With the new change allowing us to jump in operator form while she is in razorwing was great(key word, was.)

    1)  If you are "sprinting" and jump in your operator, Titania keeps flying. She keeps going until you jump back in or she hits a de-spawn wall. 

    2}  There is no way to slow down to a stop while in toggled sprint, it is all or nothing. This makes it hard to fly around in indoor maps. This is made much worse if any sprint mods are installed. You have to either toggle sprint over and over to get around , like doors, or stay in "walking" mode. Staying in slow speed mode is terrible because if you are in a mission with others, you can not keep up and get left behind, making it a Not An Option. 

    3) This is a repeat of the last time there was an Arch-wing set of changes. Titania's flight controls were a copy of the arch-wings. The old control system of hers had to be brought back and fixed. It looks like it will need to be done again.



  2. On 2019-09-01 at 6:03 AM, Potitius said:

    this issue has alreeady been solved

    long story short: equip it on deconstructor (prime) on a MOA pet. if you want to know how to get that combo go to Vallis. head up to the profit taker and start melee attacking its legs.

    see spoilers to what this can lead as hilarity.

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    Might I ask how you got the deconstructor to work with a MOA?

  3. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    Wait, are you saying if I were to build a second Ivara, the Ivara would be able to have a different builds in her 3 mod tabs from the first one (6 total), but her bow has only 3 mod tabs universally among all Ivara bows I've built? If so I can understand OP's point better, and even agree. I just misunderstood, as I thought. I wouldn't really know since I've never done that tbh.

    yes, that is the case. I have 6 loadout for titania, but only 3 for the weapons she has. I looked at my 2 Ivaras and never noticed that was the case with her too.

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  4. I think you missed the point, I have 2 Titanias so I can forma them and build them so different that one build would not work on the other frame I own. 
    When you are in the arsenal and change from one titania to the 2nd, the Dex Pixia and Diwata stay the same, not two versions, one set for each I own.


    BlindStalker, thanks. I never noticed and thought it was strange.

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  5. I have two Titania build and forma'd, but when i go to work on the Dex Pixia or Diwata, they are the same for each frame. The reason for getting the second frame was so I could build them for completely different setups, including the weapons. This may be by design, I don't know, also don't know if other frames with Exalted Weapons are the same way.


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