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Posts posted by ChurroBatman

  1. so i was on about a 5 day hiatus from warframe, not that long, and i had the game up to date, and encountered no issues then.


    NOW however, after returning today, i notice that whenever i try to begin a mission, be it normal mission, void, or invassion, the game crashes abruptly when the loading bar in the loading screen gets to the second R in warframe. i have tried resetting, i have tried lowering the graphics resolution, im not sure what to do. help?

  2. so this hotfix has started causing a glitch with void keys


    it doesnt seem to affect everyone, however i myself and a few other players are affected


    when hosting a lobby for a Void mission, the mission will just automatically start without the host pressing any buttons, thus making it impossible for some people to host void lobby's for multiplayer

  3. so far, after seeing all these people utilizing the new and much anticipated Necromancer warframe, i gotta say:


    He kind of sucks don't you think?


    Allow me to explain my opinion before you go raging about how "awesome" you may or may not think he is.


    his abilities seem to be pretty bad, and almost insulting to the overall necromancer name to me, as only one of them is truly unique, being desecrate and unfortunately its the one ability that makes almost no sense for a necromancer to have.


    Soul Punch is basically a slightly buffed shock with no resistances, or advantages. shock has always been a questionable ability to begin with, but soul punch came in and did the same thing only better 


    Terrify makes some sense to have on a necromancer, but all it does is similar to radial blind. alright utility for endless defense missions, and possibly running away, but that seems to be one of Nekros only good traits as he isn't very tanky


    Desecrate is an ability that just makes me say "oh god why". this is because its not a completely useful ability as corpses disappear relatively quickly, and in the higher levels of the game hardly helps whatsoever. sure we may get like, one or two more mods, and i'll admit, i kind of wanted a warframe that could be a good scavenger, but this guy is nowhere near what i had in mind.


    and Shadows of the Dead. oh how you sound so awesome yet how terrible you actually are. this ability is more or less a more difficult to use Chaos from Nyx, meaning it has almost the same effect as an ability that costs less energy as well as effort to actually use. I actually find Nyx much more reliable than Nekros, as psychic bolts outclasses soul punch in my opinion, being the only 100% offensive ability they respectively own


    OH and did i forget to mention how obnoxiously Difficult and time consuming it is to obtain Nekros without buying him with platinum? all this grinding for a warframe who in the end wasn't worth the effort?


    yeah, i think our totally awesome looking buddy here got the short end of the stick in terms of abilities. 


    OH RIGHT let me also mention how Nekros is the only warframe who has no beneficial alternate equipment even nova has at least one, and im aware it was said in the livestream that you dont want any future helmets to have stat modifiers, but at least be fair to Nekros and give him at least one helmet with stats so we can change up his play style a bit.


    Sorry Nekros, you look awesome, have an awesome set of ability names, but you were screwed over in the end

  4. now i know, frost is already an amazing warframe, a big fan favorite, and the best defensive tank in the entire game, but i think that he needs a little bit of love for his offensive abilities.

    when you see certain powers in this game, in addition to dealing a massive amount of damage (most of which isnt resisted by armor >.>) most ultimates have a unique attribute which makes them stand out, for example: 


    Crush=massive range, stuns foes for quite some time, base 1000 damage

    Molecular Prime= gives enemies a debuff and makes them more vulnerable to damage, plus explosions

    Rhino Stomp= enemies that dont die from it's initial damage 1k are stunned in stasis for awhile

    Radial Javelin= multiple javelins can hit a single target *coughbulletattractorcough*


    so what i propose is that the "frozen" status in the game have a slight buff in terms of vulnerability to certain forms of damage. im thinking maybe an aversion to fire, which would make sense, as well as shatter the shatter the frozen status entirely, so they gain an X% amount of weakness to fire ignoring armor. i also ask for a weakness to melee damage, as frozen things can shatter of course, and i think a big slice like you see in the Warframe PS4 trailer by excalibur would be completely understandable, as well as useful for finishing off enemies (seeing as how freeze only hits 1 target at a time)


    with that said, i think that avalanche should gain another secondary effect instead of just doing the damage it does,which after a certain point, can only destroy shields. what i thought for avalanche was to change the damage timing on  it, so that there was an initial impact damage, and anything that didnt shatter from it, received a frozen status, and remain that way for several seconds.


    thats all, i just hope my concerns about frost get understood in some way or another, because i'd like it if he were a bit more of a team player other than just leaving snow globes all over the place



  5. sounds to me like you're getting trolled by an overconfident player, trust me, its no better than a vauban who throws bounce pads on your butt. 

    you just need to learn to deal with it, or become a decent enough player to not care what others do and save them if it gets the, killed

