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Posts posted by warmachine944isthebest

  1. I've posted about this before,no acknowledgement at all from DE. This destroys Khora's performance completely and makes her borderline unplayable. As far as I know this bug has been in the game for as long as Khora has existed so how it's still not fixed or even noticed after literal years is beyond me.

    1. Khora's fourth ability Strangledome loses its property to propagate Whipclaw's damage if the player is a client (i.e. is not hosting the mission). Not much else to say, it's consistent and very easy to test out.

    2. Strangledome drags enemies to the corner of the map sometimes. Harder to test as I only notice it if I don't host the mission, so I'm not sure if it just happens on certain tilesets or if it happens constantly but I don't notice it when I'm the host because I kill the enemies inside it with the propagating damage from Whipclaw. It's more likely that Strangledome clips with the environment on certain tilesets but I can't be sure.

  2. So, I made a post about this some time ago but it seems it was deleted. I finally took the time to make another post when I saw the new Khora augment.

    So, straight to the topic. Strangledome is very broken, and as far as I can tell the problems it has have existed since Khora was launched.

    #1: If you don't host the mission, Strangledome's ability to propagate the damage of her Whipclaw disappears. This is consistent in testing and it's a huge issue because it severely hinders her DPS.

    #2: Strangledome drags enemies to the corner of the map. I can't tell if it happens on specific tilesets bit it's very noticeable if I'm not hosting the mission. It's a much bigger problem than the fist one since it literally drags almost all of the enemies stuck into it a few hundred metres below the ground, so there's no way to kill them at all.


    You can see a bunch of damage numbers near the bottom of the stairs, this is the 'flinging' I'm talking about. There's no way to kill those enemies except to wait until the ability ends, when they're teleported back to the map.

    • Fetch doesn't work on non-host player if equipped on Venari (this was supposedly fixed in 24.0.7 but it seems it's back).
    • Strangledome drags all affected enemies to a corner of the map. I don't think it happens on all tilesets but it doesn't seem to matter if it's a more open or closed area.


    Here I've placed a strangledome on the objective, you can see damage numbers above the minimap from ragdolled enemies. This is in today's Gift of the Lotus riven alert.

    • Ragdolled enemies by Strangledome sometimes spin uncontrollably (this has been an issue for as long as I can remember).
    • I haven't had any problems with Venari's AI but I've been seeing a lot of complaints recently. Even more than usual.
    • Strangledome doesn't distribute damage from Whipclaw in some cases. Don't know when, I just know it happens sometimes and it lasts for the duration of the mission. 

    Please add more bugs you've seen, this needs visibility because Khora is just broken at the moment.

  3. The enemies don't disappear but you're sort of close. On some tilesets (at least it doesn't appear to happen all the time), the dome drags enemies to a corner of the map. So, if they die while still ragdolled by the dome, they drop items out of the map.

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