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Posts posted by ProfessorHadz

  1. On 2018-10-21 at 9:30 PM, DarkMarkX said:

    You're trying to use mass vitrify way too fast, you need to stay in the animation for a second or so usually for the buff to refresh, which matters even more if you're not the host due to lag. I've played gara quite a bit and I've never had issues with refreshing the splinter storm buff, because I don't cancel mass vitrify instantly.

    Basically, you have to wait for the walls from MV to actually appear, because that's the part that refreshes splinter storm, not just using the skill.

    Still seems like a pretty S#&$ty way to play it considering the longer you hold it the more energy is drained

  2. I am running into these bugs as well and some other game breaking ones w/ Mass Vitrify @Boxfacekiller. I put a post up recently about it, but will post here to see if you've had this also:


    The problem is maybe 50-60% of the time, her Ultimate(Mass Vitrify) does not reset the counter on her 2(Splinter Storm) and then a plethora of other bugs occur. When Ult is casted, it consumes energy, doesn't reset SS, doesn't work as a damage protection, but works as a block, 1(Lance) CANNOT break her Ults wall at ANY distance whether outside or in. I've seen this happen from 563 energy down to 0 which is roughly 10 - 11 casts and not a single one would reset my 2(SS). While you can argue bad RNG, this almost seems game breaking for Gara as I myself have lost 100-400k dmg stacks on my 2(SS) multiple times in higher level survivals.


  3. Hi All,

    I recently picked up Gara and love her play style. The problem is maybe 50-60% of the time, her Ultimate(Mass Vitrify) does not reset the counter on her 2(Splinter Storm) and then a plethora of other bugs occur. When Ult is casted, it consumes energy, doesn't reset SS, doesn't work as a damage protection, but works as a block, 1(Lance) CANNOT break her Ults wall at ANY distance whether outside or in. I've seen this happen from 563 energy down to 0 which is roughly 10 - 11 casts and not a single one would reset my 2(SS). While you can argue bad RNG, this almost seems game breaking for Gara as I myself have lost 100-400k dmg stacks on my 2(SS) multiple times in higher level survivals.

    Has this occurred for anyone else? Any idea for a fix?

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