  6. necro seems like a really cool idea, and warframe in all, but my concerns about his abilities are about how useful they will actually be.


    for example: for clone the dead, how long will it last? will things still try to kill you personally, and will the reanimated be buffed? because if they arent, it seems pointless as it would be the same exact thing as chaos, except the undead wont try to hit you back if you get too close (not to mention chaos takes less energy). 

    in addition, loot the dead seems like it may have been a good idea, but for all the ways around the need of loot you guys have introduced, such as the recent equilibrium, or even the ammo mutation mods, this ability seems ultimately useless (unless it makes more resources and mods drop, in which case ignore this point completely).

    my last concern, is his actual ability to kill things in order to even use clone the dead effectively. since he lacks any other direct damage abilities, im hoping soul punch has enough potential to kill like a slash dash would, otherwise building up kills to even use his ulti would seem more like a chore rather than a quick way to kill everything in a room.

    i have high hopes for this warframe as he looks AMAZING, but his powers dont sound too great all in all, with the exception of terror totem, which sounds like a great utility

  7. also, prior to the most recent hotfix, i dont know if this was fixed in 9.1.3, but when i played vampire mode it wasnt that the health drain was too fast, its that there was no health regain from getting kills anymore

  8. Idea: Remove Vampire all together and do something different for Nightmare mode.


    Not all frames have the same amount of health. This means that more fragile frames (like Nova and Loki) are more susceptable to dying between fights.


    The whole health drain mechanic is terrible IMHO.


    You might try draining Energy instead of Health, and doubling the amount of enemies.

    well if you ever noticed the haelth drain is proportional to your health total, so everyone is actually dieing at the same rate, and if you're that concerned about weaker warframes getting killed, theres a reason that you dont see loki's running into the middle of a room full of baddies like a rhino would

  9. Sorry, you seem to have edited your post.

    That's cute.

    "Healing large amounts of health is not a very good idea. At low levels, it's easy-ish to regenerate health because those are the level devs expect new players to play at; it provides new players with a buffer to develop their skills at, before they become skilled enough to be able to challenge the game without that buffer."

    it's just a mere translation, nothing more.

    Renkai, going hard, and taking names

  10. Well I do enjoy circular arguments. They take so much less effort than actually trying to convince people.


    I am not missing your point; I am disagreeing with it. I have already stated why.

    you stated why you disagreed as if i were saying that there should be a regenerating constant rate of health coming back in, something that would pretty much defeat the whole purpose of shields.no, that is stupid, like you've been saying. you're arguing with something that i never claimed to want by starting the topic


    EDIT: im getting tired of arguing on the forums though, what really matters is what developers think, and i'll leave it at that

  11. Hey, that's not true.


    ... People use Enemy Radar, too.


    Although my point was still that health regeneration is pointless when you already have a regenerating health pool. The health orbs are the closest you'll get to a regenerating static health pool because the entire point of the static health pool is that it only goes down if you're @(*()$ up- and the devs don't particularly want to make it easy to recover from your F***-ups, as that makes challenge essentially worthless.

    you're completely missing my initial point here, all i said is that items and health orbs become either trivial to use or worthless on later levels, and that they should restore hp proportional to how much your maximum hp is, i dont want them to completely revamp the entire shield vs. health system, what i want is a better way for people to recover using the current system, because for lower players, 25 per orb and 100 per item is either a bit much, or enough, but on later levels both seem to be so little it makes hardly any kind of dent at all in your 300 hp or higher

  12. How is it meaningless, it depletes faster as it recharges faster than anything else {except stamina}, just make the health regenerate really really slow when you're not in battle, would that really be so bad? As far as I can tell, the only thing it makes meaningless is the silly health ball drops.

    yeah, i dont think flat out regeneration outside of using rejuvenation is too much of a good idea, because that would make the game too easy. i'd stick to the percentage increase from balls and items as opposed to flat out restoration 

  13. My point is that it's pointless, though. It makes shields meaningless; they're already there to provide you with a source of health you can use to "regenerate". Allowing you to regenerate health to a significant degree renders shields pointless.

    ah, but the fact that shields are so much more dependable than health is what renders the whole use of an armor rating system useless. you can't point out one being entirely useless without making the other seem useless. the entire point of what im saying is that shields shouldnt be the only logical thing to buff out in order to tank well

  14. I've never seen my HP get touched in Grineer missions....


    Only time it ever drops is due to Ancient Disruptors.


    Sheild becomes really OP if you upgrade it. (Or just use Shade)

    and there lies the problem, with the shields being a more reliable source for well, any kind of fighting, it kind of removes the entire point of having HP, and Armor rating mods, health is so much more of a hassle to maintain and keep up than shields that it completely defeats the purpose of having an armor rating even

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